Текст с заданиями для просмотрового чтения. уровень 5 класс.
методическая разработка (5 класс) по теме

Текст для просмотрового чтения с заданиями "The Buried Treasure". Уровень 5 класс. Текст взят из книги для чтения на английском языке Everyday English Almanac For Boys and Girls, Москва, издательская группа АСТ, 2002.

Автор заданий: Хорошавина Анна Олеговна.


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Предварительный просмотр:

Buried Treasure

(an old tale)

An old peasant* had a large garden with many fruit trees. He was also the father of three strong, but lazy sons. They helped him very little in his work. Every morning before the sun was hot the peasant began to work in the garden. And every afternoon he had a rest in the garden under a tree.

There came a time when the peasant could no longer* work among his trees, for* he was very, very old.

One day his three sons gathered in his room to hear the reading of the will*.

“I leave to my sons my garden and the treasure which lies buried there.

The three sons looked at one another. “Treasure!” they exclaimed. “Treasure buried in the garden! If we hire* others to dig there, they may steal* our treasure from us. We must work in the garden until we find it.”

So the sons divided the garden into three parts and began to work harder than ever before. The dug from one end of the garden to the other end, but they could not find the treasure.

That year, however, the fruit trees brought so much fruit, that when the three sons sold* the fruit they got much money. It seemed to be a fortune*.

When they divided the money, one of them said, “Indeed, our digging has brought us a treasure. Our father was very wise.”

And so each year their digging brought them a treasure.


buried treasure – спрятанное сокровище

hire – завещать

for = because

peasant - крестьянин

steal - воровать

no longer - больше не

sell – sold - продавать

will - завещание

fortune - состояние

Finish the sentence

  1. An old peasant had
  1. three strong and hardworking sons.
  2. two strong, but lazy sons.
  3. three strong, but lazy sons.        
  1. The peasant began to work in the garden
  1. early in the morning.
  2. in the afternoon.
  3. late in the evening.        
  1. The peasant couldn’t work any longer because
  1. he was tired.
  2. he was ill.
  3. he was very old.
  1. He left to his sons
  1. his money.
  2. his garden.
  3. his clothes.
  1. When the sons heard about the treasure they were
  1. sad.
  2. angry.
  3. happy.
  1. The three sons
  1. found a box full of money.
  2. didn’t find anything.
  3. found an old coin.
  1. When the three sons sold the fruit
  1. they got little money.
  2. they got much money.
  3. they didn’t get any money.
  1. What is the moral of the story?
  1. An apple a day keeps the doctor away.
  2. East or West – home is best.
  3. He that would eat the fruit must climb a tree.

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