Passive constructions 10 grade
тест по английскому языку (10 класс)

Авдеева Антонина Викторовна

Конструкции пассивного залога.


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Предварительный просмотр:

Version I

Complete the sentences using a passive form.

1. Much of London (destroy) ________________ by fire in the seventeenth century2. The man who (bite)____________________ by a snake was given a serum. 3. A leader should be a man who can (respect)____________________.  4. Many slums (demolish) __________________ to make way for new buildings.   5. The police (instruct) ___________ to take firm action against hooligans soon .   6. He (save)______________ from bankruptcy by the kindness of a friend last week.  

II. Make passive.

  1. Peter bought the house __________________________________________________________
  2. Mary will bring the water  ________________________________________________________
  3. My friends are repairing the car ____________________________________________________
  1. Most students speak English in this class _____________________________________________
  2. An elderly couple sheltered her ____________________________________________________
  3. A policeman helped him _________________________________________________________
  4. Someone is teaching him English __________________________________________________
  5. They had offered me a job _____________________________________________________

III. Make causative form.

  1. A mechanic is repairing their boat - _____________________________________________________________________________
  2. A cleaner cleans Mary’s house _____________________________________________________
  3. Someone has designed  a special wetsuit for the divers ______________________________________________________________________________
  4. The instructor will check the driver’s skills. ______________________________________________________________________________

Version II

Complete the sentences using a passive form 

  1. It (think) ____________ that the Government would do something to help.
  2. Three hundred new houses (build) __________________ by the end of next year
  3. Because of a strike, work on the building had to (discontinue)___ ________.
  4. The witness strongly objected to (cross-examine)____________________.
  5. It ________________(inform)  by  the police that he had to be at home for 5 days.
  6. I am not accustomed to (treat)____________________ in that way.

II. Make Passive 

  1. They looked after the baby _______________________________________________________
  2. They have been looking at her for hours ____________________________________________        
  3. They smiled at the girl as she walked by  ____________________________________________
  4. .People speak well of your friend ___________________________________________________
  5. We must look for the key _________________________________________________________
  6. People say that the president will arrive on Monday …………………………………………….        
  7. People think that money is the most important thing in life …………………………………………...
  8. They thought that he was an artist ……………………………………………………………………...
  1. Make causative form.
  1. A tour guide will arrange their diving trip. _____________________________________________________________________________
  2. The doctor was examining her injured hand. ___________________________________________________________________________
  3. Someone ordered a new equipment yesterday.______________________________________________________________________
  4. Jack’s underwater camera will be repaired tomorrow ______________________________________________________________________________

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