Описание здания медицинского колледжа на английском
методическая разработка по английскому языку

Дучинская Мария Игоревна

Шаблон с примерами ля опимания здания колледжа на английском


Файл opisanie_zdaniya_kolledzha_na_angliyskom.docx68.57 КБ

Предварительный просмотр:

1. Read and translate the text about Vyazma medical college

Vyazma medical collegeC:\Users\masha\Desktop\IMG_5174.jpg

   I live in Vyazma. I have recently graduated from my high school and entered the Vyazma Medical College. It is one of the best colleges in the town. Our college was founded in 1930 as a school for nurses and midwives. In 2008 a new educational building was opened. The college was given the name of Mukhin in 2016. About 500 students study there.

 I have always wanted to study medicine after school. The entrance exams included Сhemistry and Biology and I passed both of them with excellent marks. I am delighted to study such subjects as Anatomy, Latin, Сhemistry, Nursing, Genetics, Pharmacology, Microbiology, Physical Education and else. Our college is rather well equipped. There is a large sports ground outside and one gym inside. There is also a library with a good choice of medical books.C:\Users\masha\Desktop\muhin.jpg

Today, the college provides basic and advanced training in such specialties as nursery, pharmacy and medical assistance. In addition, each year the college provides postgraduate training for nurses. I’m very proud o be a student of this college.

     Today, Vyazma Medical College is one of the most reliable institutions in the town. Thousands of young people can get decent education in healthcare area at this college

2. The plan of describing the college. Use the information from the text above

1.NAME – The medical college

2.LOCATION – Baumanskaya Street,1,Vyazma


4.DETAILS – bay windows, flight of stairs, balconies, columns, arches

5.DESCRIPTION – adjectives: grand, tall, majestic, magnificent, luxurious


          I like this place because it is grand/it gives positive emotions.

            I don’t like this place. It is depressed/old-fashioned/dirty/it gives negative e            emotions.

1. In the photo/picture you can see _____________.

2. It is situated __________________.

3.The ________ was founded in ______________.

4.The building is full of different details.

5.It is a two-storey building/three storey/four storey/multi storey.

6.You can see_________________.

7.There are/is __________________in the college.

8.Near the___________you can see/there is_______________,

9.The ________is_________.

10. I like/don/t like __________because___________.

 3. The sample of describing the building

1. In the photo/picture you can see  the building of Vyazma medical college.

2. It is situated in Baumanskaya street.

3.The  college was founded in 1930 as a school for nurses.

4.The building is full of different details.

5.It is a two-storey building.

6.You can see bay windows and columns in the college .

7.There is a flight of stairs in the college.

8.Near the college you can see a sportsground and a lot of flowers.

9.The  building of our college is magnificent.

10. I like the college because it is grand.

4. The adjectives that can be used for describing

  1. Architectural: Relating to the design and structure.
  2. Captivating: Holding attention and fascination.
  3. Contemporary: Modern and up-to-date.
  4. Distinguished: Eminent and distinguished in appearance.
  5. Eclectic: Combining various styles and influences.
  6. Functional: Designed for practical purposes.
  7. Historic: Significant and related to history.
  8. Iconic: Widely recognized and iconic.
  9. Impressive: Creating a strong impact or admiration.
  10. Innovative: Characterized by new and original ideas.
  11. Majestic: Having grandeur and dignity.
  12. Modern: Pertaining to current trends and style.
  13. Ornate: Elaborately decorated and embellished.
  14. Prominent: Standing out and noticeable.
  15. Remarkable: Worthy of attention and admiration.
  16. Spacious: Offering ample space and room.
  17. Striking: Eye-catching and visually impressive.
  18. Timeless: Not affected by time, classic.
  19. Unique: Distinctive and one-of-a-kind.
  20. Vibrant: Full of energy and liveliness.

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