Progress test 10 unit 7
тест по английскому языку (10 класс)

Ермакова Ольга Александровна

Progress test  10 unit 7


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Предварительный просмотр:



1Choose the correct answer.

1 Jim has to ____ boarding school, even though he doesn’t like it.

A pass          b take          c attend                d earn

2 That is a very popular company. They even have a ____ in Moscow.

a degree                    b pass                    c brand                  d branch

3 I used to attend extra- ______ activities after school..

a calligraphy                    b private             c classes                 d curricular

4 I got my ____ after I completed my computer course.

a paper                    b certificate                     c exam                  d workshop

5 It is very hard emotionally to ______ an exam.

a enroll                     b sit                    c get                d go

6 Using the phone I often______in my exams.

a cheat off                    b write                       c read                  d pass

2 Complete the sentences with these words.  

boarding school, single sex schools, secondary school, state school, home school, private, primary school

1 My brother was sent to a ______________ in France.

2 I don’t accept because children should communicate with the opposite gender..

3 Some parents prefer to ______________ their children rather than send them to state school.

4 ______________schools are schools where a student must pay for education.. 

5 Students in ______________ study hard to get into the university of their choice.

6 Students first learn to read, write and do maths in ______________.


3 Choose the correct answer.

1.        The exam is next week. So you … (must/can) study hard.

2.        I will cook everything for the party, so you … (don’t have to/mustn’t) bring any food.

3.        Women … (are allowed to/have to) cover their heads in a church.

4.        I … (can’t/can) speak Italian very well because I didn’t learn it at school.

5.        When they were rich they were … (can/allowed to) travel abroad every month.

6.        Dogs … (aren’t allowed to/aren’t able to) get inside.

7.        I’m sure Bob … (may/must) be in England now.

8.        He … (can’t/couldn’t) open the window as it was stuck.

9.        All passengers ... (can/must) wear seat-belts.

10.        I ... (couldn’t/mustn’t) eat sweets when I was a girl.

11.        You ... (don’t have to/mustn’t) walk on the grass.

12.        Strawberry yoghurt ... (mustn’t/doesn’t have to) contain real strawberries.

4 Complete the paragraph using one indefinite pronoun in each gap.  

Last month I was very nervous about a maths test. I was surprised that 1) ____ in my class was really worried like me. I remember that I could not think of 2) ____ else but that exam. I tried to find 3) ____ to study with but, 4) ____ was available. I spent all week studying by myself. When I went to class ready to take the exam I remembered 5) ____ the teacher said. He said that exam was on the 16th of December, not the 6th! 6) ____ started laughing. Even me!

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