Демонстрационный вариант лексико-грамматического теста по английскому языку
методическая разработка (7 класс) на тему

Власкина Ирина Витальевна

Данный тест предназначен для итогового контроля учащихся 7-х классов по УМК Rainbow English


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Предварительный просмотр:


1 вариант

I .Audi: Listen and complete the sentences

  1. How old is Ann? – She is …
  1. Twelve        b) thirteen        c) twenty
  1. Where does Ann live? –  She lives in …
  1. London        b) Brighton        c)Oxford
  1. Is Ann a student? – She is and she goes to … .
  1. a state school        b)a primary school        c)college
  1. How old is Ann’s school? – It is … .
  1. very old        b) quite new             c) fairly old
  1. How many foreign languages does Ann learn?
  1. French and German
  2. English and German
  3. French and English
  1. How does Ann go home? – By ……. .
  1. Train        b) bus        c) bike
  1. What does Ann say about her uniform in the letter? – She……it to school.

a) likes to wear        b) mustn’t wear        c) must wear

       8.  What is Ann interested in? – She likes ….

              a) travelling and skating                b)reading and swimming        c) travelling and swimming  

II. Complete the sentences. Use the words:

to, of, out, back, into, for, in, over

  1.  Jack got a good mark … his English test.  2. Our classes are … . We can go home.. .3. My older brother talked me … the trip to the USA by sea. He said it was a very long voyage. 4. Try and talk him … rereading this text. 5.Never talk … to your grandparents.

III. Choose the right forms to make the sentences complete.

1. It (happen/happened) two centuries ago. 2. If you (come/will come) tomorrow, you (see/will see) Jane. 3. I always (wear/am wearing) a school uniform when I go to school. 4. Tom is very clever. He (speak/is speaking) a lot of foreign languages.

IV. Translate into English:

Математика, дневник, клей, бумага, четверть, начальная школа, стерка,  биология, школьная форма, ошибка.


2 вариант

I. Audi:  Listen and complete the sentences

  1. Ann ……. .
  1. says that children mustn’t go to school to get education
  2. is not certain that schools are the best place to give education
  3. thinks that school are not the best place to give education
  1. Tom……. .
  1. is not sure that schools give a good education in America
  2. says that schooling at home is good for America
  3. is for school education
  1. Ann is sure that parents ….. .
  1. teach children better than school teachers
  2. are better friends for children that teachers
  3. know their children better than school teachers
  1. Tom says that school education is better than home education because
  1. Children learn to do many things together
  2. School have special problems
  3. Boys and girls sleep a lot in the morning

II. Complete the sentences. Use the words:

to, of, out, back, into, for, in, over

  1.  I do not know what happened … them yesterday.  2. I’ m tired ….. writing dictations. 3. Never talk … to people who are older than you.  4. What are your usual marks … Russian? 5. I’ll pay … your lunch.

III. Choose the right forms to make the sentences complete.

  1. Julia didn’t want to break the rules, but in fact she (break/broke) them. 2. I bought a new dictionary last week and (pay/paid) 30 dollars for it. 3. I am not sure what mark he (will get/gets) for the test. 4. It was Sunday morning. I (get /got up) at 7 o’clock.

IV. Translate into English:

Мел, портфель, перемена, литература, оценка, химия, одноклассник, средняя школа, физкультура, словарь.


1 Вариант

I.Вставь в предложения местоимения my,her, its,our

  1. Ann has a ring. It is ____ ring.
  2. I am Mary. Bob and Jane are ___parents.
  3. We have a car. It is ___ car.
  4. Ann has a teddy-bear. ___ teddy – bear is on the chair.

             II. Выберите правильную форму глагола

  1. I (like/likes) apples, my brother (like/likes) bananas.
  2. My dad (swim/swims) in the morning.
  3. We (ride/rides) our bikes by the lake.
  4. Harry and Emily (meet/meets) by a big old tree.

III. Вставьте пропущенные буквы

B_ke, p_nk, n_me, k_ngaroo, ri_g, b_nk, mo_ning,so_g, aftern_ _n,


IV. Вставьте have/has

  1. I ____ a dog.
  2. My mum ____a red book.
  3. My mum and I ____ a nice house
  4. His parents ____ two pets.


2 Вариант

  1. Вставь в предложения местоимения their, your, his, her, its
  1. Rick and Alice have a house. ___ house has towers.
  2. Is it ___ dog, Jack? What is ___ name?
  3. Mark has a kite. ___ kite is in the sky.
  4. Sandy has a dog. ___ dog likes bones.

       II. Выберите правильную форму глагола

  1. The elf (feed/feeds) her pet.
  2. You (kiss/kisses) your mum goodnight.
  3. They (sleep/sleeps) at night.
  4. My parents (help/helps)my grandad.

  1. Вставьте пропущенные буквы

Clo_k, wi_g, son_, _vening, pla_,clo_n, bo_, g_rl, d_ _r, n_me.

IV. Вставьте have/has

  1. She ____ a green duck.
  2. They  ____a big clock.
  3. My dad and I ____ six roses
  4. My brother ____ a belt.

По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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