Разработка внеклассного мероприятия по английскому языку по теме "Олимпийские игры"

Пигарева Елена Владимировна

Внеклассное мероприятие посвящено теме "Олимпийские игры". Рассчитано для учеников 5-7 классов.


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Предварительный просмотр:

Своя игра «Олимпийские игры»


  1. Актуализация изученного материала по теме «Спорт», «Олимпийские игры»
  2. Развитие логического мышления и произвольного внимания.
  3. Поддержание интереса учащихся к изучению  английского языка.

Ход мероприятия

- Hello, my dear boys and girls! I am glad to see you today. Do you like to play games?today you will have a chance to take part in our game. We shall have 2 stages. Each stage will have a text about Olympic Games. Each text  includes  questions. You will try to answer as many questions  as you can.

Stage 1.   The History of the Olympic Games.

- Read the text and answer the questions.

Long ago ancient Greeks often waged wars. Small states suffered and lost much if they did not take any side and stayed out of wars. The ruler of such a small state, Elis, wanted to live in peace with all neighbours.  He was a good diplomat and Elis was recognized a neutral state. To celebrate this achievement, he organized athletic games.

In the beginning this feast lasted one day, but later a whole month was devoted to it. All wars and feuds were stopped by special heralds who rode in all directions of Greece. The Games were held every four years in Olympia on the territory of Elis. The first games which later were called the Olympic Games were held about a thousand years before our era.

Usually the  Olympic Games began before the middle of the summer. Best athletes arrived from many Greek states to Olympia to compete in running, long jumps, throwing of discus, wrestling, fighting and chariot races.

All athletes took an oath and promised to compete honestly and keep the rules of the sacred Olympics. The athletes took part in all kinds of competitions. Winners were called “olympionics”, they were awarded olive wreath and cups of olive oil.

Only men could take part in the Olympic Games. Woman were not allowed even to watch the competitions at the stadium under the fear of death penalty.

The Olympic Games had been held for about eleven hundred years, until the Emperor Theodosius banned them for religious reasons in 394 A.D.

The revival of the Olympic Games  began long time afterwards, in 1892, when a young French teacher Pierre de Coubertin made a public speech before the Union of French sport clubs in Paris. Pierre de Coubertin understood the importance of sports which united people of the world and served the cause of peace like in ancient time.

Answer the questions

- What did ancient Greeks do long ago?

- What did the ruler of  a small state want to do?

- Why did the ruler organize athletic games?

- How long did the first feast last?

- When did the Olympic Games  begin?

- How were the winners called?

- Who was not allowed to take part in the Olympic Games?

- When did the revival of  the Olympic Games begin?

Stage 2.   Modern  Olympic Games.

The world's greatest international sport games are known as  the Olympic Games.

In 1894 a Frenchman Baron Pierre de Coubertin persuaded people from fifteen countries to start  the Olympic Games again. His words “It's a great honor to win, but still a greater honor to compete” became an Olympic motto.

On the 23rd of June 1894 the International Congress of amateur sportsmen made an important decision: to revive  the Olympic Games and to establish the International Olympic Committee which would be responsible for the administration of the modern  Olympic Games.

The first modern  Olympic Games were held in Athens in 1896.

At the Olympic in London in 1908 there were more than two thousand competitors from twenty-one different countries. In 1908 women were allowed to compete for the first time.

Since then  the Olympic Games are held every fourth year in different countries.

The ancient Greeks had no winter sports. Only in 1924 the first Winter  Olympic Games were held in France.  At first Scandinavians dominated in all kinds of Winter Sports, that's why the Flag of Norway was considered to be the flag of the Winter Games. At present the Olympic flag has a white background with five rings in the middle: blue, yellow, black, green and red.

The International Olympic Committee at Lausanne, in Switzerland, decides where each Olympics will take place. They ask a city (not a country) to be host – one city for the Winter Olympics and one for the Summer Olympic Games.

Nearly 150 countries are represented in the  International Olympic Committee.

Since the Olympic Games in Helsinki in1952 and continuing today,  Russian athletes never went below third place in the world in number and gold medals collected at the Summer Olympics.

