Контрольные работы по английскому языку для 6 класса по программе Вербицкой М.В.
тест по английскому языку (6 класс)

Короваева Гульфия Ахмашакировна

Контрольные работы по английскому языку для 6 класса по программе Вербицкой М.В.


Предварительный просмотр:

Entry test. 6th grade.2023-2024.

Variant I

Ex.1. Fill in the blanks with have to or has to.

  1. She _____________ wash the dishes.  
  2. He _____________cook supper.
  3. They_____________ come to school on Sunday.  
  4. We ______________work at night.  
  5. She _____________ go to work by train.
  6. We _________________go to school every day.

Ex. 2. Fill in the blanks with “much”, “many” 

  1. I have got ______________ friends.
  2. In the park you can see _________ trees.
  3. Do not drink _________ coffee in the evening.
  4. Children must drink __________ milk.
  5. They have ____________ horses in the farm.
  6. How … days?
  7. How … petrol?
  8. How … children?
  9. How … juice?

Ex.3. Fill in “a little” or “a few”.

  1. There are______ hotels in this town. There is almost nowhere to stay for the tourists.
  2. Have you got ______  minutes? I need to talk to you.
  3. Could you buy ______ bottles of water for me?
  4. We had ______  snow last winter. We made snowmen.
  5. They have ______ furniture in the room. The room is almost empty.
  6. I want to eat ______   I’m hungry.
  7. My parents give me ______    pocket money every week, so I can buy everything I need.
  8. Can you please buy _______ apples.
  9. There is _________________        coffee in the cup.
  10. I only need ______   minutes to get ready.

Ex.4. Write the numerals in words.

  1. 3614 -
  2. 875 -
  3. 9513 -
  4. 7654321 -
  5. 13,8 -

Ex. 5. Fill in the blanks with must or have to.

  1. You … open the window. It is cold.
  2. I … get up earlier today. We are going on an excursion.
  3. We … clean the floor. It’s very dirty.
  4. You … buy cinema tickets. I can’t buy them.
  5. We … visit granny. She is ill.
  6. I _____________ help my mum with the cooking.
  7. John can't come because he ________________ work tomorrow.

Ex. 6. Write 3 forms of these verbs.

  1. To pay
  2. To read
  3. To say
  4. To sleep

  1. To swim
  2. To put
  3. To run
  4. To see

Предварительный просмотр:

Предварительный просмотр:

Контрольная по английскому языку

за 1 четверть 2023-2024 учебный год.

Ex. 1. Переделайте предложения по образцу.

Example: This is your house - This house is yours

  1. This is my bike.
  2. This is his car.
  3. This is her dress.
  4. These are their house.
  5. These are our classroom.
  6. Is this their garden?
  7. These are her children.

Ex. 2. Напишите время буквами:

Example:12.00 – It’s twelve o’clock.

  1. 12.20 -
  2. 01.15 -
  3. 02.35 -
  4. 10.45 -
  5. 04.13 -

Ex. 3. Напишите время цифрами:

  1. It’s twenty-five past twelve -
  2. It’s eight to eight -
  3. It’s thirteen past twelve -
  4. It’s one to five -
  5. It’s half past nine -

Ex. 4. Напишите 3 формы неправильных глаголов:

  1. приходить -
  2. приносить -
  3. стоить -
  4. становиться -
  5. строить -
  6. ловить –

Ex. 5. Переведите слова на английский язык:

  1. отчество –
  2. отчим –
  3. внук –
  4. прадедушка –
  5. тетя –
  6. двоюродный брат –
  7. племянник -
  8. зять –
  9. жена –

Ex. 6. Допишите «хвостик» разделительных вопросов.

  1. This girl is very nice, ___________________ ?
  2. There weren’t any spots there, ___________?
  3. He often uses our phone, ________________?
  4. She walked to work, ____________________ ?
  5. Cats were lying on the sofa, ______________ ?
  6. He wasn’t at home, _____________________ ?
  7. Kate will do it, _________________________ ?

Ex. 7. Заполните таблицу о себе на английском языке:

Name, surname

Age, Birthday





Ex.8. Выберите have/have got, has/has got

  1. I’m not feeling very well. I have got/have a headache.
  2. Could you call later? She has got/has a shower.
  3. It’s a nice house, but it hasn’t got/has a garden.
  4. Mary has got/has a lot of friends.
  5. I am going to the dentist this morning. I have got/have a toothache.
  6. My mother is going to have got/ have a sandwich for breakfast.
  7. He can’t open the door. He hasn’t got/has a key.

«5» - 47-55

«4» - 39-46

«3» - 27-38

«2» - 0-26

  1. We must hurry. We haven’t got/have much time.
  2.  Would you mind to have got/have coffee with me? 
  3. What time does Jenny have got/have lunch?

Предварительный просмотр:

Предварительная контрольная по английскому языку

за 1 четверть 2023-2024 учебный год.

Ex.1. Переделайте предложения по образцу.

Example: This is your house - This house is yours

  1. This is my life - 
    2. This is his watch - 
    3. That's our money - 
    4. This is her plan - 
    5. These are their clothes - 
    6. Is this your land? - 
    7. These aren't her children - 

Ex.2.Напишите время буквами:

Example:12.00 – It’s twelve o’clock.

  1. 12.30 -
  2. 08.15 -
  3. 03.48 -
  4. 09.55 -
  5. 10.18 -

Ex.3.Напишите время цифрами:

  1. It’s twenty past four -
  2. It’s quarter to eight -
  3. It’s seven past twelve -
  4. It’s five to five -
  5. It’s half past one -

Ex.3.Напишите 3 формы неправильных глаголов:

  1. быть -
  2. покупать -
  3. стоить -
  4. становиться -
  5. строить -
  6. ловить –

Ex.4. Переведите слова на английский язык:

  1. племянник –
  2. отчим –
  3. внук –
  4. прабабушка –
  5. тетя –
  6. двоюродная сестра –
  7. отчество –
  8. невестка –
  9. муж –

Ex.5. Допишите «хвостик» разделительных вопросов.

  1. Money isn't everything, _____?
  2. Computers are very useful, _____?
  3. Some people watch too much TV, _____?
  4. People didn't have TV 100 years ago, _____?
  5. Life was better 100 years ago, _____?
  6. We can all make mistakes, _____?
  7. Parents shouldn't hit their children, _____?

Ex.6. Заполните таблицу о себе на английском языке:

Name, surname

Age, Birthday





Ex.8. Выберите have/have got, has/has got

  1. I’m not feeling very well. I have got/have a headache.
  2. Could you call later? She has got/has a shower.
  3. It’s a nice house, but it hasn’t got/has a garden.
  4. Mary has got/has a lot of friends.
  5. I am going to the dentist this morning. I have got/have a toothache.
  6. My mother is going to have got/ have a sandwich for breakfast.
  7. He can’t open the door. He hasn’t got/has a key.
  8. We must hurry. We haven’t got/have much time.
  9.  Would you mind to have got/havecoffee with me? 
  10. What time does Jenny have got/have lunch?

«5» - 47-55

«4» - 39-46

«3» - 27-38

«2» - 0-26

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