Открытый урок по английскому языку в 6 классе
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (6 класс)

Полякова Екатерина Владимировна

Конспект открытого урока по английскому языку в 6 классе по теме "Clothes"


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Открытый урок по английскому языку в 6 классе по теме “Clothes”

Класс: 6б

Цель урока: обобщить и осуществить контроль качества знаний учащихся по теме “Одежда”.


Образовательная – обобщить и проконтролировать знания лексики и грамматики по теме “Clothes”

Развивающая – развивать навыки диалогической и монологической речи учащихся; совершенствовать навыки чтения; формировать навыки аудирования.

Воспитательная – воспитывать личностные качества: ответственность, самостоятельность, умение анализировать; прививать навыки культуры внешнего вида.

Технологии: традиционно-педагогическая, информационно-коммуникативная, здоровье сберегающая (смена видов деятельности); метод проблемного обучения (найти проблему и обсудить), ролевая игра.

Оборудование: карточки со словами, фразами, заданиями, компьютер, интерактивная доска, картинки.

Тип урока: обобщающий.

Ход урока

  1. Организационный момент.

Teacher: Good morning, everybody! Glad to see you. Sit down, please.

How are you?

What day is it today?

What date is it today?

T: Today we have some guests at our lesson. Let’s greet them. We are happy to see  you at our lesson.

2. Целеполагание. Речевая разминка.

– Listen to the poem and say what  the poem is about? Try to guess what the topic of our lesson is. (слайд 3)


People wear clothes on the bodies
They wear clothes every day.
And want their clothes
To be comfortable, beautiful and not grey.

– Well done. Repeat.

 The topic of our lesson is "Clothes". (слайд 4)

We are going to  review the words and grammar of this topic. Everybody will get a mark today.

3. Фонетическая зарядка.(слайд 5)

– Listen and repeat.





















4. Работа по теме урока .

Повторение лексики. 1 группа - работа на платформе УЧИ.РУ

2ягруппа(Золотухина,  Зубхаджиева, Казимиров, Гридин, Тарасова, Коротченкова)

Todayweareworkingingroups. Thefirstgroup( …), take your seats and start your work on the interactive platform UCHI.RU. If you forget your passwords, you have them near the computers.


а-T. Read the words and find the odd one out in each line.(слайд 6)

cap, shoes, boots, trainers

trousers, pyjamas, jeans, scarf

coat, shorts, T-shirt, dress

shirt, suit, hat, jeans,

sweater, mittens, scarf, umbrella

b-T. Very well, children. And now I have   some interesting  for you in this hat.  Take it please, read and guess what it is. (в шляпе)

“ In a winter storm

I keep your neck warm.” (a scarf)

“ We protect your hands from snow and ice.

Fingers think, we’re very nice”( gloves)

“I start with the letter S

And your feet go inside of me.” (shoes)

“We are the same as brothers.

At dinner we are under the table,

at night we are under the bed.” (slippers)

“Five rooms but one door.” (gloves)

“What has no head, no arms, no legs and has one tongue?” (a boot)

“If your head might freeze, put me on, please.” (a hat)

c- The next task for you is to find the words in this chainword!

Распечатка для работы по парам


5. And now let’s play  “Clothes game”(6раз)наУчи.ру


(«Dressupgame» Englishcafé/. Одень куклу на случай проблем с интернетом.)

Well, boys and girls, your time is over. Look at the screen- here you can see your statistics.

Завершение работы 1-й группы на Учи.ру, вывод статистики на экран.

6. Физкультминутка.Все вместе.

And now let’s have a rest. Look  and do  it with me.

Зарядка под видео-караоке.

Зарядка для глаз.Our eyes are also tired. Let’s do exercises for eyes.

Look left, right (глазами влево, вправо)

Look up, look down  (глазами вверх, вниз)

Look around.  (глазами по кругу)

Look at your nose  (смотрим на нос)

Look at that rose  (одну руку вытягиваем как будто держим цветок, и смотрим)

Close your eyes  (закрываем глаза)

Open, wink and smile. (открываем, моргаем и улыбаемся)

7. Продолжение работы по теме урока. Смена групп на Учи.ру (Горбачев, Бондарева (Овчинникова), Звягинцев, Кашпрук(Беспяткина),  Мазуров (Тощаков) , Пронская)

Well, groups, change your places.


Закрепление изученного материала.

  1. Match the picture with a suitable description.( 3 КАРТИНКИ И 5 ОПИСАНИЙ)


2)Развитие навыков диалогической речи по теме “Что мы обычно носим… в школу, дома…”(Катя З.)

I know that some of you want to be journalists. Now you have a chance! Interview your classmates about their clothes.

Answer P1’s questions using the phrases:

I think/ In my opinion/As for me…..

What do you usually wear at home?

What do you usually wear at school?

What’s your favourite colour?

What clothes are popular among teenagers?

What are  your favourite clothes?

Do you wear a school uniform?

Thank you for the interview!

8. Проверка домашнего задания. Презентация.

It’s time to check your homework. Let’s listen to your presentations about uniform. Any volunteers?

Презентация проекта “We and our uniform”. (Коротченкова)

1. We like comfortable, beautiful, not boring clothes.

2. So school uniform should be comfortable, beautiful, not boring, cool.

3. Pupils’ attitude to school uniforms. 70% of the pupils of 6B are for a school uniform and 30% - are  against it.

4. Reasons for uniform/against uniform

It’s beautiful
It’s comfortable
It helps to be disciplined
It makes pupils be serious
It’s not cool.
It’s uncomfortable.
It’s boring
It looks funny.

5. Uniforms for boys usually consist of a tie, trousers, a shirt, a jacket, a waistcoat, shoes.

Look at different models of school uniforms for boys.

 You have the texts for some of these models. Read the texts, match them with the models, write the numbers of them. Two pictures are extra.

1.The uniforms for boys.

A) The model is wearing black trousers, a black jacket with a pocket, a grey shirt with black stripes and a tie, black shoes.

B) The model is wearing black trousers, a grey jacket with pockets and buttons, a white shirt and a grey tie, black shoes.

C) The model is wearing black trousers, a brown jacket with pockets and buttons, a black T-shirt and black shoes.

Keys: 3-A, 5-B, 2-C

8. Uniforms for girls can consist of trousers or a skirt, a blouse, a jacket, and shoes.

9. Look at different models of school uniforms for girls.

10.You have the texts for some of these models. Read the texts, match them with the models,  write the numbers of them. Two pictures are extra.

2.The uniforms for girls.

A) The model is wearing black trousers, a black jacket with pockets and buttons, a white blouse and black shoes.

B) The model is wearing a dark red jacket with pockets and buttons, a grey dress and shoes.

C) The model is wearing grey short trousers with red buttons, a red jacket, a white blouse and black boots with high heels.

Keys: 1-A, 2-B, 5-C

 Let your school uniform help you to feel comfortable and beautiful at school.

Завершение работы 2-й группы на Учи.ру, вывод  статистики на экран.

Well, boys and girls, your time is over. Look at the screen- here you can see your results.

9. Заключительный этап.

Т. Our time is up!  We had a good time. You worked very well. You know much about «Clothes». But I want you to sing one funny song – look at the screen, please.


Мне хотелось бы, чтобы вы сами оценили свою работу на уроке. Вспомните, как работали на уроке. Look at the screen, choose and do the action!

10. Домашнее задание

Open your diaries and write down your home task, please. 

To make up a crossword “Clothes”

The lesson is over. Thank you for our lesson. Good-bye. 

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