Сценарий праздника на английском языке "Битва хоров"
материал на тему

Козырева Алла Викторовна

Поведение "Битвы хоров" на иностранных языках: английском, немецком , испанском и французском стало уже традицонным в нашей гмназии №2 города Георгевска. В этом году темой выбора песен стала "Экология". Получилось все очень креативно и зрелещно.


Предварительный просмотр:

The script of the “Battle of the Bands 2017”

The theme is “Ecology”

P1: Hello, ladies and gentlemen!

P2: Hi, everybody!

P1: You know today we are here to enjoy English songs and have fun!

P2: But I think we have come to our concert hall to draw people’s attention to the problems of ecology, because this year is meant to be devoted to environmental care.

P1: Do you think it was hard to find proper songs on the topic?

P2: I’ve no doubt. But our contestants succeeded in doing it and today we are going to enjoy more than a dozen of tremendous songs on ecology in four languages

P1: Let’s get started!

P2: Allow me to welcome the people in the jury: …………..

P1: And now we are getting started.

P2: Do you know that the ocean covers the largest part of the surface of the Earth? And we all depend on it for climate and weather.

P1: So, let’s take an “Ocean drive” first.

9A- tutor O.A.Gatalskaya

P1: But the ocean can turn rough and dangerous

P2: and we are going to be caught by the “Hurricane” now.

9A- tutor E.N.Basanova

P2: But after a spell of bad weather there’s always sunlight.

P1:Welcome “Lovers on the Sun”

9B- tutor N.A. Chistyakova

P1: A human being has not always been a part of the environment of the planet

P2: but today we are the most threatening and violent feature of ecology: “Human”

9C- tutor A.V.Kozyreva

P2:We all love animals, it’s true

P1:Yes, bu some people have a particular taste in pets: butterflies, dragonflies, bees and something of the kind. “Dirty paws” 9C - tutor T.P. Khromykh

P1: People have invented a lot of harmful substances recently

P2: Among them there are loads of  “Radioactive” stuff

10A- tutor T.P. Khromykh

P1: You know, there are still “ecologically friendly” people among us

P2: Yes, they feel happy and relaxed even in the middle of our crazy world “It’s a Beautiful Day” 10A-tutor N.A. Chistyakova

P1: Speaking about happiness we must admit that to have a new start is easy if you are willing

P2: And if you have a person who can say, “Here I Am” to you

10B- tutor N.N. Yarikova

P2: However, not only the planet but people are also victims of the global ecological crisis.

P1: And they are not happy, they need ”Freedom”

10B –tutor A.V.Kozyreva

 P2: When people do not need the place they used to live in they leave it and search for a new one

P1: So, “Farewell to the Dead town” 11А- tutor B.B.Kozyrev

P2: People look for new places and try to gain new experience  because they need love, love in any weather

P1: we look for happiness though “It’s raining Mad”

11A -tutor T.P. Khromykh

 P1: Town environment do not prevent us from enjoying the stars at night

P2: Welcome 11В “The city of Stars”- tutor O.A.Gatalskaya

P2: I do think that our planet is a wonderful place to live on

P1: A real diamond in the universe. Let’s listen to the “Love Song To the Earth”11B-

- tutor N.N. Yarikova


P1: Now we’re going to enjoy songs on ecology in other European languages except English

P2: 10B “La hora del planeta” –tutor A.N.Budanova

P2: And now a French song about children that need water badly

P1: Welcome 10A, B –tutor E.V.Kuprenyuk “Faire des ricochets”

P1: People who are ecologically aware want to change the situation for the better

P2: They are sure to achieve some progress in the near future 10A,B- “Irgendwie, irgendwo, irgendwann’- tutor N.N.Solovykh

P2: Our planet depends on us for protection and care. We are responsible for what we do to the Earth.

P1: “La nature” 11A, B –tutor E.N.Kuprenyuk

P2: You know, I’m sure that despite of all global problems and environmental disasters our planet is a wonderful place to live in

P1: Totally agree, especially if we are in harmony with nature. 11A and 11B - “Sofia” –tutor M.N.Gushchina

P1: Even  Germans are well-informed about the beauty of the Russian landscape, our open-mindness and traditions

P2: 11A,B “Moskau” - tutor N.N.Solovykh

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