Нижегородское метро
занимательные факты по английскому языку (6 класс)

Малышева Елена Владимировна

Дополнительный материал для изучения достопримечательностей Нижнего Новгорода.


Предварительный просмотр:

Nizhniy Novgorod Metro


Do you know what Metro means? It’s a kind of underground transport when you travel in a train in tunnels under ground. It’s very convenient and quick.

When we ask our classmates about N.N. metro they said they knew that there is Metro in N/N. Some of them  even used it. But they don’t know much about its history. So we found out some facts and now we’ll tell you about them.


Metro in Nizhny Novgorod was opened in 1985-the third after Moscow (1935) and St. Petersburg (1955).  The length of our subway is 22.2 kilometers. Now it has 15 stations.

The history of NN underground began in October 1973.

Its construction started on the 17th of  December 1977. On that day the first piles were put at the “Leninskaya” station.

In September1978 the building of the tunnels from “Leninskaya” station began.


The development of the project documentation, the demolition of houses and transferring of roads and tram tracks took a lot of time. In 1979 the construction works began in “Moskovskaya” station.


On July 13, 1984 the wall in the excavation of ”Moskovskaya” station hit and two workers from the student team that helped in the construction of the subway were killed. There is a legend associated with this accident, as if the ghosts of the dead students still walk through the tunnels and Metro stations.


The Grand opening of the Gorky metro took place on November 20, 1985. The first underground line had six stations and was 7.8 km long.


The Gorky Metro grew very quickly and by 1991 it had 10 stations. In 1990 Gorky was renamed Nizhny Novgorod and the Metro also got its name.


On the20-th of December 1993  two new-built stations “Kanavinskaya” and “Burnakovskaya” were opened. They were the starting point of a new line called “Sormovsko-Mesherskaya”


Then there was a long pause in the Metro construction. It was stopped because of the lack of funds.

Almost 10 years passed and in 2002 the 13-th station “Burevestnik’ was opened in “Sormovsko-Mesherskaya” line.


But the period of stagnation was not over. The deficit in the budget of N. N. didn’t allow the further Metro building.  It suffered great losses from low passenger traffic because of absence of Metro stations in the Upper part of the city. So less and less citizens used it.


In 2009, a metro bridge across the Oka was built. A year earlier metrobuilders started construction of a new metro station "Gorkovskaya".


And on November 4, 2012 the Grand opening of the first metro station—"Gorkovskaya"  in the Upper part of the city took place. Thus, both banks of the city were connected to each other, which increased passenger traffic by 75 %.

 On November 4, 2013, the Day of National Unity, the metro transported about 68 thousand people.


Nizhny Novgorod metro works from 5 am to 12 am. And at 00: 00 (maximum 20 minutes later) all stations are closed. The tickets price is 28 rubles per a trip.


Of course, the decoration of our underground is not so beautiful as in Moscow metro, but the panels at the stations "Proletarian", " Gorkovskaya ", " Moskovskaya " and "Engine of the revolution" are rather beautiful. There are also trains with names in the Nizhny Novgorod underground:  ”Pioneer”, “ Kuzma Minin”, “ 70 years of  War Victory”, “30 years of the Nizhny Novgorod metro”.


We can see our station "Moskovskaya" in Yegor Konchalovsky’s film «Escape» where the leading parts were played by Evgeny Mironov and Alexey Serebryakov.

The film was shot in 2004.

Scenes from the film "About football" were also shot in our metro at the station "Park of culture"


"Strelka" is the 15th station of the Nizhny Novgorod metro. It was built just before the World Football Championship in Russia. The Opening Ceremony of the station was held on 12 June 2018. Since June 13, 2018, the station has been working regularly. It is the first station where the signs are written in English.


June 23, 2018 metro began to speak English. The changes are aimed to create a comfortable environment for foreign visitors and improve the culture of passenger service of the Nizhny Novgorod metro.


There are a lot of plans about N. N. metro in the future. Now the most promising plan is considered to continue Avtozavodskaya metro line from the station " Gorkovskaya "to the station" Opera house "and "Sennaya Square". The development of the metro in the Upper part of the city has already proved its effectiveness from an economic point of view.

Taking into consideration the great traffic jams on the roads of Sormovo district, it is planned to extend the metro to the "Center of Sormovo" and further to the street of Gaugel. However, this is a very far prospect.


N.N.Metro plays an important role in the life of the city. How will N. N. Metro be developing in the future years?

 Let’s live and see.

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