Environmental Protection - май 2024
материал для подготовки к егэ (гиа) по английскому языку (11 класс)

Данный материал может быть использован приподготовке к ЕГЭ, тема "Защита окружающей среды"


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Предварительный просмотр:

Environmental Issues

1) Loss of Biodiversity (diverse)

2) Air pollution

3) Water pollution

4) Noise pollution

5) Plastic pollution

6) Marine pollution and ocean acidification

7) Overfishing

8) Soil degradation/ erosion

9) Deforestation-  cutting down/ logging trees

10) Global warming. Climate change

11)  Coral die-offs

12) Animal species extinction

13) Plant species extinction

14) The depletion of natural resources (to deplete) – истощение

15) Industrial waste

16) Rapid urbanization

17) Forest fires

18) Radioactive contamination – заражение

19) Melting ice caps and sea level rise

20) Fast fashion and textile waste

21) Littering. Overflowing landfills

22) Space garbage

23) Acid rains

Speaking about environmental issues:

The problem + its description+ statistics – the cause(s) of the problem -  the consequences- the solution to the problem: what is done + what can be done – personal opinion  

The levels: local – national – international (global)

Why is it important to protect the environment?

The Problem+ description

The Cause of the problem

The Consequences

The Solution to the problem

Personal opinion – how important it is and why

Air pollution

There are a lot of plants and industrial entreprises and factories in the modern world. Unfortunately, they all emit gases. Therefore, it leads to air pollution.

Air pollution results in increased risk of developing diseases such as asthma or cancer. What is more, it leads to the extinction of animals and plants.

One of the ways to solve it is to use energy-efficient technologies. In addition, people can use bikes, scooters or taking public transport  more often instead of driving a car,  it can  minimize the  impact on the environment.

It is very important to have clean air as it has a big effect on our health and life. Furthermore, air affects the environment and animals.

Marine pollution

Nowadays our world is becoming more and more technological. We have a large number of gadgets, and factories. However, people need a lot of materials, that leads to large emissions into the sea, rivers or oceans.

Oil spills, plastic, toxins, synthetic materials pollute the waters of the seas and oceans .

As a result, the quality of water has become worse , animals start dying out. Moreover, it impacts  our life.

To solve the problem of marine pollution, it is necessary to take measures to reduce emissions. People should ban ocean dumping, develop alternative sources of energy+ reduce the use of plastic.

Clean water is essential for the health of people, animals and plants. Marine pollution leads to negative effect on health, fishing and tourism

Animal species extinction

Unfortunately, nowadays many species have become endangered. We have a lot of environmental problems such as air pollution, water pollution, deforestation,

plastic pollution. They all lead to the extinction of animals.

The main cause is human activity, intensive construction work leads to the loss of natural habitats and it results in species becoming endangered .

It results in misbalance of ecosystem. In addition, it breaks the food chain. Furthermore, some species can cause diseases in humans whereas another species protect us and our health. Their disappearance increases the risk of diseases and danger.

One of the ways to solve it is to develop national and international programmes to preserve and develop forests and animals’ habitats. Moreover, people should make laws to protect animals.

The solution – creation of nature reserves and national parks + passing a moratorium on illegal hunting.

Animals are very important and they play an essential role in our life. They are an integral part of eco- system and maintain natural balance. Furthermore, they/ domestic animals and pets  protect owners and help the disabled


Example sentence


acidrain noun

Burning fossil fuels in one country can cause acid rain in other countries.

rain that contains harmful chemicals that collect in the atmosphere when fossil fuels are burned

To ban =pass a moratorium on smth

Our school has banned plastic bottles because they're so bad for the environment.

to not allow something (eg. smoking, alcohol, plastic bags, protest marches, etc.)

carbondioxide (CO2) noun


Trees and plants absorb carbon dioxideand release oxygen into the air.

a gas that's released when carbon is burned (for example coal or oil), or when people or animals breathe out


выбросы углеродного газа

Travelling by air, driving a car or using coal-generated electricity will make your carbon footprintbigger.

a measurement of the amount of carbon-dioxide a person adds to the atmosphere

carpool verb

carpool to work with two of my neighbours who also work downtown.

to share a car instead of driving one alone

To cut down forests/ to log

Cutting down/ logging

Cutting down forests affects the nature.

to destroy a forest by cutting down all the trees


Do you really think you know more about climate change than a real climate scientist?

long-term global changes in temperature, wind patterns, rainfall etc.

commute verb


Imagine how much pollution you cause by commuting by car for two hours a day?

Today the average driver needs a  lot of time to commute  home from work. However, we have many apps that show you traffic updates for your daily commute/ commuting  by learning the way you take to work.

to travel from home to work and back



Conservation wasn't a big issue until the book Silent Spring was published in 1966.

the protection and preservation of natural environments and resources

consume verb -потреблять

consumer – consumption  - consumerism

Americans consume more than their share of the earth's resources.

