контрольные работы 5 класс Кузовлев
тест по английскому языку (5 класс)

Овчаренко Юлия Сергеевна

контрольные работы 5 класс Кузовлев


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Предварительный просмотр:

Control work №1

  1. Mark the following sentences with “T” if the information is true or “F” if it is false.
  1. Kerry has to go to the swimming pool.
  2. Kerry’s parents may not know where she is sometimes.
  3. Kerry has some chores to do at home.
  4. Kerry’s parents are strict about watching TV.
  5. Kerry’s parents are not strict about watching TV.
  6. Perhaps Kerry’s family will go to Jamaica in summer.
  1. For questions 1-4, choose the correct answer a or b.

    My sister always spends a lot of time on the computer and I don’t have the time. I don’t think that’s fair. What should I do? Ann B., Norwich.

    Your sister may spend longer hours on the computer because of her schoolwork. If she is older than you, she may have more difficult homework to do.

    You should talk to your parents and your sister. Tell your parents how you feel. They may not know that your sister spends a longer time on the computer, or they may think it is fair.

    Computers are interesting and it’s easy to forget about the time when you are on the Internet or playing a game. Some families buy a timer. Then all people in the family can get a bit of computer time.

  1. What is the girl’s problem?
  1. Her sister is not fair.
  2. Her sister uses the computer longer.
  1. Why is it happening?
  1. Perhaps the girl’s homework is easier than her sister’s homework.
  2. Perhaps the girl’s has to do a lot of chores about the house.
  1. What tips can be useful for the girl?
  1. To talk with the parents about the problem.
  2. To forget about the problem.
  1. What do the parents think about the problem?
  1. Perhaps they don’t think it is good.
  2. Perhaps they don’t know about the problem.

Control work №2

  1. Fill in the gaps in the sentences with the words. (Заполните пропуски в предложениях словами
  1. Choir                                                        h) graffiti
  2. Secondhand                                              i) neighbourhood
  3. Invitations                                                j) water
  4. Pick up                                                     k) folk
  5. Leaves                                                      l) local
  6. Soft
  7. Elderly

  1. The children washed off ___________ from the houses in Green Street.
  2. Last year the pupils worked a lot. They helped rake _________ in the schoolyard and _________ flowers.
  3. They visited children at the ________ hospital and gave them ________ toys.
  4. There is a lake in the town. The pupils helped ______ litter near it last summer and helped clean up the _____.
  5. Pupils of the 1st form collected ________ books for the local hospital.
  6. The school _____ won first prize at the singing competition.
  7. A lot of ______ people got _____ for the concert.
  8. The children performed ______ dances and songs at the concert.

  1. Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the verbs. Present Perfect. (Заполните пропуски глаголами в правильной форме)

  1. John _________ his homework.                                                             do
  2.   I ________Moscow this year.                                                              visit
  3.  My brother ______ football for 3 years.                                                practice
  4. We _____ many soft toys for children.                                                  sew
  5. Our class ______ up the litter in the local park this week.                     Pick

Control work №3

Say about your favourite holiday.

  • Do you like holidays?
  • What holidays do you like?
  • When do you celebrate this holiday?
  • What do you do this holiday?

Control work № 4

Write to you pen friend a letter about future travelling.

-when are you going to take a trip?

-where are you going to come?

- what are you going to do there?

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