Present Simple упражнения для 5 класса
учебно-методический материал по английскому языку (5 класс)

Упражнения для тренировки или проверочной работы при изучении времени Present Simple


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Предварительный просмотр:

Present Simple.

  1. Put the verbs in correct form.
  • Kate (to drink) tea every morning.
  • We (to play) football every day.
  • He (to be) a pupil.  
  • My sister (to get up) at 7 o’clock.
  • They (to leave) home at 8.30 every morning.
  • My mother (to be) busy on Sunday.
  • We (to arrive) home late.
  • The children always (to do) homework.
  • They (to read) the newspapers every evening.
  • We often (to drink) tea together.
  • She (to have)a new dress.
  1. Make sentences negative.
  • I  run very fast.
  • He runs very fast too. .
  • We often  sleep in the garden.
  • Her sister leaves home early.
  • Sally opens the window in her room when it is hot.
  • Mr. Bay often  goes to the cinema with his son.
  • My Mammy  swims very well.
  • We swim well too.
  • She always makes a lot of mistakes.
  • The Olympic Games take place every 5 years.  

 Put do or does.

  • The Dillons …n’t live at 45 Green Street.
  • …She come home late?
  • We … n’t   do homework every evening.
  • …. They get up early?
  • …my brother visit our grandmother every Sunday?
  • He … n’t know these rules.
  • My parents … n’t work at this plant.
  • The girl …n’t play the piano.
  • Our friends … n’t like reading.
  • These boys … n”t play football.
  1. Ask the common questions.
  • Не reads   books almost every day.
  • She  does her home work properly.
  • My mother knits very well.
  • I  often write  letters to my friends.
  • They  play football very well.
  • It  snows all winters here.
  • We  have dinner at 2 o’clock almost every day.
  • It  rains all days in Summer.
  • You usually  tell an interesting stories.
  • The girl draws  the nice pictures at her  lessons on Art.
  1. Ask the alternative  questions.
  •  My sister  gets up at eight o'clock.
  •  We  go to school in the afternoon.
  •  Jane is fond of sports.
  •  She  does her morning exercises every day.
  • They have two eggs, a sandwich and a cup of tea for breakfast.
  • It takes him two hours to do his homework.
  •  My friends speak  French well.
  •  My working day  begins at seven o'clock.
  •  My father and I  leave home at eight o'clock.
  • He  takes  a bus to his office
  1. Ask the special  questions.
  • Kate reads a lot of books.
  • He works in the bank.
  • I watch TV every day.
  • They live in England.
  • My mother  teaches  children.
  • We play tennis every weekend.
  • The film finishes at 10 o’clock.
  • They go to Moscow almost every summer.
  • We start work at 8.30.
  • I enjoy playing darts.
  1. Put the questions to the subject.
  • Tom usually helps about the house.
  • They speak a lot of languages.
  • The smith works with  metal.
  • Potters make nice things
  • They discus a lot of questions every meetings.
  • I usually play tennis with my friends.
  • The competitions take place almost every month.
  • He goes to the seaside every Summer.
  • Our headmaster comes to school early.
  • The students pass exams twice a year.
  1. Ask the special questions? Using the words from the gaps.
  • Paul plays tennis very well. (How)
  • Many birds fly south every summer. (How often)
  • Jack usually goes to work on Saturdays. ( When)
  • France has a lot of high mountains. (What)
  • You always wear glasses. (What)
  • Most of the students study well. (How many)
  • He thinks that school is boring.(Who)
  • The Volga flows into the Caspian Sea. (Where)
  • We drink coffee vey often. (Who)
  • My children usually skate on the skating ring in our yard. (Whose)
  1. Ask the tag questions.
  • Kate  drinks tea every morning.
  • We don’t play football every day.
  • He is not a pupil.  
  • My sister  gets up at 7 o’clock.
  • They  leave home at 8.30 every morning.
  • My mother is busy on Sunday.
  • We don’t arrive home late.
  • The children always  do homework.
  • They don’t read the newspapers every evening.
  • We often  drink tea together.
  • She doesn’t have a new dress.
  1. Translate from Russian into English
  • Он ходит на курсы в будни.
  • Мы принимаем душ в 7 утра.
  • Они просыпаются с мыслью об английском каждое утро.
  • Я стараюсь не думать об этом.
  • Ты довольно часто уходишь из дома после 8ми.
  • Он решает очень важную проблему.
  • Она всегда наблюдает за водителем такси.
  • Мы постоянно представляем свой будущий дом.
  • Они бегло говорят по-английски.
  • Я прекрасно формулирую свои мысли.
  • Ты обычно обо всем забываешь.
  • Она учит английский каждый день. 

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