"Christmas".-рождественский урок в 6 классе.
методическая разработка (6 класс) по теме
Тип урока:обобщение и систематизация знаний.
Цель урока: формирование целостного представления о культуре, традициях разных народов мира на примере традиций празднования Рождества в Великобритании и Нового Года в России.
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Предварительный просмотр:
I. Организационный момент. Приветствие.
- Glad to see you! Good morning!
Цели и задачи урока.
T.- I am sure you remember what holiday all English-speaking countries celebrated recently? What is it?
P. – They celebrated Christmas.
T. – OK. Today we will speak about Christmas and review Present Simple and Present Progressive Tenses.
II. Речевая зарядка.
T. – I want you to listen to a text about Christmas and Christmas traditions. I hope you will learn something new.
But first of all look at the blackboard. Here are some new words that you will hear while listening to the text.
Christmas – Рождество
to place – размещать
Christmas tree – рождественское дерево
Tinsel- мишура
Toys – игрушки
Christmas Eve – канун Рождества
Stockings – чулки
Fireplace – камин
Santa Claus – Санта Клаус
Miracles – чудеса
Pudding – пудинг
Turkey – индейка
Coin – монета
Christmas cards – Рождественские открытки
Christmas presents/gifts – Рождественские подарки
T. – All together repeat to me. (Ученики проговаривают слова за учителем и читают их по группам)
III. Аудирование.
T. – Each group will translate this text. The first part is for the first group. The second part is for the second group. The third part is for the third group.
* * *
1. People began to celebrate Christmas many years ago. And now it is the most wonderful and beautiful day of the year. People place Christmas trees in the sitting-rooms and decorate them with tinsel, toys, balls, flags and stars.
2. On Christmas Eve children hang their Christmas stockings on their beds or fireplace. A Christmas stockings are not a real stockings. It is a beautiful decoration. Children wait for Santa Claus and other miracles.
3. British people celebrate the holiday with Christmas dinner. They eat pudding and turkey. Traditionally a coin is put into the pudding. It brings luck to a person who finds it. People sent Christmas cards and letters to their relatives and buy Christmas presents.
IV. Закрепление знаний, отработка и практика употребления новой лексики.
T. – Open your books to page 130 ex. 3.
Read and match parts of the text and the picture.
По мере прочтения вы уже думаете, какой текст соответствует каждой из картинок. После прочтения от каждой группы к доске выйдет представитель, чтобы расставить свой порядок картинок и текстов. (1) чтение; 2) работа у доски; 30 проверка.)
1 – B
2 – A
3 – D
4 – С
V. Повторение и закрепление грамматического материала.
T. – All the children in English-speaking countries do not have classes on the 25 December. They have a lot of fun but in Russia we celebrate Christmas later.
- When do we celebrate Christmas?
P. – We celebrate Christmas on the 7 of January.
T. – And on December 25 we have got a usual working day. And now we are working too.
I want to review the Present Simple and Present Progressive Tenses.
Now tell me how is Present Simple formed?
(Ученик записывает на доске) |
Tell me how is Present Progressive formed?
(Ученик записывает на доске) |
Answer the questions. (Работа с карточками)
Сопоставьте вопросы и ответы. Затем обменяйтесь своими ответами. Я буду читать правильные ответы, вы проверяете ответы друг друга.
В каком времени были вопросы и ответы? (Ученики объясняют)
OK. Now describe the pictures.( стр 143) What is happening? Какое время будете использовать в ответах? (Ученики объясняют)
Работаем с карточками. Слова, которые написаны на них, нужно расставить в правильном порядке так, чтобы получились предложения в Present Progressive.
- Santa Claus, is, a letter, to, the girl, writing.
- is, Christmas, all, dinner, the family, having.
- the gift, is, granny, giving.
- TV, are, watching, in the evening, children.
VI. Закрепление лексического материала “Letter to Santa Claus”
Christmas Traditions in England
1. People send Christmas ... to greet each other.
- letters,
- cards,
- faxes,
- presents.
2. They wish “... Christmas and Happy New Year!”
- Funny,
- Brilliant,
- Merry,
- Busy.
3. Father Christmas “comes” to every house through ...
- the door,
- the window,
- the chimney.
4. Father Christmas arrives from ...
- the North Pole,
- Alaska,
- Russia,
- Africa.
5. He brings ...
- a snow girl,
- snow,
- a New Year tree,
- presents.
6. He is wearing ...
- a rain coat,
- jeans,
- a suit,
- a fur coat.
7. He puts little presents ...
- under children` s beds,
- into children` s shoes,
- into children` s stockings,
- under their pillows.
- Decode the letter and guess what Santa Claus wishes boys and girls on Christmas.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 |
A C D E H I K M O R S T U W Y |
- 3 4 1 10 7 6 3 11 !
- 6 14 6 11 5 15 9 13 1 8 4 10 10 15 2 5 10 6 11 12
And now I will give you a box full of puzzles. Choose a puzzle, read it aloud and guess what it is.
- I can fall but never hurt. (snow)
- It goes all day and night and never stops. (clock)
- It’s a white season, when children ski, skate, play snowballs. It’s the season when Santa Clause bring presents.(winter)
- It’s traditional meal which people cook for Christmas party.(roast turkey, Christmas pudding)
- It’s decorated with lights and toys and it’s in all houses and in squares. (Christmas Tree)
- It’s the dearest thing for children. They can find presents there. (stockings)
- He comes and leave presents for you. Who is he? (Santa Clause)
And now let’s watch a little play «Red riding Hood’’
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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