Контрольные работы
тест по английскому языку (6 класс)

Асланова Айсель Джамаладдин кызы

Контрольные работы


Предварительный просмотр:

Предварительный просмотр:

      Упражнение 1. Прочитайте текст.

Sasha lives in a small town. The town is very nice, clean and green. There are many beautiful parks in Sasha’s town.

You can see fine houses, nice streets (улицы) and a big stadium in this town. Sasha and his friends like to play in the stadium.

Usually they play games in the park. Sometimes children have picnics too.

It is fun to spend time together. Sasha likes his town and his friends very much.

Выберите правильный ответ (true-false)

1. Sasha lives in a big town.

2. There are no beautiful parks and gardens in the town.

3. Sasha and his friends like to play in the stadium.

4. They do not play games in the park.

5. Sometimes children have picnics too.

6. Sasha does not like his town.

Упражнение 2. Вставьте many/much.

  1. Is there ________ tea in the cup? No, not ________
  2. Are there ________eggs in the fridge? Yes, there are ________ eggs.
  3. Is there ________ milk in the bottle? Yes, there is ________ milk.
  4. Are there ________ lemons in the box? No, not ________
  5. There are _________ apples on the table.
  6. There are _________ sandwiches in the fridge.
  7. Is there ______ coffee in the cup?
  8. There is ______ jam on the plate.
  9. There are ______ bananas in the bag.
  10. Is there _______ bread on the table?
  11. There is _______ salad on the plate.
  12. Are there _______ cups on the shelf?
  13. There are _______sandwiches in the bag.

Упражнение 3. Дополните Do / Does.

1. ……. your mother eat any meat?
2. ……. you drink coffee in the morning?
3. ……. he know her telephone number?
4. ……. they have a car?
5. What ……. Tom sell?

6. ……. you like Madonna?
7. ……. we like Geography?
8. ……. she work in a bank?
9. ……. he play on the computer?
10. ……. they clean the kitchen?

Упражнение 4. Выберите слово, которое выпадает из логического ряда, подчеркните его.

1. Meat,  fish, milk, tree.

2. Doll,  apple,  toy-bus,  teddy- bear.

3. Garden,  park,  house,  ship.

4. Dress,  boots,  shoes,  chess.

Упражнение 5. Составьте  предложения.

а) Does, go, sister, on,  school, to, your, Sunday?

b) Play, in, we, games, our, stadium.

c) Visit, will, granny, you, tomorrow, your?

Упражнение 6. Выберите правильный ответ.

1. My friends usually _____football after school.

a). plays           b). play           c). playing

2. She ________this story at the moment.

a). is read        b). is reading          c). reads

3. Mike is a very good football_______.

a). play       b). playing          c). player

4. I have _____little sisters.

a). a       b). an                 c). two

5. I see ____ big red ball under the sofa.

a). a           b). an            c). two

Предварительный просмотр:

Task 1. Put the verbs in brackets into the present simple form.

My aunt Ellie 1)   (live) in Canada. She is 45 years old. She 2)    (to be) a dance teacher. She 3)      (teach) children at school. She 4)     (like) her job.

My aunt 5)    (speak) two languages: English and Italian. She 6)      (cook) very well, especially Italian dishes. Her mother 7)    (to be) Italian. She is married and 8)    (have) two sons. They 9)       (to be) my cousins.

My aunt Ellie  10)       (go) to Italy twice or three times a year, because she 11)      (love) this country. I sometimes go to Italy with her.

We have a good time there!

Task 2. Put the adverb of frequency on the right place.

1. Ron listens to the radio. (often)

2. My little sister reads a book. (sometimes)

3. My grandmother goes for a walk in the morning. (always)

4. My friend is late. (never)

5. I help my mother in the garden. (usually)

Task 3. Put the verbs in the correct column.

go         spend       study     wash         do

walk    begin       try           tidy          play

fly         watch

  • s
  • es
  • ies

Task 4. Fill in: Do / Does / Doesn’t / Don’t.

1. […] you want to go to the movies?
2. Dogs […] not eat grass.
3. She […] drink wine.
4. […] it snow in winter?
5. […] it close at 7.30 pm?

6. […] Jordan and Kate watch a movie?
7. My father speaks Russian, but he […] speak English.
8. Lisa […] like sushi.
9. We […] work at Apple.
10. I […] type very well.

Task 5. Fill in the gaps with at, on, or  in.

1. Peter likes staying ...... home on rainy days.

2. You can call me …… three o’clock.

3. Linda has an English lesson …… Friday.

4. The boat leaves …… five minutes.

5. Tom’s birthday was …… Monday

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