Открытый урок по английскому языку в 5 классе
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (5 класс)

Тощева Вера Владимировна

Разработка данного открытого урока поможет учителю подготовить интересный урок по УМК "Английский в фокусе". Уурок относится к 7 модулю учебника, а также материал открытого урока можно использовать и на внеклассных занятиях по английскому языку


Предварительный просмотр:

Поурочный план урока по английскому языку в 5 классе по умк «Английский в фокусе»

Цели урока: способствовать развитию навыков фонематического слуха и произносительных навыков звуков [ŋ], [i:], [ɔ:], [w], [ə]; способствовать совершенствованию лексических навыков по теме «Времена года. Месяцы»; способствовать развитию грамматических навыков по теме «Порядковые числительные»; способствовать созданию условий для формирования мотивации учащихся к дальнейшей успешной работе


Этапы урока

Слова учителя

Слова ученика



I. Oрг. момент.

Today we have an unusual lesson. There are a lot of guests in our class. So, let’s begin our lesson. The theme of our lesson is: „When is your birthday?”

We shall continue to speak about seasons and today we shall revise the names of seasons, months, days of week and ordinal numbers.

- Is anybody absent today?

- What date is it today?

- What day of the week is today?

- What season is it now?

- What month is it now?

- What is the weather like today?

Today is the…

Today is…

It is winter now

It is February now.

The weather is…



II. Фонетичес-кая  зарядка.

- Now, let’s repeat the sounds. What is this sound?

 (На доске записаны звуки, учитель показывает на них, учащиеся произносят их).

- Let’s pronounce these sounds in chorus.

- Find these sounds in this rhy-me.

(На доске висит четверости-шие и учащиеся читают те слова, в которых есть эти зву-ки).

Who wants to read these rhyme?

Spring is green

Summer is bright

Autumn is yellow

Winter is white

[ ŋ ], [ i: ], [ ɔ: ],

 [ w ],[ ə ]

spring, green, autumn, winter.

8-10 мин.

III Проверка дом. задания.

- It’s time to check up your home task Your home task was: to learn by heart the poems about seasons and weather. Who wants to start?    

(Учащиеся рассказывают



Этапы урока

Слова учителя

Слова ученика

стихотворения о временах года и о месяцах).



IV Повторе- ние  граммат. материала

- Children, try to answer my questions about seasons.

- How many seasons are there in the year? What are they?

- What season comes after win-ter?

- What do children do in winter?

- Did you skate and ski in win-ter?

- What are winter months?

- Does it rain in spring?

- What is the weather like in spring?

- Do you like to pick flowers in spring?

- What season will come after spring?

- When are the days long?

- Will you swim in the river in summer?

- Are September, October, November autumn months?

- Does it usually rain in autumn?    

There are four sea-sons in the year. They are: winter, spring, summer, autumn.

- Spring comes after winter.

- They play the snow balls, make the snow-man.

- Yes, I did.

December, January, February are the winter months.

- Yes, it does.

- The weather is warm in spring.

- Yes, I do.

Summer will come after spring.

The days are long in winter.

- Yes, I will.

- Yes, they are.

- Yes, it does.

V. Физкульт - минутка.

Before we continue, let’s do exercises. Stand up, please. Look at me and repeat after me.

Hands up, hands down

Hands on hips. Sit down.

Hands up, To the side.

Turn left, turn right

One, two, three, hop,



Этапы урока

Слова учителя

Слова ученика

One, two, three, stop.

Sit down. Let’s continue our lesson.

VI.Упражнения на  закрепле-ние.

Let’s do some exercises. The first task. Look at the blackboard

I. Puzzle.

How many words can you make up out of these letters? Write the names of season. You may use one letter twice.

s, u, r, i, p, e, n, a, g, w, t, m.

II. Make up the transcription of these words.

(На доске висят листы на котором написаны названия дней недели и их транскрипция и представители из трех команд соединяют их).

III. Guess what season it is.

(Учитель читает описание времени года, учащиеся угадывают, что это за время).

People call me the season of hope and happiness when it come, flowers begin to grow, green leaves appear on the tree. The weather is usually fine. What season is it?

- It is spring.

It is the fourth season in the year.

Days become cool and it usually rain. The weather is bad. But it brings fruit, vegetables and corn and turns the leaves red, yellow and brown. Birds fly to the south. What is it?  

- It is autumn.

It is the hottest season of the year. The sun shines brightly, green grass and flowers everywhere. Children go to their camps, where they bathe, lie in



Этапы урока

Слова учителя

Слова ученика

the sun, gather mushrooms and berries. What season is it?

- It is summer.

It is the coldest season of the year. When it comes all the rivers and lakes are frozen. The ground, the trees the houses are covered with deep snow. You will never see such a wonderful picture in any other season.

What is it?

- It is winter.

IV. Write down these dates in

letters. Let’s revise the ordinal number.

15 сентября, 20 апреля,

2 августа, 23 мая, 19 ноября,

31 июля, 13 февраля, 22 июня,

 16 октября.

V. There are a lot of holidays in Great Britain and our country. Let’s say about it. You must finish these sentences.

- The first of January is …

- The 25th of December is …

- The 14th of February is …

- The 8th of March is …

- The 1st of April is …

- The 1st of September is …

- The 1st of June is …

- The 31st of October is …

VI. Children, answer my question, please: „When is your birthday?”

VII. Crossword. Completes the crossword. Write the names of months.

VII. Try to guess the riddles.

1. This is the season

When children ski

And Grandfather Frost

Brings the New Year Tree

What is it?

2. Fat and gay on a winter day.

He came here with us to stay.

When he grew both sad and thin.

We brought his younger brother in.

People meet the guest with cheer.

For he brings another year. What is it?

3. This is the season

When snowdrops bloom,

When nobody likes

 To stay in the room.

This is the season

When birds make their nests.

This is the season

We all like best

What is it?

4. A little old woman with

twelve children, some short, some long, some hot. What is it?

5. Which month of the year is the shortest?

6. This is the season

When fruit is sweet.

This is the season

When school – friends meet.

What season is it?

7. There are twelve brothers,

Who march in single file.

But can never overtake one another.

8. What is without hands and without foot, without head or body, but can open a door?

9. What is it, that can catch me wet, but cannot reach me, when I am at home.

10. What often falls but never gets hurt.

11. This is the season when nights are short.

And children have plenty of fun and sport.

Boating, swimming all the day.

With a merry song.

On a sunny day.

What is it.

-The New Year.

- (Christmas in England)

- St’ Valentine’s Day.

- Mother’s Day.

- April Fools Day.

- Knowledge Day.

- The Children’s Day.

- Halloween.

- It is winter.

- It is a calendar.

- It is spring.

- It is a year.

May. It has only 3 letters.

- It is autumn.

-12 months.

-The wind.



VII. Результаты урока.

Слова ученика

VIII.Домашнее задание.

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