Презентация. Урок-игра по теме "Экология".
презентация урока для интерактивной доски по английскому языку (9 класс)

Журавлева Анастасия Станиславовна



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Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

Урок –игра «Экологические проблемы»

Слайд 2

environment Think globally Act locally

Слайд 3

The word environment means simply what is around us. Think globally Act locally

Слайд 4

Environment - the land, water, and air that people, animals, and plants live in Think globally Act locally

Слайд 5

Think globally Act locally Environmental problems Think globally Act locally Environmental problems

Слайд 6

What’s happening? Air pollution Water pollution Acid rain Disappearing animals Too much garbage! The greenhouse effect The ozone hole Global warming Overpopulation Think globally Act locally

Слайд 7

Water pollution Think globally Act locally

Слайд 8

Air pollution Think globally Act locally

Слайд 9

The greenhouse effect Think globally Act locally

Слайд 10

The ozone hole Think globally Act locally

Слайд 11

Questions: Think globally Act locally What does the word environment mean? What are the most serious environmental problems? How is water polluted? What do you know about air pollution? What does the ozone layer protect us from?

Слайд 12

Think globally Act locally Why are the holes in the ozone layer dangerous for people? How does “the greenhouse effect” work? What happens with fish in the rivers and lakes which become acid?

Слайд 13

How long has litter lasted? Think globally Act locally

Слайд 14

How long has litter lasted? 2-5 weeks 1 month 6 months 1 year 4 years 5 years 10-20 years 100 years up to 500 years 1 million years forever

Слайд 15

Remember the 3 Rs! Think globally Act locally

Слайд 16

Reduce! We’ve all got to try to reduce the amount of rubbish we throw away. We can do that by buying unpackaged goods, like fruit and vegetables, rather than goods which are wrapped and packaged in plastic. The less that's thrown away, the more we help the environment. Think globally Act locally

Слайд 17

Reuse! Try to use things as many times as possible before you throw them away. For example, you're given some plastic bags at the supermarket to carry your food home in. Do you use them again? Most people don't. It would be much better for the environment if they did. Your kids have grown out of their old clothes. Don't just put them in the bin - think about giving them to charity. Somebody probably wants them. Think globally Act locally

Слайд 18

Recycle! Glass, paper, plastic – they can all be recycled. Recycling cuts down the waste going to landfill sites and also means factories need to produce fewer new bottles and packets and paper. That means there's less pollution going into the atmosphere from the factories. It also leads to fewer trees being cut down to make paper. Think globally Act locally

Слайд 25

Put the verbs in brackets into the passive. Every spring, before the summer season starts, our local beach 1…… (clean) by volunteers. All the rubbish 2….. (pick up) and 3….. (put) into big bags. Later, it 4…….(separate) into things that can 5……(recycle), like glass and paper, and things that have to 6………..(throw) away. Last year, ten large bin bags 7…….(take) to the local recycling centre. I always help with the cleaning. The beach 8…..(make) safer and cleaner for all of us and it’s good for the environment if some of the rubbish 9…..(recycle) too.

Слайд 26

Are these statements about people in England true or false? People never forget to turn off lights, because electricity is expensive. Nobody wears fur coats, because it is not cold. People sort their rubbish, because they want to help the environment. People use pooper scoopers and clean up after their dogs. Nobody drops litter, because they like their towns and cities clean. Nobody goes camping, because it’s bad for the environment. There are special factories which recycle materials.

Слайд 27

People never forget to turn off lights, because electricity is expensive. Nobody wears fur coats, because it is not cold. People sort their rubbish, because they want to help the environment. People use pooper scoopers and clean up after their dogs. Nobody drops litter. Nobody goes camping, because it’s bad for the environment. There are special factories which recycle materials. true true true true true true false

Слайд 28


Слайд 29

A building made of , where you can grow flowers and other plants A greenhouse

Слайд 30

The relationship between plants, animals, people, and the environment, or the study of this ecology

Слайд 31

Harmful chemicals and waste, and the damage they cause to the environment pollution

Слайд 32

Unhealthy air in cities that is a mixture of smoke, gases, chemicals etc smog

Слайд 33

A place where garbage is buried underground landfill

Слайд 34

Things such as old food, empty bottles etc that you do not need any more and that you throw away rubbish

Слайд 35

To make the amount or size of something less than it was before reduce

Слайд 36

Something bad or difficult that you have to deal with problem

Слайд 37

Gas or smoke with a strong smell that is unpleasant to breathe fume

Слайд 38

The gases around the Earth which we breathe gas

Слайд 39

SYNONYMS OF THE WORD “RUBBISH” garbage trash refuse litter waste garbage/trash

Слайд 40

Scientists think that ________ on Earth is changing because of the damage. climate

Слайд 41

We must also ______ paper, glass and other materials that people can use again. recycle

Слайд 42

We know now that we must do more to ______the environment. protect

Слайд 43

Are you as green as grass? Type A You are as green as grass! You worry about the environment and love animals. You know a lot about them. You are nature’s best friend and the hope of the Earth! You worked really well on this unit. Type B You think about the environment, but only if it doesn’t cost you anything. You are sorry for animals when you see them on TV, but you are not ready to do anything for them. Open your eyes and look around. Our planet needs you! Type C You are as scary as Cruella Devil from 101 Dalmatians. If you don’t know this lady, it doesn’t matter. We’ll explain. Cruella Devil is a very, very nasty woman. She hates dogs and makes fur coats out of them. Do you want to be like her? If you don’t, revise this unit!

Слайд 44

Home task: to find out the information about any organization which protects our nature

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