Упражнения для подготовки к ОГЭ
материал для подготовки к егэ (гиа) по английскому языку (9 класс)

Дьячкова Алла Михайловна

Упражнения на словообразование


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Предварительный просмотр:

Тренировочные упражнения на словообразование. Подготовка к ОГЭ.

Test 1

  1. There are many ………fashionable……………….. houses in this area. (FASHION)
  2. My parents changed all ………………furniture…………… in the house. (FURNISH)
  3. George takes part in all …………completed…………………. at school. (COMPETE)
  4. My sister is a very …………………attractive………… girl. (ATTRACT)
  5. She is the most …………careful……………… person in the world! (CARE)
  6. His business is ………………………… cars. (REPAIR)
  7. Oh, it’s so ……………exciting…….. to take part in this race! (EXCITE)
  8. I ……………disagree……… with you. He is not a lazy boy. (AGREE)

Test 2

  1. I can’t stand visiting ………noisy…………… cities. (NOISE)
  2. What is the ………difference…………………… between these men? (DIFFERENT)
  3. You are right. This picture is ………………beautiful…………… (BEAUTY)
  4. Taking a cold shower in the morning is very …………useful……… (USE)
  5. My grandmother ……………dislike……………… living in the old house.

She wants to buy a new one. (LIKE)

  1. The …………………………. gave me very interesting book. (LIBRARY)
  2. The patient felt much better after proper ………treatment……………….. (TREAT)
  3. There is a ………………………………… view from the deck of the ship. (PICTURE)

Test 3

  1. The weather today will be cold and …………… (WIND)
  2. Your blood ………………………. Is high. You need to call a doctor. (PRESS)
  3. I’m against John’s …………………… (PROPOSE)
  4. I’m ……………………….. that I’ve been given a chance to hear this outstanding singer. (THANK)
  5. We all listened to the …………………….. with great interest. (SPEAK)
  6. They ran home ………………….. because it was raining. (QUICK)
  7. Playing volleyball is a good ……………………… for young people. (AMUSE)
  8. He is a ………………………… driver. He drives a car badly. (CARE)

Test 4

  1. The food was completely ……………………………. because he was a bad cook. (SAVOR)
  2. Reading books is her ………………….. way of spending free time. (FAVOUR)
  3. He likes swimming and going on ………………………… (EXCURSE)
  4. Never jump off a ……………………. train. (MOVE)
  5. I hope you will take into …………….. what Ive told you. (CONSIDER)
  6. This new book has got a lot of colorful ……………………… (ILLUSTRATE)
  7. There are many …………………….. poems in this book. (FAME)
  8. My ……………………………. were wrong. He failed the exam. (EXPECT)

Test 5

  1. He has got the best …………collection……….. of different stamps. (COLLECT)
  2. It is very …………expensive…………… to buy things in the supermarket. (EXPENSE)
  3. The day was really ……wonderful……………… and we went for a walk to the forest. (WONDER )
  4. My father is a very …………original………….. singer. (ORIGIN)
  5. She speaks ……………loudly………….. everywhere. (LOUD)
  6. My best friend takes part in the world …championship………………………. He is a great sportsman. (CHAMPION)
  7. My sister is very ……………realiable…………….. I can trust her. (RELY)
  8. He was ……………unable…………. to find right answer and got a bad mark. (ABLE)

Test 6

  1. Thank you very much. I’m sure I’ll find it without any ……difficultly…………… (DIFFICULT)
  2. There are a lot of ……global…………………. projects to protect the environment. (GLOBE)
  3. Turn to the right and you’ll ………………….. see this beautiful stature. (IMMEDIATE)
  4. I’ve had some …sleepless…………………. nights, so I feel exhausted. (SLEEP)
  5. The ………inhabition…………….. of the Zoo are wild animals. (INHABIT)
  6. You’ve failed the exam. You should ……rewrite………………… it. (WRITE)
  7. The question was so ……………difficult……………… that he couldn’t answer it. (DIFFICULTY)
  8. I’ve been waiting for …………permission……… to go abroad for two weeks already. (PERMIT)

Test 7

  1. He has ………………………. heard a scream. (SUDDEN)
  2. Her ……………………… were about future trip. (THINK)
  3. On checking up the answers John found out that he had made some ……………… (TAKE)
  4. I ………………………….. do morning exercise with my little brother. (USUAL)
  5. Can you give me some more …………………… about this book? (INFORM)
  6. My necklace has ………………………… I can’t find it anywhere. (APEAR)
  7. British soldiers wounded in the …………………. battles of the war. (BLOOD)
  8. I’ve been to the theatre with my mom ………………………. (RECENT)

Test 8

  1. Mrs Brown sat staring at the letter in ………………………… (BELIEVE)
  2. George likes to drink coffee, ………………………., in the morning. (SPECIAL)
  3. In spite of her parents’ ………………………, Kate became a nurse. (OBJECT)
  4. He became a leader in the movement for national ……………………….. (DEPEND)
  5. My parents will be ………………………………. by me if I fail the exam. (APPOINT)
  6. Most people have no real …………………………. In ghosts. (BELIEVE)
  7. My younger sister likes to read ………………………… stories. (HUMOUR)
  8. I can help you with the ……………………….. of this letter. (TRANSLATE)


Test 1

Fashionable, furniture, competitions, attractive, careful, repairing, exciting, disagree

Test 2

Noisy, difference, beautiful, useful, dislikes, librarian, treatment, picturesque

Test 3

Windy, pressure, proposal, thankful, speaker, quickly, amusement, careless

Test 4

Unsavory, favorite, excursions, movement, consideration, illustrations, famous, expectations

Test 5

Collection, expensive, wonderful, original, loudly, championship, reliable, unable

Test 6

Difficulty, global, immediately, sleepless, inhabitants, rewrite, difficult, permission

Test 7

Suddenly, thoughts, mistakes, usually, information, disappeared, bloody, recently

Test 8

Disbelief, especially, objections, independence, disappointed, belief, humorous, translation

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