Контрольные работы к учебнику Spotlight, 10 класс
учебно-методический материал по английскому языку (10 класс)

Конюхова Ольга Александровна

Контрольные работы к учебнику Spotlight,10 класс за первое полугодие


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Предварительный просмотр:

Spotlight-10                                                                 TEST 1


     A.  Choose the correct answer

1. I think Paul is …… of me because I have a new bike                  A jealous     B dishonest           C mean                                               

2. Marta is ….. but sometimes she makes things more difficult.     A patient      B well-meaning   C caring

3.  Kate is a very … girl; she believes whatever people tell her      A loyal         B trusting      C supportive                 

4.  Ian is quite ...; one minute he’s all happy, the next he’s upset.   A selfish       B moody       C aggressive                         

5.  I love this artist’s paintings; he’s very ………..                         A respectful   B comfortable   C creative                                                     

        B. Underline the correct preposition

6.  Larry has taken in / up white-water rafting.
7.  Why don’t you take
off / out your jacket?
8.  On her graduation l took my sister
over / out to an expensive restaurant.
9.  Your son has taken
off /after you. You look so much alike.
10. I think you need to take these jeans
out / in; they’re very loose on you.
11. Jack will take
over / up the business when his father gets old.


  1. Put the verbs in brackets into the Present simple, Present continuous, Present perfect or Present perfect continuous
  1. A: What …………….. (you/do) this weekend?

B: Nothing special. I ………(usually/visit) my grandparents at the weekends but they  ……… (leave) for London on Friday.

  1. A: ……………..(you/have) lunch yet?

B: Not yet. I ……. (work) in the garden for the past five hours.

  1. A: …………………...(you/like) bungee jumping?

B: You know, I ………….(never/try) it but I ………………… (think) of trying it this weekend.

  1. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form: -ing form, to-infinitive or infinitive without to.

4.  My father made me …. (clean) my car today.
5.  Would you like …. (grab) a bite after classes?
6.  I don’t mind …. (help) you with your homework.

  1. Jane hates …. (take) the car to the garage.
  2. I can’t wait ….. (hear) your news.

9.  Kate must …. (see) a doctor as soon as possible.

10.Wendy isn’t keen on ….. (swim).

Everyday English

        Choose the correct response

  1. I’m on my way to aerobics class. Fancy coming along?
  1. Sure! Why not?
  2.  I’ll call you about it later.

2. Would you rather go to the cinema or the theatre?

a. Oh! I much prefer the theatre.
b No, but I’m going on Saturday.

3.Don’t you think she spends too much money on    


  1. You are wrong there.
  2.  Oh, really where?
  1. Would you like to come to the Chinese restaurant tonight?
  1. By the way, how did the gym go?

b. I’d love to but I’m afraid I can’t.

  1. How about going fishing this weekend?
  1. Oh! I’ve got an arts class tonight!

b.  You know, I’m not keen on fishing.


   Match texts 1-7 with their headings A-H. Use the headings only once. There is one you do not need to use.

A. An unusual hobby

B. Volunteer

C. Gig goer

D. Technology Freak

E. Bargain hunter

F. Fitness fan

G. Cinema lover

H. A passion for designer labels

1. I usually meet my friends down at the multiplex on a Saturday and we decide what to watch. There’s always something new out that we want to see. Luckily, we have the same taste and don’t spend too long deciding. I enjoy talking about it afterwards -the special effects, the acting and so on. It’s my favourite pastime!

2. I’m crazy about all the new gadgets that come out. I spend most of my free time shopping or surfing the Internet to check out the prices. The trouble is, nothing stays new for very long and you have to upgrade all the time. My mum says I spend too much on things I don’t reed. I can’t help it—it’s my passion. It’s so exciting to keep up with the latest trends!

3. I have always been a very active person, always trying new sports and spending my time keeping fit. I enjoy sport not only because it is healthy but also because it is a good way to meet people. I’m really into mountain biking at the moment and so I spend most weekends on trips. We sleep out in tents — it’s cool!

4. I spend a lot of my time shopping. I like to shop on my own or with my friends and most of my money is spent on clothes. But I am very careful with what I buy. I always spend time window shopping first and make sure I am getting a good price. It’s brilliant when you find a really nice top, and everyone thinks you paid a fortune for it, when in fact it cost you next to nothing!

