презентация Добро пожаловать на остров знаний
методическая разработка по английскому языку (10 класс)

Цховребова Зинаида Владимировна



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Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

Welcome to the Knowledge Islands! Prezentacii.com Teacher : Z.V. Tskhovrebova 2016

Слайд 2

It’s fantastic! It‘s so cool! We are pupils, we are at school, We can read because we know every letter. We can learn without rest. We can stand the reading test As we try to know English never better.

Слайд 3

Make a Cluster 1.Toys 2. Parts of the Body 3 . Actions 4. Colors

Слайд 4

I. The «Tongue Twister» Island

Слайд 5

1. Swan Swim over the sea Swim, swan, swim Swan swam back again Well swum, swan. 2.A big black bug bit a big black dog on his big black nose!

Слайд 6

II .The “Grammar Island”

Слайд 7

1. Give plural forms of the words A toy A pen A cat A bag A book A tree A fox A bench

Слайд 8

2. Label the Picture

Слайд 9

3. Fill in the gaps with am, is, are I … OK. My sister … 10. They … English It … not cold. The rose … red. You … from Russia. My dad and mum… busy. She … hungry.

Слайд 10

3.Fill in the gaps with am, is, are You...OK. I…a pupil. She…ten. They…happy. It…a cat.

Слайд 11

4.Use these words to make up sentences. 1) are, My mother, 45, father, and. 2) have, I, a cat, got. 3) are, How, you? 4) am, I, fine. 5) good, He, at, is, school .

Слайд 12

5.Correct the mistakes 1) Ann and Mike is friends. 2) My fish am yellow and red. 3) We English are. 4) I have got a book s .

Слайд 13

6. Put articles a/an She is ……….. singer. It is …………animal. It is ………….funny animal. It is …………bird. It is ………….interesting bird.

Слайд 14

7. Write pronouns Tom _____ People ____ book _____ Linda _____ Linda and I ______ Linda and Tom _____

Слайд 15

III . Let’s Relax Hands up! Hands down! Hands up! Hands down! Hands up! Clap! Clap! Hands down! Hop! Hop! Hands on hips! Bend left! Bend right! Bend left! Bend right! Clap! Clap! Stand still! Sit down, please!

Слайд 16

IV. The “Lexical Island”

Слайд 17

1 . Add one more word to these lists? 1) spring, autumn, summer, w … 2) grandfather, grandmother, mother, f … 3) hockey, baseball, volleyball, f … 4) August, September, October, N … 5) driver, teacher, artist, d …

Слайд 18

2. Match the two parts of each word. Rab – ots Sum– ve Rub - cil Ci – bit Twel – ber Bo – ty Pen - mer

Слайд 19

Crocodile, tiger, better. Elephant, mouse, meet. 3. Spell the words

Слайд 20

4.Decode the words i g r t e – a b t r b i – o d g – r o d c o i c l e – a t p h e l e n – w o c – r o f g – o n e y m k –

Слайд 21

5. Give the opposites white – big – good – summer – cold- happy – yes – long– boy- nice-

Слайд 22

6. Find the numbers f iveosixht r helevenoe e ightiten oettenione nufifteenki ve twen t y ig ut hirtee n bu rw sevent y r en ine o two м f ninee seven t

Слайд 23

cat – net - hot - boy - pen - doll - rose - my - 7.“A Rhyming Twin”

Слайд 24

V . The “Riddles’ Island”

Слайд 25

1.I’m big. I’m grey. My nose is long. My tail is short I’m an … . 2.I’m little. I’m grey. My nose is short. My tail is long. I’m a … .

Слайд 26

3. I’m small. I’m white. My nose is black. My ears are long. I like carrots. I’m a … . 4. I’m big. I’m red. My tail is long. I like cockerels and hens. I’m a … .

Слайд 27

Sing a song

Слайд 28

VI . The “Chat Island”

Слайд 29

1.What would you like?

Слайд 30

1.Where would you like to go?

Слайд 31

1.What can you do?

Слайд 32

Match the Words Oh, yes. Я голодный. No, thanks . Угощайся. I like meat. О, да. I am full. Нет, спасибо. I am hungry. Я люблю мясо. Help yourself. Я сыт.

Слайд 33

Ann: Would you like some cheese, please? Bob: Oh, yes. I like cheese and bread. Ann: Here you are. Help yourself. Bob: Thank you. May I take a sweet? Ann: Sure, take it, please. Would you like some jam? Bob: I am sorry, I don’t like jam. I like red apples. Ann: Help yourself to the apples, please. Bib: Thank you.

Слайд 34

The End

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