Контрольная работа по английскому языку для 7 класса
тест (7 класс) по теме

Иванова Анна Вячеславовна

Контрольная работа по английскому языку для 7 класса на материале учебника О.В. Афанасьевой и И.В. Михеевой


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                                                                                                     7 Form

  1. Match the words to their definitions:
  1. A stick of wax that gives                    A) old-fashioned

light when it burns

  1. A person who works in the                B) a candle


  1. An act of speaking                             C) intonation
  2. Not fashionable any longer                 D) a librarian
  3. Rise and fall of the voice                     E) to struggle
  4. To go round                                        F) anxious
  5. To jump like a ball                              G) to wind
  6. To fight                                               H) speech
  7.  Nervous and excited                           I) to knock
  8. To make a noise by

striking something                              J) to bounce .

  1. Complete the sentences (phrasal verbs):

  1. Jim and Liz don't get _____ with each other.
  2. Never give ……………….. hope, and never say “never”.
  3. Who is going to look ………………… your cat when you are away?
  4. Charles turned ……………….. to be a very good friend.
  5. The young man was so hungry that he rushed ………………. the food that was given to him.
  6. I think it’s time to get down …………….. business.
  7. Please turn the TV …………….., I’m trying to sleep.
  8. I’m sure you will get ………………. all the problems.
  9. Bill was turning … the pages of his magazine without reading.
  10. The wind was so strong that it turned our umbrellas ……..    ….. .

  1.    Match the idioms with their Russian equivalents:

  1. To pull somebody’s leg………                A) разболтать секрет
  2.  To let the cat out of                           B) искушать судьбу

the bag……….  

  1. To pull oneself together………             C) дурачить кого-либо


  1. Once in a blue moon………                 D) взять себя в руки
  2. To push one’s luck……….                   E) очень редко

        4. Choose the correct item:       

  1. There were a lot of (fruit/fruits) on the plate: apples, grapes and oranges.
  2. There is a (vocabulary/dictionary) at the end of our textbook.

  1. He spoke very little French so I talked to him through (a translator/ an interpreter).
  2. How much sugar do you want? – Two (platefuls/spoonfuls), please.
  3. The orange tastes (bitter/bitterly).
  4. My father’s brother is my (cousin/uncle).
  5. What time does the (last/latest) bus leave?
  6. Mary’s (older/elder) sister has been staying in the USA for seven years now.
  7. What do you think of your (farther/further) education?
  8. Excuse me, where is the (nearest/next) telephone box?

5. Open the brackets to complete the sentences.

Present Perfect, Past Perfect, Future Perfect, Present Perfect Continuous or  Past Perfect Continuous?

1. I (not finish) reading this book yet.

2. I discovered that someone (eat) the last apple when I opened my refrigerator.

3. I (write) the essay by tomorrow.

4. Peter (talk) with everyone in the party by the end of the evening.

5. My sister (learn) English for several years but she can’t speak it.

6. Mr Smith (wait) for an hour before the secretary came.

7. It (snow) for 3 hours already.

8. Her eyes were red. It was clear she (cry).

9. I’m sure Jane (arrive) in Boston by the end of the week.

10. Don’t water the flowers! I (already water) them.

  1. Put in articles where necessary.

      1. They have built … new house at … end of our road.

      2. Clean your teeth and go to … bed. You need a good sleep.

      3. I’d like to become … engineer.

      4. He will be sent to … prison where you will spend many years.

      5. … sun is shining so brightly but there are … clouds in … sky.

6. The workmen went to … church to repair the roof. 

  1. Do you still go to … church every Sunday?
  2. Mary likes to go for … walk in the evening.
  3. I’m tired. Let’s have … break.

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