План-конспект урока в 6 классе
план-конспект урока (6 класс) по теме

План-конспект урока по теме "Шотландия"


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План-конспект  урока английского языка в 6 классе

По теме «Шотландия».

Как развить и поддержать интерес школьников к изучению английского языка? Как построить урок, чтобы «разбудить» в них желание познакомиться с традициями и обычаями страны изучаемого языка? В данной публикации сделана попытка найти ответы на поставленные вопросы.

Цели и задачи представленного урока помогают развивать коммуникативные умения в 4-х основных видах речевой деятельности; приобщать учащихся к реалиям Шотландии; развивать умение изучать язык с использованием информационных технологий.

Цели и задачи урока:

•    развитие коммуникативных умений в четырех основных видах речевой деятельности;

•    приобщение учащихся к культуре, традициям и реалиям страны изучаемого языка (Шотландии);

•    ознакомление доступным учащимся способом и приемом самостоятельного изучения языка и культуры, в том числе с использованием информационных технологий.

В рамках занятия решались следующие задачи:


•    активизация лексики по теме «Шотландия»;

•    отработка умений диалогической и монологической речи;

•    совершенствование умений понимать основное содержание коротких несложных аутентичных прагматических текстов и выделять из них значимую информацию;

•    дальнейшее развитие умений читать текст с выборочным пониманием нужной или интересующей информации;

•    отработка умений писать личные письма с опорой на образец, употребляя формы речевого этикета, принятые в странах изучаемого языка.


•    развитие интеллектуальных способностей учащихся;

•    дальнейшее развитие общих и специальных учебных умений, в том числе, учебно-организационных, учебно-интеллектуальных, учебно-коммуникативных и учебно-информационных;

•    развитие навыков практического использования полученных знаний в повседневной жизни и деятельности.


•    развитие и воспитание понимания важности изучения английского языка и формирование потребности в его использовании;

•    приобщение к ценностям мировой культуры через иноязычные источники информации (в том числе мультимедийные);

•    создание целостной картины полиязычного поликультурного мира;

•    воспитание толерантности к проявлениям иной культуры;

•    осознание учащимися общечеловеческих гуманитарных ценностей. На уроке использовалось следующее материально-техническое обеспечение:

•    мультимедийный проектор;

•    кассетный магнитофон (запись диалога в «Аэропорту»);

•    учебные пособия к уроку, содержащие в том числе опорные карточки с речевыми клише, тексты для развития поискового чтения (туристическая брошюра), текст приглашения на вечер, посвященный дню рождения Р. Бернса, образцы писем;

•    наглядный материал (карточки с названиями географических объектов).

Teacher -    Hello, dear children! My name is N..V. and I'm your teacher today. We'll have a lesson together and I hope you'll enjoy our lesson.

I was told that you have learnt a lot of things recently, have seen many pictures and even learnt some poems. And today I want to start my lesson with the poem I always enjoy. Listen to the poem and try to guess the author and the title of it.

                       (запись стихотворения Р.Бернса…..)

  1. Can you name the author? I know that you learnt the poem, so maybe anybody wants to retell it???
  2. OK. Have you guessed what country we are going to speak about? – Scotland.
  3. That’s right. It’s Scotland. Many people associate Scotland with beautiful scenery, kilts and other things.As for me I associate Scotland with bagpipes. And you? What do you associate Scotland with?

Pupil 1 - Glasgow           

Pupil 2 -  Highlands             

Pupil 3 -  Lowlands

Pupil 4 - Robert Burns

Pupil 5 -  St.Andrew

Pupil 6 - the Clyde

Pupil 6 - Edinburgh              

Pupil 7 -  Walter Scott       

Pupil 8 -  Edinburgh festival

Teacher-    Right you are! Excellent! I see you know a lot about Scotland. But as you have already understood it's not a usual lesson today and of course when we speak about different places, it's better to see once than to hear 100 times. So, I want to invite you to Scotland!

Would you like to go to Scotland? Why??? –

Pupil - It's interesting.

It's a beautiful country.

It's spectacular.

It’s marvelous.

It’s my dream to visit……..

Teacher -  As you know there are many ways to travel. We can travel by bus, by train,by car….. What is the best way to get to Scotland? Can we get there by car?

Pupil - By plane.

Teacher  -    That's right. So, let’s go to Scotland. But first of all we need to buy tickets. Sometimes it is very difficult to understand native speakers. So, to practice listen to the dialogue and fill in the gaps in your papers, dialogue 1.


  1. When is  the plane to Edinburgh, please?
  2. 3.15 madam
  3. Which gates?
  4. Gate 177
  5. How  much is the ticket?
  6. Single or return?
  7. Return, please.
  8. That will be 14 pounds.
  9. Here you are.
  10. Thank you, madam.
  11. Thank you.

  1. When is  the plane to Edinburgh, please?
  2. _______ madam
  3. Which gates?
  4. Gate _____
  5. How  much is the ticket?
  6. Single or return?
  7. __________, please.
  8. That will be ____ pounds.
  9. Here you are.
  10. Thank you, madam.
  11. Thank you.

Teacher – Now listen again and check your answers. Well, now read your dialogue.


Teacher -    Fantastic! You've made no mistakes! Now, we are on board the plane. As you know while flying passengers are usually informed about the country they are flying to. We are also given some information. You have tourists’ brochures with some texts about Scotland. Your task is to read the texts and match the titles and the texts.

