Тест по теме Наречия
методическая разработка по английскому языку (8 класс)

Забелло Акташ Анастасия Сергеевна

тест на тему Наречия, которые меняют свое значение по типу Hard- hardly. Для среднего звена


Файл hard_vs._hardly.docx13.72 КБ

Предварительный просмотр:

Hard VS. hardly etc. TEST

  1. The boy threw the ball high/highly in the air.
  2. I am so tired. I can hard/hardly move.
  3. Do you live near/nearly this huge shopping center?
  4. I don’t know what I bought but I spent near/nearly all my monthly salary yesterday.
  5. He looked so surprised, his eyes opened wide/widely.
  6. Don’t blame me for anything, I did nothing wrong/wrongly.
  7. This singer is very wide/widely known in our country.
  8. I hope you get all the answers in the test right/rightly.
  9. All the colleagues think very high/highly of their new boss.
  10. The boy cried so much because he was wrong/wrongly punished.
  11. If you want to achieve good results in any sphere, you have to work hard/hardly.
  12. The results of this competition are so unfair, I really hope next time the judge will choose the winners right/rightly.
  13. I like the place where I work, all people are most/mostly nice and friendly.
  14. I’d most/mostly certainly like a portion of seafood pasta, please.


  1. Я едва знаю этого человека.
  2. Наверное, Пушкин – это самый известный русский писатель.
  3. Я очень высокого мнения о твоих достижениях. (Achievements)
  4. Ура, я сделал почти всю домашнюю работу!
  5. Больше всего мне нравится проводить каникулы на море.

Hard/hardly etc. TEST

  1. The boy threw the ball high/highly in the air.
  2. I am so tired. I can hard/hardly move.
  3. Do you live near/nearly this huge shopping center?
  4. I don’t know what I bought but I spent near/nearly all my monthly salary yesterday.
  5. He looked so surprised, his eyes opened wide/widely.
  6. Don’t blame me for anything, I did nothing wrong/wrongly.
  7. This singer is very wide/widely known in our country.
  8. I hope you get all the answers in the test right/rightly.
  9. All the colleagues think very high/highly of their new boss.
  10. The boy cried so much because he was wrong/wrongly punished.
  11. If you want to achieve good results in any sphere, you have to work hard/hardly.
  12. The results of this competition are so unfair, I really hope next time the judge will choose the winners right/rightly.
  13. I like the place where I work, all people are most/mostly nice and friendly.
  14. I’d most/mostly certainly like a portion of seafood pasta, please.


  1. Я едва знаю этого человека.
  2. Наверное, Пушкин – это самый известный русский писатель.
  3. Я очень высокого мнения о твоих достижениях. (Achievements)
  4. Ура, я сделал почти всю домашнюю работу!
  5. Больше всего мне нравится проводить каникулы на море.

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