Методическая разработка по теме "Артикли" (8 класс, углубленный уровень)
методическая разработка по английскому языку (8 класс)

Кочмар Виктория Евгеньевна

Методическая разработка для работы в классе или дома. Отработка темы "Артикли" в 8 классе.


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Предварительный просмотр:

Fill in a, an, the, some, or - (no article).

1. I usually read books for about …… hour …… day.

2. This is …..… book that you wanted.

3. Do you still live in ..…. Bristol?

4. I eat …..… egg for ..…. breakfast every day.

5. …… Carol's father is …….. electrician.

6. Can you please return …… pencil I gave you yesterday?

7. …… Ben's sister has …..… terrible headache.

8. After this tour you have ..…… whole afternoon free to explore the city.

9. ..…… Moscow is ..…… largest city in ..…… Russia. 

10. There are ..……. flowers in ..……. vase.

11. I bought ..…… new shirt yesterday.

12. There is ..…… old lady in ..…… room.

13. ..…… very good way to improve your English is to read ..…… books.

14.  Look! There's ..…… cat on the roof. ..…… cat is going to jump.

15. It was ..…… wonderful day. There wasn’t ..…… cloud in ..…… sky.

16. Have you ever seen  ..…… ghost?

17. ..…… last question in the quiz was ..…… most difficult.

18. ..…… last year we travelled to ..…… Spain.

19. We enjoyed swimming in ..….. Mediterranean Sea.

20. …… history of ……… Tower of London is very cruel.

21. They studied  ..…… geology of ……… Sahara Desert.

22. ..…… Nile is ..…… very beautiful river.

23. ..…… Ben Nevis is ..…… highest mountain on ..…… British Isles.

24. We spent two weeks on ..…… Canary islands.

25. .…… UK includes ..…… England, ..…… Scotland, ..…… Wales, and ..…… Northern Ireland.

26. .…… Prince Philip died ..…… last Friday.

27. …… Nick wakes up at 7 o’clock in ..…… morning.

28. ..…… sun rises in ..…… east and sets in ..…… west.

29. He has been sent to ..…… prison recently.

30. Do you still go to ..…… church every Sunday?

31. They are going to build ..…… church here.

32. She learnt to play ..…… piano at ..…… age of 4.

33. The boys are playing ..…… football now.

34. Bill wants to learn ..…… Chinese language.

35. What ……. exciting film!

36. What ……. beautiful flowers!

37. What ……. funny story!

38. ……. Otises moved from …… USA to ……. England.

39. When I was in …… London I visited ……. Hyde Park.

40. …… Europe Hotel is near ……. Russian Museum.

Fill in a, an, the, some, or - (no article).

1. I usually read books for about …… hour …… day.

2. This is …..… book that you wanted.

3. Do you still live in ..…. Bristol?

4. I eat …..… egg for ..…. breakfast every day.

5. …… Carol's father is …….. electrician.

6. Can you please return …… pencil I gave you yesterday?

7. …… Ben's sister has …..… terrible headache.

8. After this tour you have ..…… whole afternoon free to explore the city.

9. ..…… Moscow is ..…… largest city in ..…… Russia. 

10. There are ..……. flowers in ..……. vase.

11. I bought ..…… new shirt yesterday.

12. There is ..…… old lady in ..…… room.

13. ..…… very good way to improve your English is to read ..…… books.

14.  Look! There's ..…… cat on the roof. ..…… cat is going to jump.

15. It was ..…… wonderful day. There wasn’t ..…… cloud in ..…… sky.

16. Have you ever seen  ..…… ghost?

17. ..…… last question in the quiz was ..…… most difficult.

18. ..…… last year we travelled to ..…… Spain.

19. We enjoyed swimming in ..….. Mediterranean Sea.

20. …… history of ……… Tower of London is very cruel.

21. They studied  ..…… geology of ……… Sahara Desert.

22. ..…… Nile is ..…… very beautiful river.

23. ..…… Ben Nevis is ..…… highest mountain on ..…… British Isles.

24. We spent two weeks on ..…… Canary islands.

25. .…… UK includes ..…… England, ..…… Scotland, ..…… Wales, and ..…… Northern Ireland.

26. .…… Prince Philip died ..…… last Friday.

27. …… Nick wakes up at 7 o’clock in ..…… morning.

28. ..…… sun rises in ..…… east and sets in ..…… west.

29. He has been sent to ..…… prison recently.

30. Do you still go to ..…… church every Sunday?

31. They are going to build ..…… church here.

32. She learnt to play ..…… piano at ..…… age of 4.

33. The boys are playing ..…… football now.

34. Bill wants to learn ..…… Chinese language.

35. What ……. exciting film!

36. What ……. beautiful flowers!

37. What ……. funny story!

38. ……. Otises moved from …… USA to ……. England.

39. When I was in …… London I visited ……. Hyde Park.

40. …… Europe Hotel is near ……. Russian Museum.

Fill in a, an, the, some, or - (no article).

1. I usually read books for about …… hour …… day.

2. This is …..… book that you wanted.

3. Do you still live in ..…. Bristol?

4. I eat …..… egg for ..…. breakfast every day.

5. …… Carol's father is …….. electrician.

6. Can you please return …… pencil I gave you yesterday?

7. …… Ben's sister has …..… terrible headache.

8. After this tour you have ..…… whole afternoon free to explore the city.

9. ..…… Moscow is ..…… largest city in ..…… Russia. 

10. There are ..……. flowers in ..……. vase.

11. I bought ..…… new shirt yesterday.

12. There is ..…… old lady in ..…… room.

13. ..…… very good way to improve your English is to read ..…… books.

14.  Look! There's ..…… cat on the roof. ..…… cat is going to jump.

15. It was ..…… wonderful day. There wasn’t ..…… cloud in ..…… sky.

16. Have you ever seen  ..…… ghost?

17. ..…… last question in the quiz was ..…… most difficult.

18. ..…… last year we travelled to ..…… Spain.

19. We enjoyed swimming in ..….. Mediterranean Sea.

20. …… history of ……… Tower of London is very cruel.

21. They studied  ..…… geology of ……… Sahara Desert.

22. ..…… Nile is ..…… very beautiful river.

23. ..…… Ben Nevis is ..…… highest mountain on ..…… British Isles.

24. We spent two weeks on ..…… Canary islands.

25. .…… UK includes ..…… England, ..…… Scotland, ..…… Wales, and ..…… Northern Ireland.

26. .…… Prince Philip died ..…… last Friday.

27. …… Nick wakes up at 7 o’clock in ..…… morning.

28. ..…… sun rises in ..…… east and sets in ..…… west.

29. He has been sent to ..…… prison recently.

30. Do you still go to ..…… church every Sunday?

31. They are going to build ..…… church here.

32. She learnt to play ..…… piano at ..…… age of 4.

33. The boys are playing ..…… football now.

34. Bill wants to learn ..…… Chinese language.

35. What ……. exciting film!

36. What ……. beautiful flowers!

37. What ……. funny story!

38. ……. Otises moved from …… USA to ……. England.

39. When I was in …… London I visited ……. Hyde Park.

40. …… Europe Hotel is near ……. Russian Museum.

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