Are you fond of sport?
учебно-методический материал по английскому языку (8 класс)

Матис Маргарита Олеговна



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8 form. Unit 4

Are You Fond of Sport?

It’s no doubt sport plays an important role in our life. Nowadays there are lots of opportunities to do sport. It gives us pleasure and many moments of joy. There are a lot of kinds of sports such as swimming, football, hockey, boxing, wrestling, rugby, judo, figure skating, track and field athletics, cheerleading and others. So, everybody can choose what he or she likes.

Every person wants to be strong, tough and keep fit. That’s why people are engaged (вовлечены) in sport activities.

As for me, I love sport very much! I can’t imagine my life without it. Best of all I like hockey. It is very interesting, exciting and rather dangerous kind of sports. I want to be a famous hockey player and to master it. By this reason I spend 4 hours a day in a gym and on the hockey court. If you want to play hockey professionally you should be patient, tough, disciplined and have good sense of coordination. I do my best to become a hockey star in the future.

Most of my classmates like sport, too. For example, my friend Lena goes in for track and field athletics and she succeed (достигать успеха) in it. Thanks to sport she became very self-confident.  Her coach says she’s very competitive and has very good technique. She doesn’t like to lose and tries to be the first. Last year she broke a record in the 100 metre sprint and I was very proud of her.

My elder brother is in our school rugby team. I think it is very extreme and traumatic kind of sports. During the last game he got a very serious injury. But it doesn’t bother him. He continues training and playing. Rugby matches take place on our school stadium. I always come to my brother’s games to support him. To be honest, I am his big fan. He is the best player of the team and with his help our school wins almost every match!

In conclusion, I must say that sport and regular trainings should be in our life it keeps our bodies healthy and young. Sport builds character. It teaches you to be disciplined and gives you a chance to make a career. So, it’s your choice to be the winner or lose.

  1. Questions:
  1. Do you like sport? Why?
  2. What is your favourite kind of sports?
  3. What are traditional kinds of sports in Russia?
  4. What sports are popular among young people?
  5. Do you think professional sport is dangerous? Why?


  1. PROJECT.  p. 122. Choose a project you’d like to do.

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