Практические задания в формате ЕГЭ по теме "New Year's Day"
материал для подготовки к егэ (гиа) по английскому языку (11 класс)

Резникова Наталья Николаевна

Данный материал предназначен для отработки заданий устной части ЕГЭ по теме "New Year's Day".


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Практические задания в формате ЕГЭ по теме «New Year’s Day»

(Устная часть)

Task 1. Imagine that you are preparing a project with your friend. You have found some interesting material for the presentation and you want to read this text to your friend. You have 1.5 minutes to read the text silently, then be ready to read it out loud. You will not have more than 1.5 minutes to read it.

New Year’s Day is celebrated on January 1. New Year’s Day is a bank holiday. A bank holiday is a public holiday. Most shops and businesses close for the day. New Year’s Day is a holiday for nearly everyone in the UK. Very few buses and trains run on New Year’s Day. Most people stay at home and relax with their families.

There is an old superstition in Scotland and some other parts of the UK that the first person to enter someone’s home on New Year’s Day will bring all the luck for the coming year with them. This tradition is called first footing.

The first person to enter a house on New Year’s Day is known as the first footer. Dark-haired people are thought to be the luckiest first footers, and it is traditional to carry a lump of coal when going first footing.

Task 2. Study the advertisement.

The best New Year’s Day!

You’re considering celebrating New Year’s Day in this restaurant and now you’d like to get more information. In 1.5 minutes you are to ask four direct questions to find out about the following:

  • booking a table online
  • if there is a vegetarian menu
  • dress code
  • dancing floor

You have 20 seconds to ask each question.

Task 3. You are going to give an interview. You have to answer five questions. Give full answers to the questions (2-3 sentences).

Remember that you have 40 seconds to answer each question.

Tapescript for Task 3

Interviewer: Hello everybody! It’s Teenagers Round the World Channel. Our guest today is a teenager from Russia and we are going to discuss New Year celebrations. We’d like to know our guest’s point of view on this issue. Please answer 5 questions. So, let’s get started.

Interviewer: How do people in Russia celebrate New Year’s Day? Is it usually a family celebration?


Interviewer: Are any particular films shown on New Year's Day?


Interviewer: Do you prefer giving or receiving gifts? Why?


Interviewer: How did you use to celebrate New Year’s Day when you were 10?


Interviewer: Are you going to make any New Year’s resolutions?


Interviewer: Thank you very much for your interview.

Task 4. Imagine that you are doing a project “New Year celebrations” together with your friend. You have found some illustrations and want to share the news. Leave a voice message to your friend. In 2,5 minutes be ready to:

  • give a brief description of the photos, justifying the choice of the photos for the project;
  • say in what way the pictures are different, justifying the choice of the photos for the project;
  • mention the advantages and disadvantages (1-2) of the two ways of celebrating New Year’s Day;
  • express your opinion on the subject of the project – whether you prefer to celebrate New Year’s Day at home and why.

You will speak for not more than 3 minutes (12-15 sentences). You have to talk continuously. 

Photo 1

Ideas for Spending New Year's Eve at Home | Angels On Call Home Care

Photo 2

How foreigners celebrate (or tried to celebrate) New Year's Eve on Red  Square - Russia Beyond


https://www.esolcourses.com/content/topics/new-year/elementary-new-year-   reading.html




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