The Present Simple_упражнения
презентация к уроку по теме

Диамандопуло Ирина Владимировна

The Present Simple_упражнения


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Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

3 класс Present Simple

Слайд 2

Утвердительное предложение. I We They play . You He She play S . it 1. He ( to sleep) in the forest. 2.It (to like)fish. 3.They (to eat) ice cream every day. 4. I ( to jump) in the forest. 5.She (to play) football. 6.It (to drink) milk. 7.You (to help) my friend. 8.He (to run) in the park. 9. She (to have) got 2 friends. 10.We (swim) in the sea.

Слайд 3

Воросительные предложения? you Do we play ? I they he Does she play ? it …. you like ice cream? …… he live in the park? … fly well? 4. …. you teach your pupils? 5. …. he swim in the sea? 6. … they work in the school? 7. …. we play football?

Слайд 4

Отрицательные предложения I We They don’t play . You He She doesn’t play . it Запомни! Do not = do n’t Does not = does n’t 1. 1. He ( not to sleep) in the forest. 2.It (not to like)fish. 3.They ( not to eat) ice cream every day. 4. I ( not to jump) in the forest. 5.She (not to play) football. 6.It (not to drink) milk. 7.You ( not to help) my friend. 8.He (not to run) in the park.

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