Входная контрольная 11 класс
тест по английскому языку (11 класс)

Ермакова Ольга Александровна

Входная контрольная 11 класс ( Комарова, Ларионова)


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Предварительный просмотр:

Variant 1

I. Complete the sentences. Use the verbs in brackets in the right tense.

1. He (to arrive) _______________________at the hotel late yesterday.

2. She is very glad: she (to finish) _________________ fantastic costumes.

3. They (to watch) ____________________a new play in the theatre the whole day


II. Change Active into Passive

1. They grew this coffee in Brazil.


2. They built a new theatre in this town.


3. People often make tables of plastic.

III. Put the verbs in brackets into the -ing form or the infinitive.

1. Tom helped his mother --------- ( get ) the dinner ready.

2. He looks so funny. When I see him, I can’t help --------- ( smile ).

3. Mr. Thomas doesn’t let anyone ------- ( smoke ) in his office.

4. Would you prefer -------- ( have ) dinner now or later?

5. The weather was fine and he suggested me -------- ( go ) for a walk

IV.  Supply the correct form in these sentences. Infinitive forms are given in


Example: If you ( go) to England by air, you’ll soon be there..

If you go to England by air, you’ll soon be there.

1. What would you do if you ( meet ) a lion ?

2. If he ( leave ) at two o’clock, he will be there before dark.

3. If you ( leave ) at two o’clock, you would be there before dark.

V. Choose the correct modal verbs.

1. Nobody answered the phone. They ------- be out.

a) should c) can

b) would d) must

2. I’d like ------- skate.

a) to can c) to have to

b) to be able to d) could

VI.  Turn the following into Reported Speech.

1. My friend says, “I never get up early.”

2. “I’m learning French,” said Mary.

3. “I’ve never set eyes on him in my life,” she said.

4. The teacher says, “Sit down, children.”

VII.Choose the correct answer. 

Every summer we go to the village and stay at our summer house. It’s nice to get away from the 1) ____ environment. I don’t mind the city, but it is nice to go somewhere less 2) ____. There are small one-family homes in the village and no 3) ____ or department stores. The village is located in a 4) ____ so there are a lot of trees everywhere you look. I always take my bicycle when I go because there are a lot of amazing 5) ____ I can ride on when I am there. I enjoy riding my bicycle by myself because it is 6) ____.

1         a outdoor                  b urban                  c valleys          

2         a outdoor                 b quiet                  c polluted

3         a blocks of flats                b paths                  c wonders

4         a theatre                 b valley                  c forest

5         a roundabouts                b paths                 c remotes

6         a quiet                b urban                 c noisy

Variant 2

I. Complete the sentences. Use the verbs in brackets in the right tense.

1. Look! She (to paint) _____________________ wonderful scenery.

2. The audience (to applaud) _________________for twenty minutes already.

3. I think, this circus (to give) _________________ a new show every year.

II. Change Active into Passive

1. They will consider your plan.

2. I will give you my opera glasses

3. They don’t show such films on TV.

III. Put the verbs in brackets into the -ing form or the infinitive.

1. He pretended --------( not, see ) me as he passed me in the street.

2. Tom refused -------- ( lend ) me any money.

3. The film was very sad. It made her ------ ( cry ).

4. I really miss --------( live ) in the country.

5. Young children often ask --------- ( take ) them to the zoo.

IV.  Supply the correct form in these sentences. Infinitive forms are given in


Example: If you ( go) to England by air, you’ll soon be there..

If you go to England by air, you’ll soon be there.

1. Would you say “Yes” if he ( ask ) you to go with him ?

2. If he ( be ) me, he would do the same.

3. What would you do if someone ( give ) you a lot of money?

V. Choose the correct modal verbs.

1. -------- you mind passing me the salt?

a) will c) would

b) should d) could 

2. I ------- to cover the whole distance on foot.

a) can c) must

b) have d) should

VI.  Turn the following into Reported Speech.

1. “I’ll phone you at seven o’clock, ”she said to him.

2. “Don’t look at me like this’, she said.

3. “Is there a word of truth in this story?” the girl asked.

4.  The policeman said, “What have you lost, Madam?”

VII.Choose the correct answer. 

My friends and I do not spend much of our time shopping for clothes and we are not very 1) ____. Many teens our age like to 2) ____ at the mall, but we prefer to spend our time at our neighbourhood square, each other’s house or the cinema. Sometimes we may wear something 3) ____ like a suit if we have to go to a wedding or something like that. But generally, we try to avoid 4) ____. Some of us like to look a bit different and have    5) ____ our hair different colours.

1         a casual          b formal          c fashionable

2         a hang out          b make up          c break up

3         a fashionable          b formal         c casual

4         a trying on        b dressing up        c wearing up

5         a dyed        b skipped        c died

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