Работа с текстом (конспект фрагмента урока английского языка в 11 классе) УМК Forward
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (11 класс)

На основе видеосюжета(Современный прогресс) продемонстрировать обучающимся влияние научно-технического прогресса на современную цивилизацию и проблемы её развития.

Использование видеофрагмента на этом этапе урока позволяет облегчить работу с представленным ранее текстом и помочь обучающимся задуматься над проблемами, о которых они ранее не задумывались самостоятельно. Видео заставит учащихся заострить их внимание на проблемах и сделать вывод.

  1. Распознавать и употреблять в речи ЛЕ, фразовые глаголы в рамках заданной темы.
  2. Понимать явления многозначности слов и их лексическую сочетаемость.
  3. Догадываться на основе сходства с родным языком о значении отдельных слов.


Файл fragment_uroka_rabota_s_tekstom.docx20.78 КБ

Предварительный просмотр:

Фрагмент урока (работа с текстом)

Учебник для 11 класса (Forward +), часть 1, модуль 3, unit 6, стр 96-98

Тематическое обоснование

На основе видеосюжета(Современный прогресс) продемонстрировать обучающимся влияние научно-технического прогресса на современную цивилизацию и проблемы её развития.

Методическое обоснование

Использование видеофрагмента на этом этапе урока позволяет облегчить работу с представленным ранее текстом и помочь обучающимся задуматься над проблемами, о которых они ранее не задумывались самостоятельно. Видео заставит учащихся заострить их внимание на проблемах и сделать вывод.

Лингвистическая целесообразность

  1. Распознавать и употреблять в речи ЛЕ, фразовые глаголы в рамках заданной темы.
  2. Понимать явления многозначности слов и их лексическую сочетаемость.
  3. Догадываться на основе сходства с родным языком о значении отдельных слов.

Фрагмент урока английского языка в 11классе

T: Today we are going to discuss about progress and modern life. We live in a wonderful world, but at the same time it is full of problems. Let us mention some of them:

P: - Globalization

P: - Environmental problems

P: - Overcrowding

P: - The shortage of food and rapid growth of scientific progress which is a destructive factor of modern civilization.

At home you’ve read the text. What is it about?

P: It is about one of the countries which suffers of a loss of its identity which is called localization. This country is Bhutan.

T: Name the factors, which have led to the present situation in Bhutan.

P1: TV

P2: the Net

P3: Mobile phones.

T: To sum up everything you have said can we call it a good progress? To answer this question we’ll watch a video episode. This film was sent to us by our friends from America who took part in an anti-global conference in Germany and interviewed the participants of this forum. Before watching I’d like to introduce you the words to help you understand the film better.


  1. Globalization
  2. Increase
  3. Destructive
  4. Consume
  5. Shock
  6. Never ending
  7. Threat
  8. Onslaught
  9. Enormously

  1. Development, extension
  2. Rise, growth
  3. Damaging, ruining
  4. Use, take
  5. Stress, clash
  6. Endless, no end to
  7. Risk, danger
  8. Attack, aggression
  9. Greatly, extremely

T: Look at the screen. We can see these words from our vocabulary and in the right hand column there are words from the video and in the left hand column there are their synonyms. Read them please.


(cлова на слайде)

T: Have you any questions in understanding?

P: No

T: O.K! You’ve got the sheets of paper with the task. While watching you should understand what this film is about, what the participants are talking about and do the matching. You have 1 minute to look through the table. Let’s start.

Watch the video and match the speaker to the main idea of his/her speech



Bill McKibben

Human happiness from 1956


Professor Juliet Schor

Stress, human crisis


Dr. Chris Johnstone

To follow the image, imitation, looks a certain level of material success


Zac Goldsmith

Efficiency as a scale wasteful system (нереспектабельный)


Ron Colman

More expensive goods, shipped from any other country


Gavin Newson

Buy things regionally


Dr. Mohau Pheko

Localizing spirit, local knowledge


Dr. Vandana Shiva

Education, to create, grandma universities, local knowledge would never disappear


Rob Hopkins

The future would be preferable to the present

(1st time watching)

Is it difficult for you my dears?

P: So - so

P: No

P: A bit

T: Let’s discuss the results in pairs.

T: Is it necessary to watch it once again?

Pp: Yes, please

T: We have seen the video. Your task is to check your answers in pairs

T: What problems mentioned in the video could you name?

P1: crisis in culture

P2: crisis in economics

P3: crisis in spirit and social life

P4: influence of scientific progress.

T: How can you prove it using the video material?

P1: Gavin said that you should buy things regionally.

P4: Dr.Shive said that education, grandma universities and local knowledge would never disappear

P5: Dr. Johnstone advised not to follow other people lifestyle

P6: Professor Schor said that stresses grew enormously due to constant pressure on people.

T: Which is the most important problem from your point of view?

P1: To my mind crisis in the culture and the crisis in spirit.

T: Why do you think so? Use page 97. Remember the text and prove it.

P1: Television dominates in families

P2: Television is splitting Buthanese society

P3: TV represents direct threat

P4: Destructive external forces are raised by the Internet

P5: Using of mobile phones

P6: Culture clash

P1: Influence of modern stereotypes on youth

T: Do you think they are common problems or problems of a group of people from the conference?

P1: Of course. It’s the global problem of mankind.

P2: we have the same problems in our region.

P3: they are ecological, economic problems, human spirit and national identity and knowledge.

T: Do you remember the last words of the video?

P1: Movement

P2: changes

P3: Join the movement for economic changes

T: Are you ready to join this movement? I’m sure you are.

 What can we do for it?

P1: we can do volunteering work

P2: Plant fruit, vegetables and trees

P3: Help the disabled

P4: Save traditions

P5: Protect the environment

T: Thank you for your work.

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