презентация урока для интерактивной доски по английскому языку (6 класс)

Заргарян Лусине Маисовна

Презентация для использования на уроках английского языка.


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Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1


Слайд 2

Речь какого-нибудь лица, передаваемая буквально так, как она была произнесена, называется прямой речью ( direct speech ) . Речь, передаваемая не слово в слово, а только по содержанию, в виде дополнительных придаточных предложений, называется косвенной речью ( reported speech ).

Слайд 3

ПРАВИЛО СОГЛАСОВАНИЯ ВРЕМЕН Если в прямой речи слова автора выражены прошедшим временем, то при переводе прямой речи в косвенную придаточное предложение подчиняется правилу согласования времен

Слайд 4

Если в словах, вводящих прямую речь, употреблен глагол to say без дополнения , указывающего на лицо, к которому обращаются с речью, то to say сохраняется . Если же после to say имеется дополнение (обязательно с предлогом to , например – sa y to me ), то to say заменяется глаголом to tell (далее дополнение без предлога to ):

Слайд 5


Слайд 6

John said : “I live in New York.” John said (that) he lived in New York Bob said : “I am learning French.” Bob said he was learning French Ann said :”Jack went home.” Ann said Jack had gone home.

Слайд 7

Present Simple Past Simple Present Continuous Past Continuous Past Simple Past Perfect Ann said : “I write letters to my mum every week.” Ann said that she wrote letters to her mum every week. Nick said : “I am reading a book now.” Nick said that he was reading a book now. Tom said : “I went to Paris last year.” Tom said that he had gone to Paris last year.

Слайд 8

Present Perfect Past Perfect Present Perfect Continuous Past Perfect Continuous Liz said : “I have just done the test.” Liz said that she had just done the test.” Sam said : “I have been living in London for 10 years already.” Sam said that he had been living in London for ten years already.

Слайд 9

Future Future in the Past Dad said : “I will repair my car tomorrow.” Dad said that he would repair his car tomorrow. Past Continuous Past Perfect Continuous David said : “It was raining when you called.” David said that it had been raining when I called.

Слайд 10

Past perfect Teacher said : “Jack London had written his book before he went to the north.” Teacher said that Jack London had written his book before he went to the north. Past Perfect Continuous Meg said: “I had been cooking dinner for half an hour when mum came.” Meg said that she had been cooking dinner for half an hour when mum came.

Слайд 11

Запомни here there this that today that day ago before now then these those yesterday the day before last week the previous week tomorrow the next day

Слайд 12

1. He said:”I can’t translate this article.” He said he couldn’t translate that article. 2. He said:”I was here yesterday .” He said that he had been there the day before. 3. He said: “I will do this work tomorrow. ” He said that he would do that work the next day. 4 . He said: “I have birthday today ”. He said that he had birthday that day.

Слайд 13

Перевод в косвенную речь вопросов При переводе общего вопроса в косвенную речь слова автора присоединяются к непосредственно прямой речи союзами if и whether. (ЛИ) В придаточном предложении в косвенной речи сохраняется прямой порядок слов – подлежащее + сказуемое + второстепенные члены предложения. Перевод подчиняется правилу согласования времен. Sasha asked Tom: “ Have you been to Moscow?” Sasha asked Tom if he had been to Moscow.

Слайд 14

1. He asked me:”Why have you come so late?” He asked me why I had come so late. 2. He asked me:”Where do you live?” He asked me where I lived . She asked:”Did John read the book?” She asked if John had read the book. 4. He asked me: ’’Will you be here tomorrow?” He asked me whether I would be there the next day .

Слайд 15

Let’s practice

Слайд 16

Переведи в косвенную речь Ann asked: “Do you speak French?” Ann asked if I spoke English. Tom asked: “Are you busy now?” Tom asked if I was busy then. John asked: “Will Kate go to school?” John asked whether Kate would go to school. Sam asked: “Did Mike call you?” Sam asked if Mike called me. Pete asked: “Does Nick play tennis?” Pete asked whether Nick played tennis. John asked: “What are you doing?’ John asked what I was doing. Teacher asked: “Who is on duty?” Teacher asked who was on duty.

Слайд 17

Перевод просьб 1. Если прямая речь – приказание , то глагол to say сказать в словах, вводящих прямую речь, заменяется глаголом to tell велеть , to order приказывать . Если прямая речь – просьба , то глагол to say заменяется глаголом to ask просить . 2. Повелительное наклонение заменяется в косвенной речи инфинитивом . Отрицательная форма заменяется инфинитивом с частицей not .

Слайд 18

1.She said to him:” Come at five o’clock. I miss you” She told him to come at five o’clock. 2. I said to her:”Please bring me a glass of water.” I asked her to bring me a glass of water.

Слайд 19

Choose the correct verb form 1. The doctor said to me that I (shall/should) rest for a week. 2. He said that he (is going/was going) to learn Spanish. 3. He said that they (were/ had been) friends at school. 4. She asked if her knowledge of French (is/was) good. 5. The teacher asked who (is/was) present (that day/today) 6. He asked me where I (study/studied). 7. Mother ordered (not to play/to not play) in the street.

Слайд 20

Keys 1. The doctor said to me that I would rest for a week. 2. He said that he was going to learn Spanish. 3. He said that they had been friends at school. 4. She asked if her knowledge of French was good. 5. The teacher asked who was present that day . 6. He asked me where I studied. 7. Mother ordered not to play in the street

Слайд 21

Put them into Reported speech 1. “I’m going to the seaside soon,” she said. 2. “Does this bus stop next station?” asked Helen. 3. He asked her:”Are you working now?” 4. The teacher asked:”Can you play the piano?” 5. I asked her:”Why are you late?” 6. “Who has broken the window?” the teacher asked. 7. “Look at this paper” he said. 8. “Don’t go alone in the evening,” she said.

Слайд 22

1. She said that she was going to the seaside soon. 2. Helen asked if that bus stopped following station. 3. He asked her if she was working then . 4. The teacher asked if I could play the piano. 5. I asked why she was late. 6. The teacher asked who had broken the window. 7. He said to look at that paper. 8. The teacher told not to go alone in the evening. Keys

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