Тест по английскому языку для 7 класса к учебнику Rainbow English 7 Афанасьева О.В., Михеева И.В.
тест по английскому языку (7 класс)

Хорошавина Наталья Тимофеевна

Контрольная работа по английскому языку для 7 класса по УМК О.В. Афанасьева, И. В. Михеева Rainbow English. Тема 1: Schools and Schooling


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Предварительный просмотр:

School and Schooling (Unit 1)

The test.

  1. Listen and complete the sentences.

1 At school Arthur likes ______best of all.

a) the teachers         b) the computer room            c) science lessons

2 Miss Barlow_________.

a) is often tired of life         b) never gets angry        c) often feels nervous

3 Arthur makes very many mistakes when he _______ .

a) does tests       b) explains rules         c) takes exams

4 Arthur thinks that_________ should be better.

a) the computer room          b) the Spanish classroom         c) the photography classroom

5 Arthur wants to have___________.

a) only modern chairs in the school        b) more subjects to choose from

                               c) science lessons once a week

6 Arthur would like to learn _______ .

a) German and photography           b) Spanish and photography    c) computer studies and Spanish

  1. Read the text and the sentences after it. Decide in which of the sentences the information is true, false or not stated.

The American school year isn’t very long. There are two terms and at the end of each term students get their marks and a report card from their teachers.

American students have rather many vacations in the school year. They have two weeks for spring vacation, two weeks for Christmas vacation and three months for summer vacation.

American schoolchildren have four years of high school (старшие классы основной школы). In the first two years of high school, they have quite a lot of exams. Each student takes exams in English and mathematics, but they are not very difficult. In the last two years American students prepare for college.

People usually say that American school life is not very hard.

  1. The American school year is longer than the English school year.
  2. Teachers give marks to their students at the end of each term.
  3. American pupils have four vacations during the school year.
  4. Every child in America goes to high school.
  5. English and mathematics are the most important subjects for everybody.
  6. American students take some exams during the last years of their schooling.
  7. American students have a fairly easy life.

  1. Complete the sentences. Use the words from the box.

for, to, in, at, out, over, of, back,

  1. In Russia many boys and girls start primary education _______ the age of 6 or 7.
  2. Sit down, please. The lesson is not _____ yet.
  3. I don’t know what happened ____ them.
  4. Are you tired ________ learning a lot by heart?
  5. Let me pay _______ your lunch.
  6. Never talk _______ to people who are older than you.
  7. What are your usual marks ______ mathematics.
  8. I’ll try to talk Alice ______ of buying this black dress.
  1.  Complete the sentences with the derivatives of the words on the right.
  1. We know little about the system of ___________ in Canada.   | educate
  2. Who was the __________ of Russia in the 12th century?          | rule
  3. Little children like to make sandcastles on ________beaches.  | sand
  4. Where is your ________ of coins?                                             | collect
  5. Children shouldn’t eat ________ food.                                      | healthy
  6. Mrs Harrison didn’t like  __________ autumn days.                 | rain
  7. What pieces of ___________ literature do you study at school. | classic
  8. I ask you to drive more _______, be careful, please.                   | slow

  1. Choose the correct word in brackets.
  1. Last year I bought six (pairs / pieces) of beautiful Christmas socks.
  2. ( This / These) trousers (is / are) too short for me.
  3. Could you (say/tell) me the time, please?
  4. Statistics (is / are) not a school subject.
  5. Ted (says / speaks) both French and Spanish.
  6. Do you often (do / make) mistakes in spelling?
  7. Jeremy is really good at computer studies. I’m proud ( of / at/ ) him.
  8. Jim (says / tells) he got a good mark for the test yesterday.

  1. Соедини реплики в микродиалогах. Впиши соответствующие буквы в левую колонку.

1.Why were you absent yesterday? ______

a) No. You can read the text from your seat.

2. Shall I go to the blackboard? _______

b) S-U-B-J-E-C-T

3. Can I have a look at your home exercise, John?_________

c) May I change my seat, please? I can’t hear well from here.

4. How do you spell this word? ______

d) I’m sorry, I haven’t got my exercise book with me today.

5. What’s the matter, Sue?________

e) I couldn’t come to school, Miss, I was unwell.

По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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