презентация к уроку по английскому языку (7 класс)



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Слайд 1


Слайд 2

Christmas People in Britain celebrate Christmas о n 25 December. They celebrate it as the day when Jesus Christ was born. It is often cold, wet and foggy at Christmas. Families decorate their homes and Christmas trees.

Слайд 3

Christmas Eve The day before Christmas is Christmas Eve. It is very busy time for families in England. They prepare presents, make Christmas cakes, hang stockings near the fireplace. Children often write letters to Father Christmas with their wishers . They believe that while they are sleeping, Father Christmas comes to visit.

Слайд 4

Father Christmas He is a kind old man in red clothes with a big sack of toys . He puts sweets and small toys in the children’s stockings. in

Слайд 5

A Big Dinner Families usually have turkey or goose with vegetables. After dinner the family gathers in the living room to listen to Queen of England on television.

Слайд 6

Christmas pudding At tea time in late afternoon they drink tea with the Christmas cake and pudding.

Слайд 7

During the holiday carolers go from house to house in the evening. They ring handbells and sing carols, Christmas song. People give the carolers piers, nuts, fruit or a little money.

Слайд 8

Boxing Day The day after Christmas is Boxing Day. The name “boxing” comes from the time when people put money for the poor in the church boxes . Then on 26 December the poor got that money . Now people use this day to give some money to people who helped them during the year.

Слайд 10

Are the sentences true? 1.In England it is often rainy at Christmas. 2.Father Christmas visits children on Christmas Eve. 3.On Christmas Day you can hear Queen of England on television. 4.People eat the Christmas cake on day after Christmas. 5.The re are a lot of fights on Boxing day. 6.Boxing day is the day when the poor go to church. 7.People celebrate Christmas on 25 December.

Слайд 11

New Year’s Day The beginning of a new year is the time for celebrating and for making a new start. People wish each other “Happy New Year” and send special greeting cards . Many people go to parties with theirs families , neighbours and friends.

Слайд 12

In London people gather to celebrate in Trafalgar Square . From there they can hear Big Ben , the large clock at the House of Parliament . When Big Ben strikes, they all hug and kiss each other and shout “Happy New Year”.

Слайд 14

New Year Parade

Слайд 15

Happy New Year !

Слайд 16

Complete the sentences Holidays are usually mean ….. The beginning of a year is time for .. People wish each other … and send special ….. Many people get together with … In London people gather to celebrate in …. When Big Ben strikers, people …. But young people go out and ….

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