Национально-региональный компонент в упражнениях по функциональной грамотности по английском у языку
методическая разработка по английскому языку (9 класс)

Межкультурная коммуникация предполагает не толко хорошее знание страны изучаемого языка, но и своей собственной. В статье предлагается материал с национально-региональным компонентом по теме "Окружающая среда" в 9 классе - учебник Spotlight.  В текстах описывается экосистема, природные богатства родного края, рассматриваются  вопросы охраны окружающей среды в Якутии. 


Предварительный просмотр:

Национально-региональный компонент в упражнениях по функциональной грамотности по английском у языку

В соответствии с современными требованиями, предъявляемыми преподавании иностранных языков, обучение иностранным языкам в общеобразовательной школе следует строить как диалог двух и более культур. Но межкультурная коммуникация предполагает не только хорошее знание страны изучаемого языка, но и своей собственной. Однако практика показывает, что знания о своей стране или регионе проживания используется в обучении иностранному языку несистематично. В связи с этим возникла большая необходимость систематизации материала о родном крае. Применение национально-регионального компонента начинается с младших и средних классов: “Город” , “Достопримечательности Якутска”, “Национальные праздники”, “Спорт в Якутии. Национальные виды спорта”.

В этой статье мы предлагаем тексты с упражнениями по теме “Окружающая среда” в 9 классе – учебник Spotlight.

В 9 классе, изучая тему «Окружающая среда», мы знакомим детей с темой «Природа, климат Якутии. Животный и растительный мир. Экологические проблемы Якутии и России». Мы обсуждаем с учащимися проблему  вырубки лесов, ведущих к экологическому дисбалансу, разрушению среды обитания многих видов животных , засоления почвы, охраны водных ресурсов, охраны животного и растительного мира Якутии. С точки зрения поликультурного образования учащиеся рассматривают экологическую проблему как общечеловеческую, касающуюся каждого жителя планеты. Такая международная организация как Greenpeace активно борется с экологическими проблемами, членами которой могут быть российские ученики. Дети не только обсуждают эту проблему, но и говорят о личном участии в её разрешении. На данном этапе формируется активная жизненная позиция каждого ученика. Ребята с удовольствием готовят проекты по охране окружающей среды, переработке отходов, поисков альтернативных источников тепловой и электрической энергии.

The nature and environment. The natural beauty of Yakutia.

Yakutia has a very beautiful, diverse natural environment and the variety of vegetation in Yakutia is enormous. In this mostly flat, barren, rocky region, the most common plants are lichens and small wild flowers that bloom only for very short periods. In summer, the tundra is covered with thousands of bright flowers and emerald- green grass. Numerous insects fly around the flowers and a large number of birds enjoy summer in the tundra. Another feature of the region is the alaas ecosystem. This usually consists of a grassy, flower-filled clearing with a lake in the middle, surrounded with evergreen trees.

The tundra is the natural habitat for a wide variety of animals and plants. There are great flocks of birds, including migratory wild fowl. About a hundred different species of birds nest in the tundra during summer, but in autumn half of them migrate to warmer climates. The white crane is a sacred bird in Yakutia. It is believed that if a person sees the dance of the white crane, they will be happy for the whole of their life. But the white cranes are very shy birds and are difficult to spot. They nest deep in the tundra areas, near remote, inaccessible lakes and pools.

About 72% of the territory of Yakutia is covered by taiga, which in Yakutia is an endless forest, the “lungs” of the country and full of animals of all kinds and sizes, unique, fascinating animals. In the north are the polar bears, marine animals which can if necessary pass their whole lives without stepping on land. They have tremendous power; their huge clawed feet are well adapted for running on ice and are effective in clubbing and tearing their prey to pieces.  

Yakutia is famous for its natural resources. In this technological age, various geological methods are used to mine for minerals and other mineral resources.

The world knew little about Yakutia until huge deposits of gold, tin, ferrous metal, diamonds, and rare metals, mica, coal, gas and oil were discovered; then Yakutia became internationally famous.The natural riches found underground in Yakutia are almost are varied as the Mendeleev table of chemicals elements.Gold and diamonds, which are hard to mine, are found mainly in the western part of Yakutia, where there is a comparatively high population.

There are virgin forests where fur-bearing animals and wild game abound. The Yakut taiga is a dense forest of pine, birch, spruce, cedar, ash, elm and fir trees and is a major source of Yakutia’s wealth.

Water is a staff of life, as they say. The republic has 7,000 rivers with a combined length of 1.5 million kilometers. The largest river is the River Lena, which is 4,400 kilometres long and ranks among the ten longest rivers in the world. The republic has over 1,300,000 lakes, mainly shallow and of thermo-karst origin. Snow, ice and rain add a great deal of water to the rivers and lakes.

Environmental protection

The natural environment of Yakutia is fragile. In the past the native people of the republic lived in harmony with nature. The rapid development of society and the demand for resources had a great impact on exploration in the north. As a result human activities have affected the environment and the ecological balance of the north. People have destroyed natural habitats by digging the ground up for mining and for building roads through the tundra and taiga.

 The most serious threats are the cutting down of the forests, the draining of the wetlands, the construction of nuclear power stations and the building of large-scale dames. The trees are cut down for timber or to make way for farms and mines, but forests clearance causes many long-term problems, such as soil erosion, flood and droughts. The taiga contains millions of animals, insects, plants and birds whose natural habitat is destroyed when the trees are cut down. Since diamonds were discovered in the tributaries of the Marha in 1957, the ecological situation in the region has changed greatly. The waste from the diamond mining factories flows into the river, causing water pollution and killing fish, birds, animal and in some cases even people.  

The natural  environment of the north is very delicate. Cars, trucks, buses and planes have all polluted the air with their fumes. The air has also been polluted by smoke and gases from factories. The chemicals fall as acid rain, killing fish, trees and animals. Furthermore, the rivers and lakes are polluted by waste that is dumped throughout the area.

World temperatures are rising every year, what is known as a global warming.  Global warming is extremely dangerous, especially in the north because the glaciers and polar ice caps will start to melt.

There are different ecological organisations in Yakutia which protest against environmental pollution and are interested in protecting birds and animals. The members of such organizations clean the parks, green zones and reserves to make sure waste, plastic bottles, paper and cans are all removed. There are volunteer groups in towns and villages who look after streets of the town, and clean and sweep them in summer time.  


1. Match to make phrases.

1 river                a animal

2 marine            b group

3 gas                 c game

4 wild             d valley    

5 acid              e reserve

6 volunteer      f bird

7 rare               g deposit

8 nature           h rain

2 Write answers to these questions.

1 What is the alaas ecosystem like?

2 Why is it hard to see a white crane?

3 Where are gold and diamonds mined in Yakutia?

4 Why does the waste from diamond mining factories cause problems?

3 Circle the correct word or number.

1 About 72% of Yakutia is covered by tundra/ taiga.

2 Polar bears have large clawed/ sacred feet.

3 There are 4,400 / 7,000 rivers in Yakutia.

4 The building of large-scale dams / wetlands is a threat to the environment.

5 The volunteers look after the factories / streets.                   

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