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Письмо для повторения и отработки основных тем 3 класса УМК Forward


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2 Green Street,


12 May

Dear Cody,

Thank you for your letter.

My name is Jill. I am ten years old. My birthday is on the twenty-second of June. I can dance and sing. I like music.

 I live in Sydney. It is in Australia. It is hot and sunny today. We can swim in the sea and play in the beach.

 I live with my parents and my little brother. My mother`s name is Julia. She is thirty four; her birthday is on the third of April. She likes to read. She can play the guitar. She is beautiful.  My father`s name is Alexander. He is thirty seven; his birthday is on the thirteenth of January.  He is tall and strong. My little brother is three. His name is Ben. He can speak but he can`t read and write. He is short.

I get up at half past seven. I have breakfast at quarter to eight. I have tea and pancakes for breakfast. I go to school at ten to eight.  The first lesson starts at nine o`clock. We have four lessons every day. My favorite lesson is Science. We have 2 Science lessons every week. We have science on Wednesday and on Friday. My favorite day is Friday. We have Science, English, Math and Physical Education on Friday.  We have Math and English every day. I like English but I don`t like Math.

I have a pet. It is a cat. Her name is Kitty. She is red. She can`t speak and fly. She can run and jump. I must look after my cat. I must give food and water to my cat. She likes fish and milk. She doesn`t like dogs.

My friend` s name is Mary. She is from Sydney too. She is ten. She can play the drums. She has got a dog. His name is Rob. She must  take her dog for a walk every day.

What`s the weather like in your town? Have you got a pet? Is your family big?



2 Green Street,


12 May

Dear Cody,

Thank you for your letter.

My name is Jill. I am ten years old. My birthday is on the twenty-second of June. I can dance and sing. I like music.

 I live in Sydney. It is in Australia. It is hot and sunny today. We can swim in the sea and play in the beach.

 I live with my parents and my little brother. My mother`s name is Julia. She is thirty four; her birthday is on the third of April. She likes to read. She can play the guitar. She is beautiful.  My father`s name is Alexander. He is thirty seven; his birthday is on the thirteenth of January.  He is tall and strong. My little brother is three. His name is Ben. He can speak but he can`t read and write. He is short.

I get up at half past seven. I have breakfast at quarter to eight. I have tea and pancakes for breakfast. I go to school at ten to eight.  The first lesson starts at nine o`clock. We have four lessons every day. My favorite lesson is Science. We have 2 Science lessons every week. We have science on Wednesday and on Friday. My favorite day is Friday. We have Science, English, Math and Physical Education on Friday.  We have Math and English every day. I like English but I don`t like Math.

I have a pet. It is a cat. Her name is Kitty. She is red. She can`t speak and fly. She can run and jump. I must look after my cat. I must give food and water to my cat. She likes fish and milk. She doesn`t like dogs.

My friend` s name is Mary. She is from Sydney too. She is ten. She can play the drums. She has got a dog. His name is Rob. She must take her dog for a walk every day.

What`s the weather like in your town? Have you got a pet? Is your family big?



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