Тесты по английскому языку
тест (6 класс) по теме

Шатурная Наталья Дмитриевна



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Предварительный просмотр:


Test 1. Translate.

Телефонная будка, увидеть на обратном пути домой, быть замененным чем-то, быть возвращенным, главные туристические места, почтовые ящики, означать, править, легкий.

 Boring, hard, nice, difficult, dangerous, ready, safe, expensive, comfortable, unpleasant, impossible.

Test 2. Read the text and fill in the necessary prepositions.

Every country is proud … its past. … past there’s no future. Every nation keeps its cultural and historical heritage. There are a lot … museums that house old clothes, arms, dishes, furniture, toys and pictures. Different museums exhibit various things. As any other capital London opens the doors … famous museums … millions of visitors. The British capital has a lot … things to see. The most celebrated are: the British Museum, the Natural History Museum, Madame Tussaud’s Gallery, the Tower and other.

The British Museum has one of the largest libraries in the world, more than 6 mln books.

It was founded … 1753. Now it contains priceless collections … manuscripts, works of art and natural history items. It’s well-known … Egyptian mummies and ancient Greek sculptures. The halls of the British Museum exhibit archaeological and ethnographical relics. The museum is among the most significant and famous world museums.

Test 3. Complete the sentences, using Adj+to …, because … .

1 Plastic toys are safe … .

2 Sharp metal parts are dangerous … .

3 Electricity is extremely dangerous … .

4 Wrangler jeans are nice … .

5 Pentium 4 computers are convenient … .

6 Lexus Cars are easy … .

7 Modern planes are quick … .

8 Orbit chewing gum is good … .

Final Test

1. Reported speech.

a) Make new sentences from these ones using reported speech.   (5)

1) Charles said, "Ann has bought a new car".

2) Ann said, "I can type now".

3) Mick told us, "I saw Jimmy at a party last week".

4) I thought, "He is going to give up his job".

5) Mother said to her son, "Please don't eat all the cake".

2. The articles with the geographical names.

Fill in "the " where necessary.                                                  (5)

1)____Pacific Ocean is one of the largest one in the world.

2)____UK is separated from____Europe by____Straits of  Dover.

3) The group of Russian film-makers went to____Cannes to take

part in the festival.

4)____Hague is the well-known city of____Netherlands.

5) He took part in the expedition across____Gobi desert.

3. The Degrees of comparison of adjectives.

a) Complete these sentences. Each time use the comparative form of one of the following adjectives.                                                      (5)

thin    quiet    expensive    earlier    interested

1) You look_______. Have you lost weight?

2) You are making too much noise. Can you be a bit_______?

3) The hotel was surprisingly cheap. I expected it to be much____?

4) You are late. I expected you to be here_______.

5) He's not so keen on his studies. He's_______in having a good


b) Complete the sentences with a superlative and preposition.     (5)

1) It's a very cheap restaurant. It's_______in the town.

2) It was a very happy day. It was_______ of my life.

3) She's a very intelligent student. She_______in the school.

4) It's a very valuable painting. It_______in the gallery.

5) It's a very nice room. It's_______in the hotel.

4. Like and as.

Put in "like " or "as ".                                                               (5)

1) Your English is very fluent. I wish I could speak____you.

2) You needn't take my advice if you don't want to. You can do _ you like.

3) There's no need to change your clothes. You can go out____you


4) The weather's terrible for the middle of summer. It's____winter.

5)  He's decided to give up his job____a journalist and become a


Final Test

1. Reported speech.

a) Make new sentences from these ones using reported speech.   (5)

1) Charles said, "Ann has bought a new car".

2) Ann said, "I can type now".

3) Mick told us, "I saw Jimmy at a party last week".

4) I thought, "He is going to give up his job".

5) Mother said to her son, "Please don't eat all the cake".

2. The articles with the geographical names.

Fill in "the " where necessary.                                                  (5)

1)____Pacific Ocean is one of the largest one in the world.

2)____UK is separated from____Europe by____Straits of  Dover.

3) The group of Russian film-makers went to____Cannes to take

part in the festival.

4)____Hague is the well-known city of____Netherlands.

5) He took part in the expedition across____Gobi desert.

3. The Degrees of comparison of adjectives.

a) Complete these sentences. Each time use the comparative form of one of the following adjectives.                                                      (5)

thin    quiet    expensive    earlier    interested

1) You look_______. Have you lost weight?

2) You are making too much noise. Can you be a bit_______?

3) The hotel was surprisingly cheap. I expected it to be much____?

4) You are late. I expected you to be here_______.

5) He's not so keen on his studies. He's_______in having a good


b) Complete the sentences with a superlative and preposition.     (5)

1) It's a very cheap restaurant. It's_______in the town.

2) It was a very happy day. It was_______ of my life.

3) She's a very intelligent student. She_______in the school.

4) It's a very valuable painting. It_______in the gallery.

5) It's a very nice room. It's_______in the hotel.

4. Like and as.

Put in "like " or "as ".                                                               (5)

1) Your English is very fluent. I wish I could speak____you.

2) You needn't take my advice if you don't want to. You can do _ you like.

3) There's no need to change your clothes. You can go out____you


4) The weather's terrible for the middle of summer. It's____winter.

5)  He's decided to give up his job____a journalist and become a

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