Конспект урока "Здоровое питание" 7 класс
план-конспект урока (7 класс) на тему

Иванова Альбина Николаевна

Конспект урока "Здоровое питание" 7 класс


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Муниципальное бюджетное общеобразовательное учреждение

 «Средняя общеобразовательная школа №16 с углубленным изучением отдельных предметов»

 Нижнекамского муниципального района Республики Татарстан

Конспект урока по английскому языку  в 7 а классе

"Здоровое питание"

"Healthy food"


учитель английского языка

                                                                                                                                            Иванова А.Н.



Тип урока:  урок получения нового знания.

УМК: «Enjoy English» 7 класс, Биболетова М.З.

Цель урока: 

-        развитие способности к комбинированию и трансформированию речевых единиц, способности осуществлять продуктивные речевые действия на английском языке;

-        развивать навыки интерактивного чтения, умения делать выводы.

Задачи урока:

1. Образовательная:

-        расширить общий и филологический кругозор учащихся; активизировать и совершенствовать актуальный словарный запас 


-         создать условия для развития таких аналитических способностей учащихся, как умение анализировать, сопоставлять, сравнивать , обобщать, делать выводы; создать условия для развития памяти, внимания, воображения; содействовать формированию  самостоятельной познавательной деятельности

3. Воспитательная:

-         воспитывать пищевую культуру, ценностное отношение к собственному здоровью.

Планируемый результат:

- понимать  информацию на слух по заданной теме;

- уметь правильно строить высказывания на английском языке по заданной теме (совершенствование устной речи).

Подробный конспект урока

Этапы урока

Деятельность учителя

Деятельность учащихся

I. Организационный момент (мотивация к учебной деятельности)

Цель – настроить на общение на английском языке.

- Good morning, students! (слайд )

- Nice to see you!

- Sit down, please! How are you, boys and girls?

- Are you ready to start our lesson?

- Let’s do it!

Цель – включиться в иноязычное общение

  • Good afternoon, teacher!
  • Nice to see you too!

II. Постановка цели и задача урока.

Цель – поставить познавательную задачу.

Today we continue to discuss our topic “Healthy Way of Life”.

Before discussing new points let’s look around. Look at the blackboard!

You see a quotation. Let’s read it.

 (слайд )

What's the main idea of that quotation?

You are right. So, today we will talk about  food. Let's have a kind of discussion at the beginning of the lesson.

But first lets warm up to the lesson:

Students, sit comfortably. Close your eyes. Listen to your breathing.

Feel its rhythm and depth. Feel yourself breathe-in and breathe-out.

Remember the most pleasant moment of your life. …Try to fix this feeling. …

Thank you. Open your eyes.

Before I start asking the questions look at your desk. You see a sheet of paper. So,  during the lesson we will fill it and the mini project will be the result of our lesson. Everything is clear?

Цель – сформулировать задачу урока

The pupils read and comment on the quotation

"Let food be the medicine and medicine be the food"

The main idea is that healthy food is like a medicine for every person and it plays very important role in our life

Students do the following actions and warm up to the lesson

III. Актуализация знаний

Цель – совершенствовать умения и навыки устной речи

What are the names of the different food groups?

There is one more group -  "pulses" which means "бобовые"(слайд )

Can you briefly describe me each group?

You have mentioned the word "vitamins". What kinds of vitamins do you know?


Thank you. And what about perfect breakfast? Is it just a cup of coffee like at the first picture? (слайд )

Ok. But can I eat everything that I want if I want to be slim? (слайд )

The word "dieting". What can you tell me about it? I mean is it good or bad to be on a diet? (слайд )

Do you know something about vegetarians? (слайд )

That is why you should think about your health and go to our canteen and eat healthy food

So, as you have said if I want to be slim I should eat everything but in a balanced manner.

What else I should know? Maybe I have to combine healthy food with something else?


What do sportsmen eat?

