методическая разработка 8-9 класс _ Описание фото
методическая разработка по английскому языку (8, 9 класс)

Сундеева Юлия Сергеевна

Описание фотографии и монолог – два самых проблемных момента на устном зачете по иностранному языку. Возникает закономерный вопрос: как же делать это хорошо? Ответ: много практиковаться. И даже за небольшой период времени можно войти в форму и получить не просто зачёт, а сдать на отлично. Но если текст для пересказа попадается любой, и там нужно импровизировать, то для описания фотографии есть ключевые слова и универсальные фразы-помощники, которые желательно запомнить и использовать.


Файл opisanie_foto.docx17.47 КБ

Предварительный просмотр:


  • Введение бывает двух типов:

Отталкиваемся от цели высказывания:

  • I’d like to show you one of the photos from my album. It’s great/awesome/amazing.  , please, have a look.
  • I’ve recently started a travel blog. Please, have a look at my favorite picture…
  • I’ve got an instagram account…=//=
  • I’m fond of photography. =//=

От того, что изображено:

  • As you know, I just came back from holidays in France. I’d like to show you a photo that I took there.
  • …I had lots of fun and I’d like to show you..
  • I’ve got little sister who has ricenty started school, have a look at the photo of her.
  • My brother has jusr found a new job and I took a photo of him there. Have a look, please.

  • ПУНКТ ПЛАНА №1: Where and when the photo was taken (используем Past Simple/Past Continuous) 1-2 предложения.

Главное – точность!

I took this photo last year on the beach/ in a hotel etc. in Greece. It was in August, while my parents and I were spending our summer holidays there. It’s the most wonderful/breathtaking place I’ve ever visited in my life.

I took this picture a year ago at the café/ in the park in St Petersburg, while I was visiting my elder sister who lives there with her family.

Well, this photo was taken at my brother’s office a week ago, when I visited his workplace for the first time. (I was there with my friends/ my family. You can see them in the photo – переход к 4 пункту)


  • ПУНКТ ПЛАНА №2: What, who is in the photo (2-3 предложения) Описываем картинку, всё что вокруг и упоминаем, кто изображен, персонализируем, придумываем историю.

  • In the picture you can see… There is/are… The picture shows…

  • Используем выражения: in the foreground, in the background, on the left, on the right, in the middle.


  • In the picture you can see my nephew. He’s 4 years old and he is a very keen chess player. He’s about to take part in his first competition.
  • In the picture you can see my sister. She is 23 years old and she’s just started her career as a photogrpher.
  • There are my mother and brother in the photo. My brother is 5 years old and he loves playing outside, so we always go to the playground together in the evening.

  • ПУНКТ ПЛАНА №3: What is happening (Present Continuous) (2-3 предложения)

  • My brother is sitting at the desk and smiling at the camera, he is very happy as it’s his first day there. He is dressed in smart clothes and looks very professional.
  • My family is spending time at the park and having fun together. They are all excited to try sushi I made myself special for this picnic. The atmosphere in this photo is cozy and happy.

  • ПУНКТ ПЛАНА №4: why you decided to show the picture to your friend (2-3 предложения).

I decided to show this photo to you because you…

  • Do not believe / think that…
  • Have never seen…
  • Have never done…
  • Have never been to …
  • Didn’t believe me that …

  • Would like to try / take up/ start /

            become too

So, …

  • I want you to understand that / change your opinion (mind) about…

  • I hope this photo will encourage you to…

  • I would like to invite you… / recommend / suggest…

Коммуникативная задача:

You have never done skiing before. And I wanted to show you this unforgetable moment.

I decided to show you this photo because you have never seen my brother at work.

…because you didn’t believe me that I travelled to Greece


I wanted you to understand that using mobile phones is dangerous/ bad for health.

I would like to recommend you visit this park next year/ invite you with me.

I hope this photo will encourge you to try skiing when you go to Sochi  


  • That’s all that I wanted to say. I hope you liked the photo.
  • So now you understand why I wanted you to see this photo I hope you liked it.
  • I hope you liked the photo. Next time I’ll show you the rest of the photos.
  • I hope you will visit Greece with me/ start photography too.

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