Разработка внеклассного мероприятия.
материал (5 класс) по теме

Крохина Оксана Сергеевна

Уважаемые коллеги, предлагаю вашему вниманию сценарий сказки "Спящая Красавица". Можно использовать на неделе английского языка.


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CHARACTERS: Story-teller,   King,   Queen,   Princess Beauty,  Page(2), Captain,  Soldiers,  Fairies(7),   Witch,  Prince.

Scene I

Комната в замке.

Story-teller: Once upon a time in a far off land there lived a King and a Queen. They were happy for at last they had the little baby girl they had longed for.

Queen:   качает ребёнка в люльке

Oh, go to sleep, my baby,                           Your father is a King, dear,

Close your pretty eyes,                               Your mother is a Queen,

While I sing you lulla,                                   And you are a Princess,

Lulla, lullabies.                                              The fairest ever seen.

Поворачивается к королю. My King, no one knows of our baby yet.

King: Yes, my Queen. We must tell everybody about our baby-Princess.(он хлопает в ладоши и входят пажи)

Page: Yes, your Majesty?

King: Send my Captain to me.

Page: Yes, your Majesty.

Captain: входит в комнату. Yes, your Majesty.

King: Take your soldiers and tell everybody about the Princess.

Captain:. Yes, your Majesty.  Уходит.

Soldiers: маршируют по сцене.    Spread the news

                                                             Spread the news

                                                             Far and wide.

                                                            A Princess has been born.

King:  She is a lovely little baby. What shall we call her?

Queen:  Let’s call her Beauty.

King: Beauty. What a beautiful name!

Queen: Now we must invite the good Fairies to come and bless our little Beauty.

King: My Queen, I will go and invite them to come.

Story-teller: And seven fairies came.

1 Fairy:  Beauty, you will have a beautiful face.

2 Fairy: You will think beautiful thoughts.

3 Fairy: You will do kind deeds.

4 Fairy: You will dance like a fairy.

5 Fairy: You will sing like a nightingale.

6 Fairy: You will be clever.

7 Fairy: You will be happy.

Queen: Thank you, good Fairies.

All the Fairies:  Sleep little baby,

                           Fairies are near,

                          They all have blessed you,

                          My little dear.

                          Sleep little baby,

                         Sleep little dear.

Внезапно появляется злая ведьма. Она очень сердита.

Witch: You did not invite me! So I will punish your Princess. On her fifteenth birthday she will prick with a needle and die!

Queen: Oh, my poor little baby!

1 Fairy: Don’t cry, my Queen. Your daughter will not die! She will sleep and then a Prince will wake her up and marry her.

Феи уходят, а королева продолжает плакать.

Queen: I don’t want her to prick her finger and sleep for hundred years.

King: Then we will forbid sewing in every house.

Король хлопает в ладоши и входят пажи.

Page: Yes, your Majesty?

King: Send my Captain to me.

Page: Yes, your Majesty.

Captain: входит в комнату. Yes, your Majesty.

King: Take your soldiers and tell the people that I forbid sewing in every house.

Captain: Yes, your Majesty.

All the soldiers:  We are soldiers,

                             We are soldiers.

                             Of the King,

                             Of the King.

                             Listen to the message,

                             That we bring,

                             That we bring.

Captain: If you have needles, take them away! It’s a King’s order!

Story-teller: And all the people took away their needles. But one needle was left in a small room at the very top of the palace. Year after year Beauty grew up into a beautiful Princess. Everything the Fairies promised had come true and she was happy.


Комната во дворце. Принцесса поёт и танцует.

Beauty: I am happy, I am happy.

                     All day long.

I am happy, I am happy.

                     All day long.

Story-teller: But on her fifteenth birthday the Witch came back to the palace dressed as an old woman. She stole up to the little room at the top of the palace and began to sew.

Witch: Ha-ha-ha! Soon the Princess will come and prick her finger.

Принцесса гуляет по замку и замечает маленькую комнату, которую она никогда не видела.

Princess: What a strange little room. I must have a look.

Принцесса входит в комнату.

Witch: Come in, come in my dear.

Princess: Who are you? What are you doing?

Witch: I am an old woman and I am sewing.

Princess: May I try?

Witch: Of course, my dear Princess. Come and sit here. Take a needle.

Princess: Oh,    my finger! I have pricked my finger! Oh, I want to sleep.

Witch: Ha-ha-ha! Sleep, Princess, and never wake!

Story-teller: Then the witch left the palace and hurried far away. Soon the King and the Queen missed the Princess and went looking for her. Finally they found her in the little room.

Queen: Oh, my poor daughter! My child! Look! She pricked her finger.

Король и королева плачут. Входит фея.

1 Fairy: Oh, King! Don’t cry. Your daughter is not dead. She is only asleep.

Story-teller: Then the Fairy went through the palace and the garden touching everyone, and they too fell asleep.


Принцесса и все герои остаются за занавесом. Они спят. Перед занавесом скачет Принц.

Prince: What a dark forest! I have lost!

Одна часть занавеса открывается.

Prince: I see a Palace! Who lives here?

Открывается вторая часть занавеса.

Prince: Why everyone is asleep? Oh, What a beautiful girl! I must wake her up.

Wake up! Wake up, please! Принц целует принцессу.

Beauty: What’s the matter? Who are you?

Prince: I am Prince! And I want to marry you.

Герои начинают просыпаться.

Story-teller: And soon they get married and lived happily for many, many years.

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