And what about soft drinks? (слайд )

Ok. Let's write a scheme about healthy food and why it's important (слайд )

Цель – повторить пройденный материал, применить его в новой ситуации

-Milk, meat


-Fats and sugar

-Fruits and vegetables

A. Cereals

Cereals form the bulk of our daily meals. They are the main and also the cheapest source of energy. Cereals and grains are things like bread, rice, potatoes and noodles. These foods give us the energy we need. Half of what we eat every day should come from this group.

B. Pulses

 Pulses, as you know, are a good source of protein specially for those who are vegetarians. They also contain vitamin B, calcium and iron.

C. Milk, Egg and Flesh Foods

 Meats and proteins are foods like chicken, fish, duck, eggs, nuts, beans and tofu. These foods give us important minerals and help us to build and repair our bodies.

 Dairy foods are things like milk, yoghurt and cheese. These foods give us calcium (кальций) which helps to make our teeth and bones strong.

 D. Fruits and Vegetables

Fruit and vegetables give us lots of vitamins and minerals and help us grow and stay healthy. We should eat five portions of fruit and vegetables every day.

E. Fats and Sugar

Fats and sugars are things like oils, biscuits, sweets, chocolate and ice cream. These foods give us energy and are important for our nervous system.

Students give short information about Vitamin: A, B1, C, D, E, B6, K

Yes, coffee can wake you up, but this only lasts temporarily. The best way to combat this is to eat a combination of low-fat protein and carbohydrates for breakfast with your coffee. 
While planning a meal if we use food from all the food groups, then we are sure that we will get all the nutrients. Such a diet will be known as balanced meal.

There are a number of problems connected with dieting. Low diets, for example, restrict the amount of bread, sugar, and grains while maintaining a normal amount of proteins and fats. Most people experience low blood pressure after only a few days on such diets.

Diets high in fats are harmful for people with heart disease.

High proteins diets can be kept for only a short period of time and are dangerous for anyone with diabetes and other medical problems.

There is a serious problem of starvation, because it can lead to coma. It can be practiced only under strict medical supervision.

Humanitarian vegetarians refuse meat because they believe that killing of animals is unnecessary or cruel. People who are keen on vegetarianism for health reasons believe that meat is harmful to the human body and that vegetable diet is more effective.

Sport is also plays very important role in our life.


Sport is very important in our life. It is popular among people of all ages because it helps them to keep fit. Many people who go in for sports have a lot of advantages in comparison with those who don’t like sport. First of all, all sportsmen become healthy and strong, sport helps them to keep fit, not to catch a cold.

The same answer - healthy food

It is important to understand that water is the source of life in any living being.

  1. Динамическая пауза

Цель этапа: смена учебной деятельности на уроке

Цель – обеспечить возможность отвлечения и релаксации учащихся.

- Let’s have a rest!

We spoke about sport, let's sing song and move a little bit

Who wants to help me? Maybe our sportsmen girls, runners?

Цель – сделать перерыв в учебной деятельности.

Students sing song (karaoke)and do some exercises

V.Добывание новых знаний


Цель – продолжить работу и получить новые знания

Students, do you like Burger King or McDonalds?                        Yes!

Why?                                                                                               It's so tasty and unusual!

Ok, now I give you a text about such kind of food

Let's read it and fill the table about junk food

Junk food

Do you know a person who has never been to McDonald's? McDonald's restaurants sell what is called "fast" or "junk" food — hamburgers, chips, cheeseburgers, fruit cocktails (milkshakes) and soft drinks, pizza, fried food, popcorn. Such food is very popular.

Why do so many people eat junk food? There are three main reasons for the popularity of such food: 1. Caloric content. 2. Availability 3. Taste qualities.

But experts say that fast food makes people overweight and even obese (obesity) and elevates the risk of diabetes and cancer. If your food includes hamburgers, Coke you are facing a serious problem threatening your health like problems with blood preasuse, causes depression, headaches, kidney disease. Such food is full of chemical additives. For example, a can of Coke contains about eight teaspoons of sugar. So, you can have problems with teeth-dental problems. Teenagers have problems with skin - acne

We should try to avoid fast food and eat more fruit and vegetables. So let's remember about our health and make the right choice.