Modern energy-efficient technologies  consume less electricity.

to use things like energy, fuel, materials, food, water, etc.



 Nuclear/ radioactive Contamination

Their contaminatedmilk powder made lots of babies really sick.

carrying harmful bacteria or toxins that can cause disease or death

domestic waste(also household wastenoun

How much domestic waste does your family produce every day?

rubbish or garbage from a house or apartment

dump verb

You can be sent to jail for dumping hazardous waste, you know.

to put waste in the wrong place (eg. put toxic waste into a river)

eco-communityor eco-villagenoun

Our kids want to live in that eco-communitynear the forest.

a community with environmentally-friendly buildings, clean technology and renewable energy like solar and wind

endangeredspecies noun

Every year more animals are listed as endangered species.

animals or plants in danger of becoming extinct or disappearing in the near future


Those energy-efficientlight bulbs are much cheaper these days.

able to use less energy (esp. of vehicles, appliances, buildings, etc.)


Fossil fuel companies have tried to damage the image of environmentalists and climate scientists.

a person who protects the natural world and educates others about environmental problems

emit verb

emit gases

Cars emit harmful pollutants into the atmosphere.

The factory emits  black smoke.  Therefore, it causes air pollution

to release or project something (eg. light, sound, smoke, gas, radiation, etc.)

extinct adj.

Become extinct

Lots of Australian animals have become extinct since the British took control.

no longer existing or lost forever (of an animal, bird or plant species)

food chain noun

to destroy food chains

We need to know where each species fits in the food chain.

At school, children were/ are  taught who is at what level in the food chain.

the order in which organisms in an ecosystem eat one another

fossilfuel noun

ископаемое топливо

Burning fossil fuels is a major cause of global warming.

a fuel like oil or coal formed from very old plant and animal fossils

green adj.

To go green = to be eco-friendly

If you want to save the planet, join one of the green political parties.

concerned with protecting the natural environment and the planet


The more greenhouse gases we produce, the worse climate change will get.

a gas in the atmosphere that stops heat from escaping into space

habitat noun

Lots of animals will become extinct if their natural habitats are destroyed.

the place in which a species normally lives

minimize verb

minimize/reduce  the effect of smth

Taking public transport instead of driving a car minimizes your impact on the environment.

 At  the job  interview, she minimized her weaknesses and emphasized her strengths.

to reduce as much as possible

pollutant noun

The Environmental Protection Agency checks levels of pollutants.

a substance or material that damages the natural environment

pollute verb

air/ water/ plastic/ sound pollution

Fumes from factories pollute our air.

to release waste substances into the air, water and soil

preserve verb

We need stronger laws in order to preserveour forests.

These wonderful old houses should be preserved for the future.

to keep something in its original state

protest verb

Environmentalists will protest if the loggers try to destroy the forest.

Yesterday demonstrators were arrested for organizing a protest against illegal cutting down trees in the town

to show you disagree with something, esp. as part of a group of protesters

recycle verb

The green bin's for things that can be recycled like paper and glass.

to make something new from materials that have been used before

reduce verb

reduce the level of smth/ the number of smth/ the amount of smth/ waste

You can reduce your household waste by buying products with less packaging.

to use less or make something smaller


Releasing poisonous chemicals threatens the environment.

To set free

renewable adj.

renewable  sources of energy

We're producing cheaper renewable energy these days.

If we develop the renewable energy sources, renewable sources will replace fossil fuels gradually.

can be used without running out, esp. of energy sources like solar and wind

renewables noun

If you want to make money, invest in renewables.

forms of energy that can be replaced naturally, such as hydro-electricity, solar energy and wind power

reuse verb

We try to reuse things like plastic bags and bottles.

To use again


We're going to live in a self-sufficient farming community.

All parents want their children to be happy, get  good education and become self-sufficient.

able to function, or produce all that's needed, without outside help

throwaway verb

Don't throw away your grass clippings; leave them on your lawn.

to get rid of something you don't want

toxic adj.

Toxic chemicals

After the mine released toxic waste into the river, all the fish died.

The fumes from that chemical are highly toxic.

deadly or poisonous (of waste, chemicals, pollutants, etc.)

use smth rationally/ wisely  verb

We must  use the earth's natural resources rationally but not to waste them.

to use something carefully

waste verb+ noun (uncountable)

textile/ industrial/ nuclear

We should fight against textile waste.

to use more than necessary, or to use inefficiently

Going green



1)one of the first things is that there will be less waste so we’ll have less landfills that are very harmful for nature

2) Going green attracts participants with  similar views, therefore,  going green  helps in maintaining the health and it can lead to providing more healthy food for people

3). It helps to create a healthier home for our future generations

1) Going green might not be rather quick so it takes a lot of time to recycle waste or to plant trees and plants

2) It takes a lot of effort

3) Limited availability

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