Oscar Wilde "The devoted friend"
методическая разработка по английскому языку (11 класс)

Щукина Татьяна Викторовна

Oscar Wilde "The devoted friend". О. Уайльд "Преданный друг" - разработка упражнений по прочитанному тексту (Spotlight 11, p.16-17)


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Предварительный просмотр:

Oscar Wilde “The devoted friend” (p.16-17)

1. Translate from Russian into English:

писатель коротких рассказов –

сказки для взрослых –

истории о предательстве –

истории о лицемерии –

преданный друг –

богатый мельник –

настоящий друг –

благородные идеи –

бескорыстность настоящей дружбы –

2. Find the antonyms in the text.

poor –

vegetables –

false –

small –

husband –

clever –

cold –

easy –

beginning –

3. Find the synonyms in the text.

dedicated –

big –

embarrassed –

back –

sure –

4. Form the adjectives.

charm –

devote –

envy –

wonder –

comfort –

beauty –

5. Translate from English into Russian.

1. Real friends should have everything in common.

2. When people are in trouble they should be left alone, and not be bothered by visitors.

3. True friendship asks for nothing in return.

4. He felt very proud of having a friend with such noble ideas.

5. Flour is one thing, and friendship is another, and they should not be confused.

6. Complete the gaps with the words below. Give your own examples.

          sack      pack      herd         gang         bunch      handful     flock     set      swarm

1. a _____________ of potatoes

2. a _____________ of sweets

3. a _____________ of china plates

4. a ______________ of dogs

5. a _______________ of sheep

6. a ________________ of thieves

7. a _________________ of cows

8. a _________________ of bees

9. a ________________ of flowers

7. Find the statements that are made in the text about friendship.

8. Complete the sentence.

I think the best friend must be ________________________________________________


9. Find the Russian equivalent.

1. A friend in need is a friend indeed.

2. Better be alone than in bad company.

3. Lend your money and lose your friend.

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