Методическая разработка к тексту Gorodki, Starlight 5
методическая разработка по английскому языку (5 класс)

Колосова Виктория Михайловна

Методическая разработка содержит упражнения на развитие навыков аудирования по тексту Gorodki, а также по материалам учебника Prepare Level 2 (раздел How do you play?)


Файл gorodki_cheese_rolling_pelota.docx1022.44 КБ

Предварительный просмотр:


  1. Listen to the text and fill in the gaps.











Gorodki is an 1) ____________ Russian folk sport that is still known in Russia today. There are different 2) ____________ of gorodki and most villages have got their own name for the game. However, the 3)_________  idea is the same and it is very like bowling. You can play gorodki on any flat 4) ___________ such as 5)________ lawn or a 6)_________ square or road.  The equipment for the game is very simple. The players have a 7) ________ and groups of 8) _________ pins, skittles. The rules of the game are a little different in the various villages across the country but the 9) ___________ is to knock the skittles with a 10)________ of the bat. The winner is the team or player that is the first to have no skittles standing. Gorodki is a great game and lots of fun.

  1. Match the English phrases to the Russian phrases.
  1. use their hands                        a) бить по мячу
  2. push the cheese                        b) ловить
  3. roll down the hill                        c) толкать сыр
  4. hit the ball                                d) использовать руки
  5. catch                                        e) катить вниз с холма

Look at the pictures. Which picture is for ‘cheese rolling’? Which picture is for ‘pelota’?


__________________________                    __________________________

3. Listen and fill in the gaps.

Conversation 1

Interviewer: What’s the name of your game or sport?

Person 1: It’s called pelota and it’s a sport.

Interviewer: Can you tell me a little about it?

Person 1: Well, it’s a very old sport and people usually _________________ to _______________ .

Interviewer: How do they play it?

Person 1: They hit the ball against a wall.

Interviewer: Is it a team sport?

Person 1: Yes, there are usually two teams and each team has two players.

Interviewer: Do people play outside?

Person 1: Sometimes, but usually they play inside. We can play now. Come and try.

Conversation 2

Interviewer: What’s the name of your game or sport?

Person 2: It’s a game and it’s called cheese rolling.

Interviewer: Cheese rolling! Tell me more!

Person 2: OK. There’s a big round of cheese. One person _________________ from the top of a hill. The cheese starts to_________________ and then lots of people run after it and try to ___________ it!

Interviewer: What happens next? Who’s the winner?

Person 2: Well, the winner is the first person to get to the bottom of the hill with the cheese. And the winner can take the cheese home and eat it!

Interviewer: That’s a funny game!

Person 2: Yes, it’s really great. You can play the game with us.

Interviewer: Thanks, but I don’t like cheese!


  1. Match the words to their synonyms.






   very old







  1. Use the information from the table to make up the sentences with comparatives and superlatives.

Name of the game



(underwater hockey)


(indoor football )


First played in

19th century

20th century


20th century


15th century

Number of players in a team

5 players

6 players

5 players

1-2 players

  1. Croquet is __________ (ancient) game.
  2. There are ___________ (many) players in an octoplush team than in a futsal team.
  3. Gorodki is a __________ (young) game than octoplush.
  4. Futsal is

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