Сценарный план урока на тему "Подвиг учителей в военные годы"
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (10 класс)

Голякова Екатерина Геннадьевна

Урок-дискуссия на тему "Подвиг учителей в военные годы" посвящен Году Педагога и Наставника в России и служит мощным инструметом для формирования такой базовой национальной ценности как патриотизм и гордость за свое Отечество у обучающихся 9-11-х классов.


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Предварительный просмотр:

2023 in Russia is officially declared the Year of Teacher and Mentor. The corresponding decree was signed by President Vladimir Putin

The decision emphasizes the special status of teachers and their invaluable contribution to the education of the younger generation.

Smile at your reflection. You are the modern children. Do you have a happy childhood? Why?

Should the childhood be happy?

Look at the video. What do you see in those children`s faces? Do the children of the war differ from you? How? Did they have to fight? Work? Study? Did they have time to complain?

Look at the photos. They are schools in the war time. Look at the photo of a school in Cheboksary. What are the children wearing? Why? Can we see the same on the other photos? The schools were ruined, lots of school buildings were taken for hospitals. In that cases, students had lessons at the teacher`s places. When Odessa was occupied by Nazis, civilians had to hide underground in catacombs to survive. What can you see in the photo? A class. Students kept studying.

Why did the school process didn`t stop even in the war time? What character traits did those students and children have? Bravery, courage, hope, mercy, humanism.

Is it a feat to study in that hard condition? What is the feat for you?

What can you see on this map? Concentration camps, death camps. Inhuman experiments, millions of victims, impersonal people. They had no names but numbers. Can the impersonal person to accomplish a feat?

Look at the photos. Are these children happy? May be, some of you know the history of that photo? These children were the orphants, they were told they were going to the sea to have a rest. Do you know that man? Who`s he? Janusz Korchak was a principle of the orphanage in Poland. One of the Nazi officers loved his books and he offered to save him, not to go to the death camp. He refused. He didn`t say a word to the children, supported them. And went to the gas camera with his children.

Look at his face in the camp. Who took this shoot? Wasn`t he afraid? What did he feel? He had a chance to survive, but he preferred to die with his students. Is it a feat? Why did he accomplish it?

Some more examples of the teachers feats.

Only a true teacher can do that? Or only a true Human?

Are there any other examples of humanism and its feat during the war?

Do we live in a peaceful time? No. But do the school still work? Why?

Show the Alley of Angels, after the show the mirror again. Children smile at their reflections. I wish everybody peaceful time and good education which will allow to make all their dreams come true.

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