What problem  is getting bigger and bigger around the world?

Of course - obesity

Let's do listening. Please mark the statements True or False during the listening


Obesity is a problem that is getting bigger and bigger around the world. It really hits rich countries. When people have money, they buy a lot of the wrong food. They become lazy and eat fast food. They also forget about exercise and sit in front of the TV instead. The worrying thing is that more and more children are suffering from obesity. This is a big problem. The number of overweight kids I see today is amazing. I think the reason is quite simple – junk food, video games and the Internet. When I was growing up, I had a balanced diet. I also spent most of my free time outdoors. I spent hours every day on my bike or playing football. Kids today hardly go outside. They are glued to one kind of screen or another – TV, computer or games console.

1.When people have money, they buy a lot of the healthy food.

2. They forget about exercise and sit in front of the TV

3. Kids today hardly go outside they like TV, computer or games console.

Let's make a dialogue about junk food

Let's do Clock buddies

-What is it ''junk food'?

- It is chips, ..........................

- Why is it so dangerous for our heath?

- The risks of junk food are:...................

So, and now watch a little video about junk food

What's the main idea of that video?       The main idea is that junk food can kill you and we should think about our health

VI. Итог урока

Цель – подведение изученного материала урока, установить соответствие  полученного результата к поставленной цели

- Thank you for your work!

- In conclusion I’d like you to make some recommendations:

I'll tell you the statement and you will say me "yes" or "no":

*More water, less Coca

*More junk, less healthy food

*Do sport and follow balanced diet

Цель – осуществить констатирующий и прогнозирующий контроль по результату и способу действия




VII. Информация о домашнем задании, инструктаж по его выполнению

Цель – развитие навыков изучающего и поискового чтения

Write down your home task.

To make up a short summary of the text about junk food and snacks

The lesson is over. Goodbye. Have a good day

Цель – осмыслить и записать домашнее задание


Junk food

Do you know a person who has never been to McDonald's? McDonald's restaurants sell what is called "fast" or "junk" food — hamburgers, chips, cheeseburgers, fruit cocktails (milkshakes) and soft drinks, pizza, fried food, popcorn. Such food is very popular.

Why do so many people eat junk food? There are three main reasons for the popularity of such food: 1. Caloric content. 2. Availability 3. Taste qualities.

But experts say that fast food makes people overweight and even obese (obesity) and elevates the risk of diabetes and cancer. If your food includes hamburgers, Coke you are facing a serious problem threatening your health like problems with blood preasuse, causes depression, headaches, kidney disease. Such food is full of chemical additives. For example, a can of Coke contains about eight teaspoons of sugar. So, you can have problems with teeth-dental problems. Teenagers have problems with skin - acne

We should try to avoid fast food and eat more fruit and vegetables. So let's remember about our health and make the right choice.

Junk food

Do you know a person who has never been to McDonald's? McDonald's restaurants sell what is called "fast" or "junk" food — hamburgers, chips, cheeseburgers, fruit cocktails (milkshakes) and soft drinks, pizza, fried food, popcorn. Such food is very popular.

Why do so many people eat junk food? There are three main reasons for the popularity of such food: 1. Caloric content. 2. Availability 3. Taste qualities.

But experts say that fast food makes people overweight and even obese (obesity) and elevates the risk of diabetes and cancer. If your food includes hamburgers, Coke you are facing a serious problem threatening your health like problems with blood preasuse, causes depression, headaches, kidney disease. Such food is full of chemical additives. For example, a can of Coke contains about eight teaspoons of sugar. So, you can have problems with teeth-dental problems. Teenagers have problems with skin - acne

We should try to avoid fast food and eat more fruit and vegetables. So let's remember about our health and make the right choice.

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