Мистические места.
учебно-методический материал по английскому языку (11 класс)

Белау Татьяна Адиковна

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Energised rocks in the middle of the Aussie Outback, spooky hotels a la Stephen King, the homes of famous vamps to off-the-beaten tracks in the depths of Slavic Europe, this list of the world’s most mysterious places to visit is sure to have something to pique the interest. No matter if you’re a conspiracy theorist, a dedicated UFO hunter, or a supernatural buff – or even if you just fancy heading away from the tourist trail for something a little different- there should be plenty to be getting on with.

Word guide:

energised - поразительные

Aussie = Australian

outback - глубинка

spooky - пугающий

vamps = vampires

*off-the-beaten tracks – отдаленный, в глуши (где бывает мало людей)

pique – зд. вызывать интерес

conspiracy - заговор

buff - любитель

trail – тропа

  1. The Bermuda Triangle, Atlantic Ocean

Tales of lost and disappeared ships, crashed aircraft and even vanishing humans, have been emerging from the waters of the Bermuda Triangle for centuries. The vast area of more than half a million square miles is also known as the Devil’s Triangle, and theories as to why so many travelers fall foul of its clutches abound. Some say there are magnetic anomalies that throw compasses off course, others that tropical cyclones are to blame, and some say there’s simply no mystery at all! Today, visiting the area can be much more pleasant than you might think.

Word guide:

emerge – появляться

cyclones - циклоны

*fall foul of its clutches abound – так часто попадают в его тиски

2. The Banff Springs Hotel, Canada

The Banff Springs Hotel of Canada is said to be the home of a ghost stories and mysterious happenings thanks to Stephen King’s The Shining Fame. Locals tell tales of an entire family that was murdered in cold-blood in room 873. Others talk of reappearing doormen who vanish into the air. But if you think you can deal with the supernatural rep, then you’re in for a real treat here. The handsome hotel is surrounded by the fir-dressed peaks of the Canadian Rockies, and offers access to the iconic ski fields.

Worth the risk? We think so!

Word guide:

cold-blood – хладнокровный

doormen – швейцары

rep = reputation

*you’re in for a real treat – тебя ждет настоящее удовольствие

3. Crooked Forest, Poland

Just south of the city of Szczecin [ˈʃtɛtɪn] of  Poland there’ a small clutch of just over  400 pine trees has been attracting the attention of off-the-beaten-track travelers for years. The entire forest appears to be bent over almost 90 degrees at the trunk, before twisting back straight again and growing vertically into the Slavic sky. Weird.

Word guide:

сlutch – зд. скопление

bent - изогнутый

weird- причудливый

4. Richat Structure, Mauritania

Seemingly swirling and spinning and twisting like a cyclone through the heart of the mighty Sahara Desert, the great Richat Structure in the depths of Mauritania is something truly mysterious. Scientists have puzzled for years as to how the perfect circular set of rings got there. Some think it was an asteroid impact in centuries gone by. Others say it was the simple process of natural geological erosion. And then – of course – there are some who think it was the creation of extra-terrestrials, who passed this way and marked a landing point for future visits to earth. Hmm, maybe!

Word guide:

seemingly - похож на

swirling/ spinning / twisting – закрученный, вихревой

puzzle - озадачить

circular set of rings – круги, диски

impact - столкновение

landing point – точка приземеления

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