Конструирование учебных заданий для формирования функциональной грамотности на уроках иностранного языка
методическая разработка по английскому языку (8, 9 класс)

Мусаилова Роза Григорьевна

Задание по чтению на основе несплошного текста , на примере диаграмм 


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Предварительный просмотр:

Конструирование учебных заданий

для формирования функциональной грамотности

на уроках иностранного языка

на примере английского языка

II. Задания на основе несплошного текста

(на примере диаграмм)

For a class project, Ben  carried out a study. Below are  pie graphs of his findings. Analyze the information and answer the questions below.

Children`s Activities  Survey

The study was conducted in a Leeds  school in 2019
Children surveyed:
- 100 boys (age – from 10-14)
- 100 girls (age – from 10-14)
Total: 200 children


  1. What do the graphs show?
  1. which  activities are  popular among the boys
  2. which  leisure activities  the boys and the girls of Leeds School participate in
  3. why some leisure activities are  more popular than others among the children

  1. Which of the the boys` activities below is  more popular than others ?
  1. listening to music      b) soccer     c)reading    d) skateboarding

  1. How many girls prefer playing basketball?
  1. 25 %    b) 15 %     c) 13 %      d) cannot determine

4. What can you deduce from the total numbers given?

a)  not all students answered the questions

b)  girls are more keen on computer games than on dancing  

c)  not many boys  prefer reading as their cultural and leisure activity

d)  some children do not do any leisure time activities  

  1. In his project paper, Ben  wrote: “The objective of the study is to learn which leisure time activities  are the most popular among the children aged 10-14 ” Do his findings meet the objective?
  1. His findings perfectly meet the objective.
  2. His findings include some unnecessary information.
  3. His findings do not meet the objective at all.

  1. There are different types of diagrams that help to present information. Choose the best diagram (draw a line) to illustrate each conclusion:

A Girls like reading a lot while boys slightly prefer this activity.

A bar chart

B More boys participate in computer games than girls do, whereas listening to music is equally interesting for both boys and girls .

C Over 50% of boys surveyed choose sports activities.

A pie chart

A Venn diagram

How to Create and Customize Venn Diagrams in Python

Источник: https://medium.com/@fatmaaycacetinkaya/ielts-writing-task-1-describing-a-pie-chart-d0d622dcf576


1 – b  2 – b    3 – d    4 – c    5 – b


A Girls like reading a lot while boys slightly prefer this activity.

A bar chart

B More boys participate in  computer games than girls do , whereas listening to music is equally interesting for both boys and girls .

A pie chart

C Over 50% of boys surveyed choose sports activities.

A Venn diagram

How to Create and Customize Venn Diagrams in Python

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