American Christmas
методическая разработка (8 класс) по теме

Хайруллина Венера Тимерхановна

Данная разработка - результат проектной деятельности учеников 8 класса по теме "Holidays". Учащиеся на протяжении 3-х недель работали над этой темой: находили информацию о праздновании Рождества в Америке, готовили рисунки, разучивали песни и т.д. В итоге получилось интересное и познавательное мероприятие.


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Предварительный просмотр:

                        American Christmas

Задачи: усвоение учащимися реалий другой национальной культуры; расширение их общего кругозора; повышение интереса к изучаемому ИЯ .

                                           Сценарий праздника.

Teacher: Good evening, dear friends! We are glad to see you here! Today we are going to tell you about a wonderful winter holiday. It is an American Christmas.

                    ( Звон колоколов. Звучит песня « Аве Мария »)

Pupil 1 : The Americans celebrate Christmas on the 25th of December. As you Know, Christmas is a religious holiday. It is the day on which Christians celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. It is a happy holiday. Families come together to share their happiness, attend church and exchange gifts.

Pupil 2: You are quite right. The Christmas story comes from the Bible. It tells us an interesting story of shepherds who were watching their sheep when an angel appeared to them. He told them that a Saviour had been born in Bethlehem. The shepherds went there to see Jesus. The baby Jesus was born in a stable.

                                     ( репродукция картины )

His mother was the Virgin Mary and his father was Joseph. The Bible tells us how the Wise Men followed a star until it led them to Jesus.

Pupil 3: The Wise Men gave Jesus many gifts. Because of the birth of Jesus Christ, the Christians celebrate Christmas.

Pupil 4: Cities and town in the United States sparkle with bright lights and decorations. Churches, homes, schools, shops and streets are decorated with Christmas trees, coloured lights, Santa Claus and his reindeer. Store windows display gifts. The traditional colours for this holiday are red and green.

Pupil 5: On Christmas Eve the President of the United States turns on the lights of the Christmas tree near the White House and sends his greetings to the nation.

Pupil 6: People sing and hear many songs at Christmas. The songs are different: old traditional songs in English, German, Spanish, French and other languages; religious songs and modern American songs. They create a special atmosphere of the holiday.

Pupil 7: Christmas carols are sung on the radio and in public places during this season. Now we are going to sing the song « Jingle Bells ».  John Pierpont wrote it in 1857. It is one of the first Christmas songs that American children learn.

     « Jingle Bells »

Jingle bells, jingle bells

Jingle all the way

Oh, what fun it is to ride

In a one-horse open sleigh

Dashing thro` the snow

In a one-horse open sleigh

O`er field we go

Laughing all the way

Bells on bobtail ring

Making spirits bright

Oh what fun it is to ride and sing

A sleighing song tonight.

Pupil 8:  Christmas is a family holiday. Families prepare for this holiday weeks before. Everyone is buying Christmas presents for friends and relatives. People send cards or Christmas greetings to their friends. They wish them « Merry Christmas ».

Pupil 9:              I love Christmas, ribbons of gold,

                           Familiar carols, so very old.

                           Sweet candy canes, bright red sleds,

                           Little ones tucked snug in their beds.

Pupil 10:  The Americans choose a tree and decorate it with ornaments and lights. Have a look at our Christmas tree! It`s wonderful, isn`t it? You can see a lot of toys on it. The lights are different: red, blue, yellow, green. I like the tree. And you?

Pupil 11:  The American children hang up stockings near the fire-place to receive gifts from Santa Claus.

Pupil 12:        Santa Claus is coming

                       Christmas is near

                       Hang all the stockings

                       We can`t wait till he`s here.

Pupil 13:     Oh, Christmas tree!

Pupil 14:     Oh, Christmas tree!  

Pupil 15:     We`ve made some trimmings just for you.  

Pupil 16:     Of red and gold!  

Pupil 17:     And green and blue!

All together:   Oh, Christmas tree! Oh, Christmas tree! How we love to see you!

Pupil 18:  And where is Father Christmas?  

Pupil 19:  Father Christmas! Where are you?  

All together:   Father Christmas! You are welcome.

                              ( Father Christmas appears )

Father Christmas:  Happy Christmas, my friends! Happy Christmas today.  I`ve got some presents for you. But first answer my questions.

1. What year lasts only one day? ( New Year`s Day )

2. A little old woman with twelve children: some long, some short, some cold, some hot. ( A year and twelve months ).

3. What month of the year is the shortest? ( May ).

              I see you are clever children.

              Here are your presents.

                           ( Father Christmas gives presents )

Let us dance hand in hand, I will show you the way!

                                 ( Around the fir-tree )

All together:    Christmas Day, happy day!

                           We`re all glad and very gay

                           We all dance and sing and say:

                          «Welcome, welcome, Christmas Day!»

Pupil 20:   Merry Christmas, dear friends.

                   Let`s sing our favourite song

                   It was written by Robert Burns.


              Auld Lang Syne.

Should auld acquaintance be forgot,

And never brought to mind?

Should auld acquaintance be forgot

And days of auld lang syne?

      For auld lang syne, my dear

      For auld lang syne

      We`ll take a cup of Kindness yet

      For auld lang syne.

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