  1. Geographical position
  2. History
  3. National dress
  4. The Highlands
  5. Famous people
  1. One of the first things that people associate with Scotland is the kilt. The kilt is only worn by men and it is a relic of the time when the clan system existed in the Scottish Highlands. The clan was like a very large family and everyone had the same family name, like MacDonald or MacGregor. Each clan had its own tartan, which both men and women wore. Nowadays people can buy picturesque machine made kilts as a souvenir.
  2. In area Scotland occupies one third of the British Isles, and its population is a little over 5 mln. It is the most northern part of the island of Great Britain and is not far away from Arctic Circle. It often rains in Scotland and Western Scotland, there are usually five rainy days a week. But despite Scotland is the land of snow-capped mountains, beautiful lochs, rich farmland and picturesque fishing villages.
  3. The Romans never conquered Scotland. Between the years 120 and 140. the built Hadrian’s wall, a huge wall, 118 km long, to protect their empire. In the Middle Ages, Scotland became a united country. There were many wars between England and Scotland. In 1603, the Scottish king, James VI, became king of England and a century later Scotland and England were united.
  4. Scottish mountains with their holiday resorts are very popular with mountain climbers and hill walkers. They are the oldest mountains in the world.  Ben Nevis is the highest mountain in the Grampians and in the whole of Britain. Its height is 4406 feet (1343 meters).


Clever you are! But before landing we need to fill in special landing cards with your personal information. They are on your desks in pink papers. Listen to the instructions attentively and follow them.

L A N D I N G      C A R D

1.Family name

2.First name

3.Birth Date

4.Country you are flying to.


             Male                           Female



7.Air line\Flight

BA   177

8.Your country



10.Date of visa


As today I’m your flight attendant I collect your cards. Thanks. Great job.

 And our plane has just landed at the airport. I’m sure you are tired and need some rest. Let’s go to the hotel and reserve a room.

Dialogue 2 in your papers will help you.

Tourist –           I’d like a room, please.

Hotel manager  -     A single or a double room?

Tourist –           ……………., please.

Hotel manager-   With or without a private bathroom/a balcony/a colour  TV/a telephone/the Internet connection?

Tourist –            …………,please.

Hotel manager  -     For how many nights?

Tourist  -            Just for 1\2\3 night(s).

Hotel manager   -  OK. What’s your name,please?

Tourist   -             ……………………………

Hotel manager   -  Here is your key. Have a good time.

Tourist     -               Thank you.

Teacher - Well done! At last we are in our rooms and should decide where to go. A  hotel manager has given us some information about Scotland and its traditions. Let’s read the information and help the children choose the place to visit.

Scotland – A place to celebrate

  1. Kim loves the theatre and classical music.
  2. Carol likes sport and is interested in Scottish culture.
  3. Lena loves parties and dancing all night.
  4. Peter likes poetry and trying different food from around the world.

Scotland is famous for its own culture. Here are some of the ways visitors to Scotland can join in the fun.

  1. Scotland celebrates Hogmanay, the New Year, with music of bagpipes, Scotland’s traditional instrument, and dancing in the street throughout the night. At midnight, there are fireworks and  everyone sings “Auld Lang Syne”, a song by Robert Burns, a famous Scottish poet. Soon after midnight, Scottish families go “first footing”, visiting the houses of friends and relations to continue the celebration.
  2. Robert Burns is Scotland’s national poet and Scottish people have a big dinner every year to celebrate his birthday. The main part of the meal is “haggis”, Scotland’s national dish made from liver, cereals and fat served in a sheep’s stomach. Then everyone reads poems and sings songs written by the great “Rabbie” Burns himself.
  3. Nearly every weekend in the summer, there are highland games somewhere in Scotland but the biggest games are at Cowal. People from all over the world come to watch or to take part. Over three thousand bagpipers and drummers play all day and there is a wonderful atmosphere. There are highland dancing competitions as well as events like throwing the hammer or “tossing the caber” – throwing a large trunk as far as possible! All the athletes wear traditional skirts called kilts.
  4. Edinburgh is famous all over the world for its arts festival. There is an official festival for theatre, opera and classical music, and the “Fringe” festival where you can see a large variety of plays, films, comedians, dance companies and concerts. Finally, there is the Military Tattoo, a military parade held in Edinburgh castle.





So, now you know a lot about Scotland. And I know that your school is famous for project work. That’s why just now I want you to do a project about Scotland. Let’s share your responsibilities. In our project we should mention geography , holidays, food and drinks, sights of Scotland and famous people.


  1. A Scottish name for colored checks.
  2. The capital of Scotland.
  3. A Scottish name for church.
  4. A Scottish name for New Year’s Eve.
  5. Scotland’s national costume.
  6. The Scottish word for “family”.
  7. The ancient capital of Scotland.


  1. The poetic name of Scotland.
  2. One of the commonest trees in Scotland.
  3. The name of the prehistoric creature in the lake Loch Ness.
  4. The emblem of Scotland.


Across: 1. tartan 2. Edinburgh 3. kirk 4. Hogmaney 5. kilt 6. clan 7. Derth

Down: 1. Caledonia 2. elm 3. Nessy 4. thistle

Thank you for your lesson.

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