Грамматика английского языка-Past Simple Tense.
методическая разработка по английскому языку (5 класс)

Упражнения для отработки прошедшего простого времени.


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Предварительный просмотр:

                                    PAST SIMPLE TENSE.

  1.             Заполните таблицу. Первая строчка дана в качестве примера:




Прошедшее время


Прошедшее время


1.to see

I saw

Did I see?

I didn’t see

  1. To dance

  1. To come

  1. To know

  1. To understand

  1. To go

  1. To speak

  1. To do

  1. To think

  1. To buy

  1. To drink

  1. To pay

  1. To get

  1. To wear

  1. To say

  1. To eat

  1. To become

  1. To burn

  1. To learn

  1. To play

  1. To lead

  1. To build

  1. To take

1.Поставьте глагол в простое прошедшее время:

  1. This seems quite easy.
  2. He never dries his hands carefully on the towel.
  3. My cat likes fish.
  4. That sounds funny.
  5. The students go to the class every week-day.
  6. I often see aeroplanes  flying over my house.
  7. We understand the story quite well.
  8. The children eat too many ices.
  9. This artist draws very good pictures.
  10. That is what Hob says.
  1. Образуйте  вопросительную форму:
  1. The students were in Mr. Green's study.
  2. He could see the plane in the sky.
  3. He saw the kite in the sky.
  4. The students went to the class yesterday.
  5. We liked our holidays in Scotland.
  6. He walked all day without feeling tired.
  7. They climbed the big mountains last year.
  8. He paid the tailor for the suit.
  9. Pedro wore his new suit.
  10. Hob told a funny story.
  1. Образуйте отрицательную форму:

1.Hob answered all the questions.

2. The boys and girls bathed in the sea every day last year.

3.Hellen bought a new dress.

4. I drank my cup of tea.

5. The boy took the letter in his hand.

6. The cook made breakfast early in the morning.

7. The students went to Mr. Green’s house yesterday.

8. The waiters put the cups on the tables.

9. They all understood the lesson.

10. They saw Helen in Paris.

   3.        Перепишите текст, заменяя настоящее время глаголов на прошедшее:

               Helen points to the tree, and Tom looks up there. He sees Helen’s cat high up in the tree. It can’t get down and is looking as unhappy as Helen is. Tom goes over the garden wall and climbs up the tree and carries the cat down safely. Helen is so pleased to get her cat again that she puts her arms round Tom’s neck and gives him a kiss. This pleases Tom very much. This is certainly what he likes. He wants the cat to climb up the tree every day. So that night he waits until it is dark and then he climbs the tree. He carries a hammer and nails and a fish in his hand. He knows that cats like fish so he nails the fish to the tree.  If the cat goes up the tree the next day, he hopes to get another kiss.

По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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