Тест по страноведению Великобритании
тест (10 класс) на тему


Тест по  страноведению Великобритании для 10 класса


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Предварительный просмотр:

Answer the questions about the UK

  1. What is the right name of the country?
  1. England Britain B) British Isles C) The United Kingdom

2.What is the capital of the UK? a) Edinburg b)Cardiff c)London

3.Is the UK a)a republic b) a federation c)a constitutional monarchy?

4. Who rules the country?

5. Who is the Prime Minister?

6. He is an important man in… He`s the director of a big bank or insurance company

a)Westminister b)Buckingham c)the City

7. How on earth did you guess his nationality, occupation from his appearance?

You`re a proper a) Robinson Crusoe; b)Sherlock Holmes c) Robin Hood

8.Who is a British actor famous for directing and acting in movies of plays by Shakespeare?

a)Lawrence Oliver b) George Gershwin c) Bonjamin Britten

9. in what century was Oxford Founded? a)11th  b)12th c)19th

10. The hats of the Royal Guard are made of  a)wolf skin b)lamb skin c)bear skin

11.What is the longest river in the UK? a)the Thames b)the Severn c)the Avon

12. the prefix “Mac” of proper names is a sign of…

a) the Scottish origin b)the Irish origin c) the Welsh origin

13. punch and Judy are the names of  a)folk puppet show personages b)very famous criminals

c)comics personages

14.Who is the author of the famous musical “The Phantom of the Opera”?

a) Bonjamin Britten b) Andrew Lloyd Webber c)Arthur Sullivan

15.What is a kilt? a)kind of ornament b)a skirt worn by Scottish men

16. What genre is “Hamlet” by W. Shakespeare referred to? a)comedy b) tragedy c)tragicomedy

17. When did the  bourgeois revolution in the UK take place? a)1740 b)1640 c)1840

18. A spell of sunny weather in October is called

          a) Indian summer b)Women’s summer c)Second summer

19.One of the most popular shops in London is a)IKEA b) Ramstore c)Harrods

20.why was the Monument erected?

a)to decorate the city b)to commemorate the Great Fire c)to honor the heroes of World War II

21. How  is the British Flag called? a)Scaffel Pike b)Union Jack c)Ben Nevis

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