Конспект урока домашнего чтения Alice in Wonderland, L.Carroll
методическая разработка (5 класс) на тему

Материал урока, разработанный для проведения  домашнего чтения по 2 главе книги "Alice in Wonderland"  L.Carroll


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Предварительный просмотр:

Урок домашнего чтения по произведению Л. Кэрролл «Alice in Wonderland»

Цели и задачи урока:


Совершенствование навыков работы с текстом, активизация изученных лексических единиц и речевых оборотов, развитие навыков монологического высказывания.


Развитие и совершенствование коммуникативных умений обучающихся, формирование оценочного суждения, самостоятельного исследовательского подхода.


Формирование лингвистической, тематической и социокультурной компетенции,  активная жизненная позиция и толерантность, стимулирование познавательного интереса, формирование нравственных взглядов и оценок.

Ход урока.

Вступительное слово учителя и речевая разминка.

  1. How are you?
  2. What is the weather like today?
  3. It is fine, isn’t it?
  4. It is cold today, isn’t it?
  5. Is it raining now?
  6. What day of the week is it today?
  7. What day of the week was it yesterday?
  8. What day of the week will it be tomorrow?
  9. What date is it today?

OK! Today is Thursday, the 22d of October.

        Every Thursday we have our home-reading lesson. Today we’ll continue to speak about Alice’s adventures in Wonderland. Your homework was to read and be able to work with Chapter 2. So get ready and let’s start our lesson.

  1. How well do you know the rules of reading?

Which of the words in each line is the odd one out?

  • garden, large, heard,  far, start, dark, after
  • like, nice, bite, cry, notice, time, bright

Well done! Train our grammar!

How well do you know irregular verbs?

Give the second and the third forms of the verbs below:







Now look through the text, find   and read aloud the sentences with these verbs.

While you were looking for the sentences, you’ve gone over the details of the text. Let’s remember some more details. Look at Ex.1.

                Make the right choice:

  1. Alice noticed a table which had
  1. Three legs
  2. Four legs
  3. Five legs

  1. When she opened one of the doors, she saw
  1. A beautiful lake
  2. A beautiful garden
  3. A beautiful castle

  1. When Alice drank from the bottle,
  1. Nothing happened
  2. She began to grow larger
  3. b)        She began to grow smaller

  1.  Alice couldn’t take the key from the table because
  1. The table was too far from her
  2. She was very small
  3. The key was too heavy for her

Now you are going to listen to the recording. You’ll hear the extract twice, then find it in the chapter and read aloud. I’d like your reading to be more emotionally coloured. Do you understand this expression? What do I mean?

“С выражением” I mean. So let’s work in small groups and read some extracts from the text. Try to read your part so that to express all the emotions of the characters.

 The extract is «….Suddenly she noticed a small table which had only three legs……How funny!» she said…..

Well done, Ss for your excellent reading you get a ‘5’.


Now, let’s have a break and do some exercises.

Stand up!

        Hands up!

        Hands down!

        Hands up!

        Move your fingers!

        Hands down!

Sit down! Thank you!

Go on, pupils. Read and answer the questions. You can use the text if it is necessary.

  1. What did Alice see when she found herself in a very large room?
  2. Could she open the doors?
  3. What did she hope to find on the table?
  4. What did she find?
  5. What happened when she drank something from the bottle?
  6. Did she find anything in the box under the table?
  7. What was written on the cake?

Well done, pupils. I see that you know everything. You know the plot of the chapter perfectly.

Now try to put the sentences in the right order:

  1. But the door was too small and she couldn’t get into the garden
  2. Then she noticed a table and a little gold key on it
  3. Now she became so small that she couldn’t take the key from the table
  4. She drank something from the bottle which she found on the table
  5. When Alice looked about she saw many doors
  6. She opened one of the doors with the key and saw a beautiful garden

So, our lesson has come to the end. Did you like it? I think you did. You’ve been so active, so well-prepared. Thank you very much. Listen to your marks for today.

Your homework is to make your projects-comics. Illustrate this chapter!

Good bye, pupils. See you on Thursday.




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