5. You might think it strange that I spend so much time at the dog training centre. Most people my age are more interested in clubbing or hanging out at the mall. But it’s great to work with animals. My dog, Roy, has become so obedient now and I have helped my neighbour’s dog as well. It started out as a hobby, but who knows? I might decide to do it as a career.

6. Running errands for people is what I enjoy doing most I usually help my grandma on a Saturday with her shopping and sometimes do some gardening too. There’s always something that you can do to help people. It doesn’t have to be a big job that takes up all your time - even the small things can make difference. I never take money for the work I do. I do it because I want to help.

7. Seeing bands on TV or listening to recordings just isn’t the same. You really need to hear it live. I love to go and listen to my favourite bands and often travel long distances to see them. Sometimes I drive down to London with some friends or I go for a weekend break and fly down. My favourite has got to be the Glastonbury Festival. There you can hear the best music around.


    Listen to the conversation between two friends and answer questions 65-71, deciding whether the  

    statements are A (True), B (False) or C (Not stated).

1. Sarah had an interesting weekend.                       A True           B False           C Not stated
2. Sarah saw the activity advertised at school.         A True           B False           C Not stated
3. There were six people on Sarah's raft.                 A True           B False           C Not stated
4. Sarah had all the right equipment with her.         A True           B False           C Not stated
5. Sarah was the only beginner.                               A True           B False           C Not stated
6. Sarah got a good tan at the weekend.                  A True           B False           C Not stated
7. Sarah wasn’t frightened at all during the trip.     A True           B False           C Not stated

Предварительный просмотр:

Spotlight-10                                                                 TEST 2


     Choose the correct answer A, B or C.

1. The….. in this company is highly-qualified.                              A job               B people          C personnel

2. To solve this problem you must use your common…… .          A thought         B sense           C idea

3. When his father retires, Harry will …… the business.               A run                B take             C work

4. Paul and I are going to ……. a seminar on Creative Writing.    A participate     B attend         C watch

5. He shouldn’t try so hard to be different; we’re all in the same…… .   A train    B boat             C plane

6. Washing machines use a large … of water.                                 A amount         B crop            C emission

7. Mark … money to environmental organizations.                        A congests        B donates       C increases

8. When you go shopping, make sure you … to the shopping list. A stay                B save            C keep

9. When the last animal of a certain species dies, that species becomes...

                                                                                                         A endangered     B extinct       C natural

10. Polar bears are ... threat because of climate change.                 A in                    B under         C of


  1. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct future form: Future simple, Present continuous,                                   be going to, Future perfect or Future continuous

1. I don’t think George...(pass) his History exam; he hasn’t studied enough.

2. I have a lot of work today; I...(come) home late tonight.

3. "When...(you/fly) to Barclona?" "Tomorrow morning."

4. This time next week I...(shop) in Milan.

5. By the end of the month I...(finish) this project.

6. I`m very hungry. I...(make) myself something to eat.

7. The kids...(go) to bed by 10 o`clock.

  1. Underline the correct item

8. You look very pale. You should/can take some aspirin and go to bed.

9. You don’t have to/shouldn’t walk the dog again. John walked him an hour ago.

10. You can’t/don’t have to enter this room; it’s for staff only.

11. You ought to/have to reuse plastic and paper bags; don’t throw them away.

12. This is an old-fashioned school. All students can/must wear a uniform.

13.  I can’t meet my friends in the evening because I have to/can do my homework.

14. We mustn’t/don’t have to go swimming at this beach; sea turtles lay their eggs here.

15. I must/can’t do something   to help the environment but I don’t know what.

Everyday English

        Choose the correct response

1.  Did you know that more than 150 acres of rainforests are lost every minute?                                                                                                                                                      

a. Maybe we can do something before it’s too late.

b. Maybe all is not lost.

2.  I read  omewhere recently that some countries already have a water crisis.                                                                                                                                                  

a. I agree.                                  

b. That’s horrible!      

3.  It’s very cold today!

a.  That sounds cool!                

b. I know what you mean.

4.  They say that polar bears may be extinct in 100 years.

a. That’s really terrible!          

b.  I know what you mean.    

