Spotlight 10 презентация my_friend_needs_a_teacher (29.11.21)
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (10 класс)

Spotlight 10 презентация my_friend_needs_a_teacher (29.11.21)


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Слайд 1

encourage: independently: journalism: business studies: experience: chat: report card: depend on: expect: cheerleading: debating: committee: Vocabulary inspire with confidence on your own; without outside help the profession/study of writing or reporting news stories for the media a school subject that deals with all aspects of business happen to you; go through unique: special Talk the piece of paper upon which a student’s school grades are written determined by to believe something will happen dance and gymnastics performed to encourage crowds to cheer on sports teams a formal discussion on a particular topic an organisation of people set up to promote sth

Слайд 2

What topic unites the pictures?

Слайд 4

Read and discuss A All children in the world should be able to go to school Teachers do a very hard job and should be paid well All children should expect to be helped when they have difficulties at school Classes should not have more than 30 students

Слайд 5

Reading p.58,ex.2 Who is the letter to? Who is the letter from? Where is the writer? To all the pupils and teachers at Mill House Secondary School, Greetings from Brazil! I've been here for just a week, but already I have so much to share with you about the children and teachers I've met here! What is the letter about? What do you expect to read? Are the children that Mrs Myles met receiving a good education? Why/ Why not?

Слайд 6

Vocabulary Share with Conditions Expected Well-paid Rent Tough Sponsored events Raise money Put them into action if you share sth with somebody, you both have it, use it, or occupy it the state sth is in Hoped/ wanted/ anticipated receiving a lot of money for the job p erformed money paid to stay in a house/flat per week/month difficult planned or organised occasion, held to raise money for to collect cash for a specific purpose make sth happen; set in motion

Слайд 7

Imagine you are Mrs Da Silva or Eliane and tell your partner about your school, feelings and hopes.

Слайд 8

learn to read and write, have employment opportunities, make friends Listening. A Child’s right to a free education Benefits of going to school Problems some children have Who can help no school, one school and one teacher for all ages, large class sizes, no friends governments, the media, us

Слайд 9

What problem does the photo illustrate?

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