The 1980 Summer Olympic Games were held in Moscow and the 2014 Winter Olympic will be hosted by Sochi.

In  Winter Olympic in Sochi sportsmen will compete in hockey, skiing, skating, figure- skating, biathlon, snowboarding, tobogganing.

The Olympic idea means friendship, fraternity and cooperation among the people of the world. The Olympic Movement proves that real peace can be achieved through sport.

  1. Answer the questions.

What are the world's greatest sport games?

What does the Olympic idea mean?

What is the Olympic emblem?

Why have these colors been chosen?

Are the Olympics held in the same place?

When did the Winter Olympic Games start being held? Where?

2. Which description fits which game?

- Racing down an ice-covered track in a small vehicle.  (Bobsleighing)

- The sport of skiing and shooting.  (Biathlon)

3. True or False

- If two teams have the same score at the end of the game, it's a draw.  (True)

- Sticks are used in skiing and hockey.  (False)

- The people who watch a hockey match are the audience.  (False)

4. Match the sports and sportsmen.

Biathlon                                              Zubkov Alexsandr

Ice hockey                                          Ovechkin    Alexandr

Skiing                                                 Tudegesheva Ekaterina

Snowboarding                                    Kryukov   Nikita

Bobsleighing                                       Shipulin Anton

5. Comment the following proverbs  and expressions.

A) become the sport of fortune

     good sport/ good sort

     in sports and journeys men are known

     all for one and one for all

     every man has his hobby-horse

   B) у всякого свой конек

       друг познается в беде

       один за всех и все за одного

       славный парень

       стать игрушкой судьбы

Олимпийские игры

  1. Где состоялись первые Олимпийские игры нового времени?   (В Афинах в 1896г.)
  2. Со времен Олимпийских игр лишь один вид спорта не претерпел изменений. Что это за вид спорта?   (Метание копья)
  3. Первым президентом этой знаменитой международной организации с 1894 года был грек Д.Викенлас. Кто возглавил его вслед за ним? (Международный Олимпийский Комитет возглавил Пьер де Кубертен)
  4. Какой олимпийский ритуал был впервые совершен на 9 олимпийских играх в Амстердаме в 1928 г.?  (Зажжение олимпийского огня)
  5. В каком виде спорта Россия завоевала первое олимпийское золото? (Н.Панин завоевал золотую медаль в фигурном катании)
  6. В каком городе проходила 22 Олимпиада?   (В Москве)
  7. Символ Олимпиады в Монреале бобер Амик, в Сеуле тигренок Ходори, В Москве медвежонок Миша, в Барселоне  собачка Коби, а какой талисман будет на зимних олимпийских играх в Сочи?  (Снежинка, Лучик)
  8. Начиная с 1924г. К словам «Олимпийские игры» стали добавлять еще одно то или иное слово. Какое?    (Летние или Зимние)
  9. На какую Олимпиаду Россия впервые послала своих спортсменов? (в Лондоне в 1908г.)
  10. Последние олимпийские медали целиком из золота были отлиты в 1912г., в Альбервилле вручались хрустальные медали. А из чего их стали изготавливать на следующих играх?  (из серебра с позолотой)
  11. Эта церемония привычна для зрителей современных олимпиад, однако впервые  она состоялась на 4 олимпийских играх в Лондоне в 1908г.. О какой церемонии идет речь? (прохождение команд под флагами своих стран)
  12. Город Луизианна никогда не принимал олимпийские игры, но по праву зовется олимпийским. Почему?   (там расположена штаб-квартира МОК)
  13. В каком виде спорта прославились олимпийские чемпионы Александр тихонов и светлана Ишмуратова?   (биатлон)
  14. В каком виде спорта добились выдающихся результатаов Никита Крюков и Алексей Петухов?    (лыжные гонки)
  15. На церемонии открытия олимпийскиз игр первым выносится  олимпийский флаг МОК, вторым — флаг Греции.  Флаг какой страны выносится третьим и какой последним? (Третьим — страны, идущей первой по латинскому алфавиту, последним - страны-организатора)

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