Стратегии выполнения задания C1 (план урока)
план-конспект урока (8 класс) на тему

Урок подготовлен и проведен в 8 классе. На данном уроке применялись различные приемы, формы и методы работы. В ходе урока успользовались компьютер, проектор, экран, презентация. Содержание урока способствует повышению интераса к предмету.


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                                           ВЫСШЕЙ КАТЕГОРИИ

                                                           С.П. ГАГИЕВА

Цель урока: сформировать эффективные стратегии и умения письменного высказывания личного характера (текст неформального письма).

Задачи урока: а) проработать на практике пошаговые способы выполнения задания С1; б) развивать навыки письменной речи: логичного и связного построения высказывания, развитие языковых способностей, готовности к коммуникации; в) воспитывать уважительное отношение к англоязычному этикету, прививать интерес к культуре страны изучаемого языка.

Оборудование: компьютер, проектор, экран, презентация, раздаточный материал.



  1. Greetings
  2. Information about the topic of the lesson.

Today we are going to learn more about the rules of  letter writing in Great Britain. In the course of this lesson you will learn to make difference between different styles. Besides, I will teach you how to structure a letter.


-What styles of writing letters do you know?

-Where can you use each style (in what kind of letters)?

(Reminder: a letter to a company/a person you don’t know; a letter to some official you know (headmaster of school); a letter to your friend or relative.

Exercise 1.(Pair work)   Read the extracts and say whether the language is formal or informal. Prove your ideas.

(Учащимся заранее раздается текст из 4-х отрывков,  Appendix 1)

Exercise 2.On your desks you have a letter. Read it and find words with the same meaning as the words on the blackboard.

(The pupils read the letter silently, then do the matching exercise,  Appendix 2)

  1. Thank you very much          
  2. I am very pleased                
  3. Yes  
  4. Difficult  
  5. Bought  
  6. Much
  7. However
  8. I have to                                
  1. thanks a lot
  2. I’m really glad
  3. yeah
  4. tricky
  5. got
  6. quite a lot
  7.  though
  8.  I’ve got to


-Which of them are more formal/ informal?  



Today I’ll teach you how to structure a personal letter to your friend. I’ll do it with my assistants the comp and the TV.

  • Look, listen and remember.     (Презентация)
  • Let’s sum it up. (Appendix 3)  (план-схема на слайде):
  1. I begin the letter with my address.
  2. I write the date under it.
  3. I write the greeting which includes…
  4. I write the introduction with: a) thanks for the letter;  b) apologies for not writing
  5. I answer my friend’s questions
  6. I ask my questions
  7. I write the conclusion where : a)  I say why I’m finishing my letter; b) I say about future contacts
  8. I write the finishing word
  9. I write my first name under it.

 Exercise 1.  (Pair work)   Where will you write it?  Put down the correct letter in each space.   (Appendix 4)

A – I write Love, or Best wishes, here.

B – I write Dear and my friend’s first name here.

C – I write my first name here.

D – I answer my friend’s questions here.

E – I explain why I’m finishing here.

F – I write the date here.

G– I ask my questions here.

H – I thank my friend for his letter and beg pardon for not answering earlier.

I – I write my address here.

Exercise 2.  Put the different sections of the letter in the correct order.   (Appendix 5)

(Ученикам раздается текст письма, части которого перемешаны)

  1. REFLECTION.                                                                                                                                      What have you learnt today? Do you find it difficult? Do you find it interesting? Do you think you will need it in future?

Thank you for cooperation.


Formal or informal?

Read these extracts from different pieces of writing about films, and decide whether the language is generally formal or informal. Circle the appropriate word above each extract.

A  formal/informal

I saw a great movie last night with Helen. You’d have loved it! It’s called The Score, and it’s about a robbery. De Niro is fab as one of the robbers, and Edward Norton-as usual-is really cool! Great twist at the end, too. I reckon it’s gonna win loads of Oscars.

B  forma/informal

I would be extremely grateful if you could let me know how long I will have to wait from the date of my order until the satellite dish and programme decoder are installed.

C  formal/informal

Although there may well be some kind of connection between violence in society, it’s really not clear what that connection is. It certainly is not the case that the majority of people, after watching a violent film, feel an increased need to commit violent acts. In fact, possibly quite the opposite.

D  formal/informal

As requested, I have visited the three outdoor cinemas currently taking part in the film festival. I have compared them in terms of ticket pricing, facilities, comfort, sound quality and picture quality. My findings are outlined below.


This is part of a letter you received from an English friend:

By the way, in your last letter you said you were going to buy either a video camera or a games machine. Which did you buy, and why? I’d love to hear all about it.

Here is the answer:

Dear Isabelle,

     Thanks a lot for your last letter. I’m really glad you’ve made friends again with Debbie. It’s awful when you have a fight with your best friend, isn’t it?

    Yeah, deciding whether to get a video camera or a games machine was a very tricky decision. If only I had enough money to get both! Anyway, I finally decided that a video camera was more fun. (Well, my dad decided, but I think he was right!)

    The camera I got is really cool, and it was actually quite a bit cheaper than the others I looked at (so I’ve still got some money for when you come over in summer!) It’s not a digital one, but it’s got this great little screen where you can see what you’ve just filmed. The problem is, though, that my dad loves it too, so I don’t get much of a chance to use it!

    Anyway, I’d better go now as I’ve got to study for a history test tomorrow (unfortunately!).

    Write back soon!




Patty has written a letter to her friend Kate. The different sections of her letter have been mixed up. Decide on the correct order of the sections.

6)I haven’t got much news. After a pretty exciting three weeks holiday, it’s back to work non-stop. Steve and I hardly ever see each other at the moment. I’ve also taken to serious volleyball training: two hours every weekend evening, especially difficult as I have to get out of bed to be at the studios by 7a.m.! I was working evenings before Christmas, but I had to change to fit in the volleyball

           1)11th March 20013  


9)Hello, dear. Sorry I haven’t written earlier. I’ve been meaning to but it seems every time I get a quiet moment to put pen to paper the phone rings and I have to go to help with some recording.

4) Enough of me telling you how busy I am. The big question is when are you two coming to stay- we’re dying to see you!? The spare room now has a bed so no excuses. Why don’t you try and make it before the winter? Give us a ring anyway.

3) Love,

        Patty                                       2)Dear Kate,

8) Must rush- as always. Bye and please give Phil a hug from me. I miss you both a lot.

7) 11 Castle St.

                           5) Ps Thanks for the card.




         The structure of the letter

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