The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
методическая разработка по английскому языку (8 класс)

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Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

Слайд 2

Political Outlook 3 4 5 Cities 3 4 5 Sightseeings 3 4 5 Art 3 4 5 Holidays & traditions 3 4 5

Слайд 3

What is the form of the government in the UK?

Слайд 4

Constitutional monarchy

Слайд 5

Who is the prime minister of the UK?

Слайд 6

Boris Johnson

Слайд 7

How many Houses does the British Parliament consist of? Name them

Слайд 8

The House of Lords The House of Commons Two Houses

Слайд 9

Where is the Loch Ness situated?

Слайд 10

In the Scottish Highlands

Слайд 11

What is the historical centre of London and one of the biggest financial centres of the world?

Слайд 12

The City

Слайд 13

Name three largest cities in Wales

Слайд 14

Cardiff Swansea Newport

Слайд 15

Big Ben, What is it?

Слайд 16

"Big Ben” is actually the main bell.

Слайд 17

What is the Irish UNESCO World Heritage Site?

Слайд 18

The Giant's Causeway

Слайд 19

Which place was built by the Romans to protect the British colony from tribes in Scotland?

Слайд 20

Hadrian's Wall

Слайд 21

Where were "The Beatles" born?

Слайд 22

In Liverpool

Слайд 23

Who is the most popular British graffiti artist in the world?

Слайд 24


Слайд 25

Give three names of the most famous British writers.

Слайд 26

William Shakespeare, JK Rolling, JRR Tolkien, Charles Dickens, Agatha Christie, Lord Byron, Jane Austen, Lewis Carroll, Charlotte Bronte

Слайд 27

What are the traditional Scottish fabric, clothes and instrument?

Слайд 28

Bagpipe Tartan Kilt

Слайд 29

What is the name of Scottish games where people toss the log, test their skill with weapons?

Слайд 30

Highland Games

Слайд 31

What year did Guy Fawkes try to explode the Parliament?

Слайд 32


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