5.  Did you get caught in the rain?

a. Yeah, I’m soaking wet!        

b.  Don’t be silly!


Read the text and choose the correct answer from the choice given

My school life

In the United Kingdom compulsory education ends at the age of sixteen. However, many students stay on and complete two more years. For some (and I include myself in this category) school just becomes a habit, something you don't want to give up as it is so familiar to you. School is your world and you know nothing else and so you just keep on going.

Imagine my feelings when sixth form was over and there were no more classes to complete! Instead of feeling a sense of joy and relief I panicked — what was I, Jack McHall, to do? The logical and the best option was to go to university and continue my studies there, so that is, of course, what I did.

Unfortunately, the end of secondary education in the U.K. is not marked by any sense of celebration, like in other countries, for example, like the USA where students graduate at the age of 18 and have a fancy ball. (In the UK you have to wait until you finish college or university before you can have that privilege). In the UK you just 'finish school!' The lucky ones have a respectable collection of qualifications to their name as souvenirs; the unlucky ones may have slipped through the net somehow and end up going back to education at a later date when they feel more like studying. Education is more than qualifications, I admit that. But they are what count at the end of the day.

Ask anyone what they remember most about school and they'd probably say the teachers. They are what makes education a humanistic experience and, therefore, are the most memorable: the good ones, the bad ones, the kindest ones, the most generous ones... I was sad to leave them all, but I always was far too nostalgic.

School dinners, as for me, are remembered for a lot of wrong reasons: the long queues, the fat dinner ladies, the tasteless food. Thank goodness, they have introduced healthy eating plans in schools! Pupils are luckier nowadays!

Principally, school is all about belonging to a certain community and sitting in and making a contribution. I remember difficult times in the year, trying to find time for musical productions and athletics competitions. I wanted to do everything and make my school proud. What was more – an athlete or a musician? I was both, and a scholar too; an ‘all-rounder', I suppose you could say. Luckily, I was able to rely on my natural ability to get me through the exams and didn't have to spend too much time studying. I just listened to my teachers and got through that way. I thank them, really I do.

So, it will come as no surprise to you to find out that I became a teacher after I finished university. I couldn't get enough of school and so I stayed there! But this time it's different. Now I can give something back to society. I face many challenges everyday but keep going.

1) When Jack completed sixth form he…

a) felt relaxed.

b) started working.

c) went on to further education.

d) took a break from studying.

2) In the UK students have special celebration …

a) earlier than in the USA.

b) when they finish school.

c) at the age of 18.

d) on completion of university.

3) In paragraph 3 "slipped through the net" means that some students …

a) did not have many qualifications.

b) got a good number of qualifications.

c) were lucky at school.

d) left school later.

4) According to Jack, school dinners …

a) were a pleasant experience.

b) are remembered by all students.

c) are bad for you.

d) are better now than before.

5) Jack had difficulty at school …

a) deciding what to be.

b) combining the activities.

c) studying for exams.

d) listening to teachers.

6) Jack had returned to school because

a) he wanted to serve the people.

b) school was everything to his children.

c) it was the easiest way to live.

d) he had little experience of education.

7) When Jack says he "couldn't get enough of school" in the last paragraph, he means that

a) he was tired of it.

b) he really liked it.

c) he found it entertaining.

d) he was afraid to leave.


     Listen to a young man talking about his experience as a volunteer. For questions 1-7 choose the correct letter A, B or C. You will hear the recording twice.

  1. The narrator decided to become a volunteer because

A his parents asked him to.

B he wanted to help an endangered species

C he wanted to do some research.

  1. When travelling to Costa Rica the narrator

A felt nervous.

B couldn't believe how far away he was going.

C felt relaxed.

3. The narrator's main task was

A to clean the beach

B to work during the day

C to take care of the nests of the Leatherback Sea Turtle

4. The work was done

A under difficult conditions.

B under easy conditions.

C using artificial light

5. Staying with a family is good because

A you can cook your own meals.

B you make a financial contribution to the local area.

C you get to know more people

6. The facilities in the village are

A basic but improving all the time.

B sub-standard.

C like they are at home.

7. The narrator believes the conservation project

A will run for less than 20 years.

B may save the Leatherback Sea Turtle

C is not succeeding.

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